Chapter 581 The War Between Insects and Humans (One Update!)

Before that, Yi Xia's impression of the Zerg was still limited to some one-sided and trivial information.

To put it simply, it is a kind of verbal confrontation that is widely used in the exchange forums of integrated network players, but in fact, the vast majority of integrated network players have no real contact.

After all, when it comes to the emergence of real cosmic Zerg, it often means a war at the cosmic level.

Even the most minor friction is not something that most copy frameworks with limited total amount can bear.

In general, the labels given to Yi Xia by the Cosmic Zerg on the comprehensive network player exchange forum are:
Powerful, able to fight, efficient, easy to live...

In a sense, this thing is really a dangerous existence that can be derived from a worm to a civilization.

In addition to the obvious characteristics and hideous appearance of the Zerg on these surfaces, their power and development in psychic power are even more obscure.

Then again, from the perspective of food, Yi Xia actually doesn't like Zerg's style of painting very much.

The planet's weak gravity seemed to add an extra layer of lubricant to his frenzied flight.

When Yi Xia violently smashed open a large group of clouds containing intense radiation particles, along with the bursting clouds, Yi Xia's field of vision was occupied by a hideous black color:

On the horizon of the distant land, there are ferocious Zerg rushing like a dark wave!

And on the sky above its head, the densely packed Zerg races of various shapes can even cover the sky and block out the sun.

This scene reminded Yi Xia of the scene of fighting demons in the universe.

And with the appearance of insect swarms that seemed to depress the air a lot, Yi Xia sensed a malicious, seemingly familiar gaze.

The leader?

Yazi's protoss power allowed Yi Xia to lock onto the existence standing in the swarm wave in the first place.

It is taller than most of the Zerg, but it is no longer as bloated as Yi Xia observed before.

Instead, it vaguely presents a human-like appearance, and even has a clear face with human female characteristics.

It seems that he sensed Yi Xia's gaze, or felt provoked.

In the next moment, a psionic force full of violent and evil thoughts suddenly exploded beside Yi Xia!


The invisible and violent psionic power tears apart all the surrounding objects!
They hit Yi Xia's transformed armor, sparking bright energy sparks one after another.

For a moment, Yi Xia's majestic body seemed to be wrapped in a ball of bright fireworks.

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, without any warmth or pity.

He stared at the Zerg leader who was attacking him in the distance, and the next moment, the Wu Banner came out in response.

Then, under the suddenly compressed violent force, it suddenly shot towards the ground!



The Will of the Swarm-Naulin looked at the witch banner that shrouded the sky like a shadow.

The breath of impending death made it make a decision in the blink of an eye.

Without the slightest hesitation, Naurin suddenly switched positions with the charging Zerg in the distance.

next moment:

The planet, which already lacks sufficient gravity, can no longer hold the earth so firmly.

For a moment, it was as if the whole planet was shaking.

The earth jumped up suddenly!
The huge shock wave directly knocked countless Zerg to the ground.

The violent force crushed their internal organs.

Even a body as solid as gold and stone cannot survive such a violent impact.

And with the rise of a huge mushroom cloud, the swarms could see that the place Naurin originally occupied was covered by a huge mountain-like flag!

Titan race?

Naurin stared at the majestic figure that could not be ignored in the distant sky.

It doesn't know what that is.

All Naulin knows is:
It has to die here!

The gentle humanity that once remained in the spirituality gradually faded away, and the cold and deep spiritual energy like the starry sky appeared in Naulin's eyes.

The cold death, like a raging flame, scorched its soul.

It seems that at this moment, it is already in the flaming hell compiled by humans.

Naurin understood the danger of the other party immediately.

But the real Zerg has never been afraid of death.

They rushed to it, just like the graceful and ferocious maneuvers engraved in the genes of the Zerg race...

And at this moment, the earth shook violently again!
That was the movement caused by the Wu Banner being roughly pulled out from the deeply embedded ground!
And Yi Xia, who was still in the distant sky, suddenly appeared in the place where the Wu Banner fell, which is also the hinterland where the insect swarm is currently...




Hess had never seen such frequent earthquakes on this barren planet.

The workers who brought him out of the Zerg territory before had already left.

Hess, who has no means of transportation, can only move forward with difficulty with a pair of legs.

He is now bare-handed, without even the most basic armor.

If he encounters any unexpected situation, he has no good way except for the weak psionic power he can barely use now.

Fortunately, there are no other dangers on this planet - where the Zerg are, they are the biggest and only danger.

Even so, the sudden earthquake still brought Hess a lot of trouble.

When the vibration was the most violent, Hess could only tightly hug the weathered rocks with rough edges on the ground.

Even so, he was knocked down a few times.

Fortunately, he didn't suffer any injuries—his body didn't seem to be weakened by the Zerg's imprisonment, and he was even much stronger than before in a trance.

Of course, Hess only felt that it was some psychological effect that he had not obtained the right to walk freely for a long time.

So, what is Naulin going crazy about?

The continuous earthquakes made Hess aware of the abnormality.

It's not like a natural geographic variation...

If earthquakes occurred so frequently on this planet, the Zerg would not choose this place as their base camp.

After all, there is still some distance from the "dead planet", and there are more adaptable planets around.

Hess's heart suddenly rose.

He was a little scared, this is the outbreak of an all-out war between humans and Zerg.

It is only under such circumstances that such a situation can occur.

But this is the direction where the human troops are stationed. Along the way, Hess did not see any traces of warships or transport ships in the buffer zone.

And just after Hess staggered forward with difficulty for a while, he suddenly noticed something cold pressing against his back:
"Tell me, traitor, what did it make you say?"

Hess raised his hands and turned around slowly. He saw a human soldier covered in gravel.

Hess didn't know him, and could only see the uncontrollable disgust and hostility in his strange eyes.

"Has war broken out?"

Hess asked.

He got no answer, but a cold sleeping shot...

(End of this chapter)

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