Chapter 574 A Visit from the Old Dragon King (Two Updates!)

Earth/Willow City
Although it was not a very hearty experience, it was barely a warm-up.

Yi Xia, who had returned from the Yuren's territory, temporarily curbed the eagerness to fight.

At this time on the earth, it is already noon.

The sun was scorching hot, making the ground a little hot.

Yi Xia looked into the distance, and looked at Liucheng, which seemed to show some kind of ambiguous aura in the rising heat.

When the weather is hot, more people go to the mountains for a walk during the day than before.

Yi Xia took a look, most of them were some older surrounding residents.

Although Yi Xia didn't take the initiative to do anything.

But after all, relatively speaking, he stayed here for a long time.

Although the power of the auspicious protoss has not weakened with the expansion of the coverage area.

But as an existence that currently gathers many auspicious characteristics, Yi Xia's life breath in a non-combat state has already acquired some incomprehensible powers.

For the lives around here, it can naturally bring about some changes.

In the simplest terms:

Although Yi Xia didn't directly absorb the plague energy.

But in Liucheng, disaster elements such as plague are much rarer than in other areas.

From a macro point of view, there is probably no change for a while.

The place where it finally landed was on those old faces whose complexions gradually changed...

And as Yi Xia's life force and auspicious characteristics continue to strengthen, this characteristic will naturally not be limited to Liucheng.

It's just that compared to the direct ability of the protoss, there will be a reduction with the expansion of the radiation area.

Of course, at that time, Yi Xia felt that if he wanted to release his witch body form on the earth.

I'm afraid I can only run to the universe...

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about "not being able to go home" due to the majestic shape of the witch body.

Between the witch and the plane, there is mutual promotion.

To some extent, the close connection between the two is unmatched by any other element.

This point can be seen from Wu's intention.

There is no such thing as an ordinary extraordinary existence that touches the conceptual level at the stage of an apprentice.

Yi Xia silently stared at all this with eyes filled with endless flames.

Speaking of it, it was probably Cang Zhong and the others' actions that finally paid off.

Now, some messy guys are no longer seen on this hill.

The mountain wind brought the neighbors chattering in a nearby alley, and the old houses that were originally idle at the foot of the mountain were suddenly sold very hot during this period.

Although there is no official news released, it has not been able to capture any rumors.

But people still give full play to their imagination:

Some people think that a new shopping mall will be built here, and some people think that some university may move here.

And the final consensus is-people feel that there is a high probability that this place will be developed.

Therefore, the residents who were planning to sell this old house in the suburbs immediately held back and prepared to wait and see.

Can wait and see, wait and see, as if there is no movement at all.

There was neither an open tender nor a related plan released. Even in the latest city plan issued by the Liucheng City Government, this area has only been added with the somewhat nondescript label of an urban landscape protection area.

Could it be that they are planning to develop scenic spots and just break the ground?

As a result, the residents who were still restrained became a little tangled.

Yi Xia just stood on the mountain and listened silently.

Of course he won't interfere with these.

Although it doesn't look special here, Yi Xia knows that there are a few "little guys" on the top of his head staring at this place [-]/[-].

After the relatively chaotic adaptation period in the early stage, everything has now tended to a certain calm state.

At least, under his nose, no one should dare to show the diversity of human beings.

While Yi Xia was listening to the chatter of those neighbors with great interest, his heart suddenly moved.

Then, a new prompt message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have a new message, please click to check it with consciousness..."

"Integrated Network Area Reminder: The Earth Allies Thirteen Dragon Palace has applied for a friendship visit (currently unprocessed)"

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and he had a vague premonition.

It stands to reason that the Thirteenth Dragon Palace would probably not come to him for nothing.

And recently, he didn't seem to go to any plane to hunt for food.

Thinking about it this way, Yi Xia suddenly became a little clear.

A little inspiration emerged from Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames. Following the guidance of his feeling, he opened the item backpack.

In that area that he specially cleared out to place certain debris that is not suitable for staying on the earth.

A feather that seemed to be still stained with blood was lying there quietly...

Yi Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about it.

The old Dragon King is probably here to be a peacemaker this time...

Speaking of which, that guy has a trick.

Yazi's protoss failed to lock on to the other party, but let the other party directly find his heel.

I would like to see, who is so sacred...

After thinking up to this point, Yi Xia clicked on the message with consciousness.

As he expected, it was the old dragon king who had been invited to the banquet after the Huashan sparring event.

But he didn't directly mention that matter in the message, but mentioned that one of his dragon girls discovered an old thing of a great witch when he was cleaning up the treasure house with a kind of relative.

It is not only an old thing of the great witch, but also a close friend of Dragon Palace.

Naturally, why should I take this thing and examine it closely with Yi Xia...

Yi Xia smiled after reading it.

This old dragon king...

Could that be his former concubine?

Let him maintain it like this.

Can the old things of the great witch be buried in the treasure house of the Dragon Palace without being known by the old Dragon King?
As long as the intelligence is higher than 10 points, I am afraid that they will not believe it.

Just like the Dragon King of the East China Sea invited the person from Huaguo Mountain to "look at it carefully" to Dinghaishenzhen.

The doorway in this naturally needs no words.

Yi Xia couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

According to his current temperament, he had to talk to the owner of the feather no matter what.

Those who work with monsters, and also provide assistance for this.

Yi Xia's handling of this has never been complicated...

Now it seems that maybe there is something inside?
Yi Xia didn't think that the old Dragon King really dared to run in front of him with a bloody monster.

Yi Xia has no room for tolerance or retreat for the monsters that slaughtered humans.

In this way, Yi Xia made up his mind.

He opened the comprehensive network panel with his consciousness, and tried to click through the ally visit activity with his consciousness.

On the other side, several integrated network players who were scattered in various cities on the earth stopped what they were doing.

They looked at the reminder message refreshed on their retinas and fell into deep thought.



What did the big witch do again...

(End of this chapter)

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