Chapter 585 Wu Kui's Doubts (One Update!)

The practice of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage is always gradual.

But for individuals, there will always be some differences.

Just like people walking on the same road, different angles and orientations will also lead to deviations in the scenery of their respective fields of vision.

Therefore, among the many written accounts of inherited knowledge, there are very few that focus on describing the subtle changes in each stage.

At most, it only mentions changes in phased breakthroughs.

After all, the Web doesn't apply universally to all life in the multiverse.

In the absence of direct presentations such as comprehensive web panels, the realm of practitioners will inevitably fall into some chaotic divisions.

Of course, some people later tried to integrate a set of promotion routes for the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree.

But without exception all failed.

Even Taoism, which occupies an extremely important position in most of the extraordinary civilizations of the Eastern lineage, has many internal differences on this.

Practicing Qi?Foundation building?Jindan?

Or after the fairy, the prefix is ​​constantly increasing.

These can only be relatively widely popular in the scripts of various fairy tales.

From this aspect, is it considered a success?
Now, Wu Kui is facing some confusion.

After obtaining Lei Fa's inheritance, she has been practicing diligently.

After mutual verification and communication with other practitioners, Wu Kui further expanded and tried to make "localized adaptive adjustments" to certain practice methods.

After all, before the rise of science and technology, natural thunder was an element of thunder that humans could relatively more easily come into contact with.

As for man-made thunder, it can only be used after the thunder method has been completed.

At that time, Lei Fa's practice had extremely important factors for the environment, inheritors and predecessors' guidance.

And now, let alone 220v for home use.

Those high-voltage lines that are enough to show destructive lightning in the material world have already become some kind of common scenery.

As far as this level is concerned, Lei Fa does not lack ordinary cultivation resources in contemporary times.

On the other hand, Wu Kui naturally couldn't find a teacher.

She also went to famous mountain Taoist temples all over the country with a few friends who also set foot in the world of practice.

It's a pity that I haven't met many people who seem to have cultivation.

Even if there are, most of them are those who have a clear mind and enter the Tao with their minds.

Familiar with hundreds of Taoist schools, practice for half a lifetime.

Only in the twilight years can we get the wonderful taste.

Of course, this is also somewhat related to bad luck.

If the world had changed earlier, Wu Kui felt that none of them would be able to fight...

Therefore, after returning, she devoted herself to practicing more.

During this period, the development of small techniques, including but not limited to mobile phone charging, electromagnetic ignition, etc., also verified her thinking to a certain extent.

But this also brought new troubles:

Probably due to the unlimited supply of weak electricity and diligent practice, Wu Kui's progress has improved by leaps and bounds.

Although it took Wu Kui a lot of time to adjust and try the optimal weak electric element many times.

It even made the relative resource requirements even rarer, but Ji Shuan, who was supported by money-making ability, completed a short curve overtaking in a certain period of time.

But it didn't take long for Wu Kui to complete the overtake at a speed that could be called super speed.

However, if it's just an increase in mana, then naturally there won't be much trouble.

If everything is done step by step, there are not many practitioners of extraordinary civilizations of the Eastern lineage who are "different from ordinary people" from the outside.

But this is clearly not the case now:

With the uncontrollable and sudden lightning in his eyes, Wu Kui's eyes, which had been stained with a little mist due to the heat rising from the bath, showed a scattered arc of electricity.

Probably because he was devastated and finally didn't want to suffer anymore.

After a brief silence, the entire mirror suddenly exploded!

Wu Kui subconsciously set up her mana to block the impact of the mirror fragments.

Leaning on the remaining mirror on the wall, Wu Kui can see the blurred appearance now:

Those were a pair of pupils glowing with red lightning...

In the classics of inheritance, there is no mention of this kind of mutation.

And when she was sleeping recently, she occasionally dreamed of a strange-looking black dog.

The dream was very clear, not a chaotic dream that I couldn't remember after waking up and chewing on the aftertaste.

Wu Kui stood barefoot in front of the bathroom, lost in thought.

From the perspective of power, the strength of this newly emerged explicit ability is beyond doubt.

This is still just uncontrolled natural excitation.

If it is manipulated consciously, it should be powerful enough to pierce through flesh and blood.

To put it simply, it is lethal enough...

But why is there such a change?

Wu Kui was puzzled.

She didn't go out these days, she just stayed here and meditated.

Therefore, Wu Kui naturally thought of the black dog that occasionally appeared in her dreams.

Wu Kui's interest in dogs is average, just like many people, she will try to tease puppies that are more handsome, but adult dogs will only take a look at them from a distance.

Naturally, there will be no obsessions.

So, why?

Wu Kui is going to study it with her friends.

This is also a helpless move without the guidance of the predecessors.

As for a certain great witch?

Wu Kui thought for a while, if there is such a thing as a school of art.

That big witch is obviously not an academic school...

And just when Wu Kui was puzzled by her own mutation, in a certain corner of the earth
In the midst of the incense, the old man opened the door a little to let the smoke in the room disperse.

This is a place for worshiping ancestors. According to local traditional customs, there are no windows built.

Therefore, someone needs to take special care of it, so as not to lose the water and lose the lintel.

The old man is specialized in doing this, and it has been some years now that he thinks about it.

When he left, it was impossible to tell who it was.

Maybe it was Lao Qi, his body was still strong, and he must have lived longer than himself.

It seems that some strange things have happened recently. Every time the old man wakes up at night, he can see the room glowing red.

At first he thought it was water, so he opened the door in a panic, but saw nothing.

All the ancestral cards stand safely in the incense.

The old man was silent, and he planted a few new incense sticks and bowed before leaving.

He didn't talk about it with others, but he had some understanding in his heart.

Seventy is rare since ancient times, naturally it is an age where confusion and sobriety coexist occasionally.

After thinking about it, the old man gradually understood.

In the past few years, this small village has never had such a powerful person...

There are also some clay statues of gods, which should be regarded as power to stop people's hearts.

The old man himself never believed in it, and only added some to his ancestors after sharing incense.

Thinking about it now, there is no other possibility.

The old man looked at a certain wooden sign that he had moved to the middle of the ancestral tablet. Perhaps it was the effect of incense and fire, and the wooden sign that was originally made of high-quality wood was showing some indescribable agility at this time.

I should have done something good for the Wu family, right?

The old man thought a little anxiously.

Naturally, there are rules for incompatibility. After all, it is an ancestral temple, and statues of gods must be placed next to the ancestral wooden sign.

But if you really want to say it, it's okay.

Since the surname is Wu, how can anyone follow him?
The surnames of witches all over the world can always return to the ancient time when man and god are indistinguishable.

Therefore, worshiping this kind of wooden plaque is much more popular than those statues of Bodhisattvas and gods nearby.

It's a pity, but I didn't leave a name...

The old man thought regretfully.

(End of this chapter)

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