Chapter 597 Arthur Les Luke's Wrath (One more update!)

The multiverse is vast and boundless, and beyond the material world that is difficult to peek into, there is a wider and more colorful space.

Arthur Les Luke-Morning Star...-Death is a majestic monster that is swimming in a certain universe full of bright starlight.

Some call them protoss, others see them as ancient gods.

But more often than not, it is difficult for mortal things to penetrate the sky filled with violent and violent energy, and witness these ancient beings who truly escaped from the material world freely.

Arthur Les Luke has long forgotten the population information it corresponds to.

In its view, perhaps only those pathetic mortal beings subject to short lives need the weak fetters of collectives, races, and civilizations.

A creature like it doesn't need those fragile things at all.

As for the record?

Its name is the precipitation of everything it has experienced.

Whenever he handles something that Arthur Luke thinks is magnificent or interesting enough, Arthur Luke may record it in his real name.

With the precipitation of endless time, the names and taboos that may record older years in the genealogy and history books than ordinary things naturally become irreversibly lengthy.

It is hard for people to imagine how an existence like Arthur Les Luke would spend his day.

Arthur Luke didn't know either.

It always listens to its own heart.

And in the last hundred years it has indulged in a new hobby:
Play as the "protoss" that mortals mistake for.

It will listen to those faint calls, trying to understand the thoughts of those tiny beings.

Of course, the occasional differences in cognition of life class will inevitably lead to some small deviations...

But perhaps it is also because of Arthur Les Luke's "generosity" in this deviation.

In some mortal things, it has gradually gained some believers.

Arthur Luke doesn't need faith, but it thinks it's an interesting thing.

Just like human children and even adults, sometimes they stop their steps temporarily because of the busy ants on the ground.

After staring like a god, with his likes and dislikes and will, he forcibly endows the ant colony with rich blessings or destruction.

And for something like Arthur Les Luke, the rush of a hundred years is just a moment of staring at that mortal thing.

There don't seem to be many interesting mortal things lately, and Arthur Les Luke has come into contact with too many mortal things in the decades that have passed.

It feels like it's starting to creep in, apathetic to a game that once seemed so fresh.

Perhaps in another few decades, it will no longer be able to derive pleasure from it.

It's really a sad thing.

Time is too long, the universe is too vast, but joy is always so short and scarce.

Arthur Luke thought so.

And just when Arthur Luke was feeling emotional about this, it heard a familiar call again.

If I remember correctly, it wasn't long before the other party contacted it.

Everything is always like this...

Frequent and repetitive, like their short lives.

Fortunately, Arthur Les Luke was generous and patient.

It guides the fragile spirituality with ease and presents it in front of itself.

It is difficult for the other party to see the whole picture of himself, and he always feels that it is a talking sphere emitting blue light.

Arthur Les Luke could sense the other party's impolite thoughts.

For this, it is not angry.

Just like if everything can understand the words of ants, there will probably be people squatting on the side of the road silently listening.

Who would make a ridiculous statement because of an ant's pale cognition of its own smallness and short life?

It just feels good.

In a sense, compared to those insignificant gold, this is the motivation and the real reward that Arthur Luke enjoys.

So today, what kind of stupid question does this mortal thing bring?
Arthur Les Luke is full of anticipation...



Yan Mo closed her eyes slightly, she could no longer smell the fragrance of flowers in the yard.

Some kind of mysterious power lingers around her.

Invisibly, Yan Mo seemed to feel some kind of majestic gaze.

The next moment, Yan Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

As she tried before, a magnificent sphere with no end in sight appeared in her eyes.

If it wasn't that she didn't see any main gods, systems and other things appearing, Yan Mo felt that she would have a very strong sense of déjà vu.

"Hello, this is the question I want to ask you today."

Yan Mo restrained her thoughts, and then handed over the file in her hand.

Yan Mo doesn't know whether this is the share that Dabei gave her.

Just judging from the fact that the gold carried can really disappear every time, whether it is true or false depends on whether the other party is willing to do so.

Anyway, judging from the previous few times, there are things like paper to record the problem.

Although it was not returned to her every time, when she broke away from this magnificent scene, those papers lay in her hands safe and sound.

"New problems, new costs..."

Arthur Luke said slowly in the tone of the protoss.

Afterwards, the file in Yan Mo's hand opened slowly and naturally without any external interference.

This is a process - without the consent of the other party's consciousness, it is difficult for Arthur Luke to peek into things other than the other party's superficial thoughts.

It could of course go deeper, but that would completely destroy these puny creatures.

That would be boring, and no one would want to break their beloved toy.

In this way, Arthur Luke was able to know the questions the other party wanted to know.

It seems to be a little different from what she asked before?
Without much defense, Arthur Luke, as usual, used his own power to launch some kind of spell.

It will leave those useless knowledge of mortal things in its precious consciousness.

It only takes a little magic to solve it...

In the next moment, following the activation of the spell, Arthur Luke was caught off guard by a burning, dangerous concept!
That is a tyranny and terror that is completely different from the creatures in this sea of ​​stars!
Endless death and blood lingered on the opponent's name, which seemed to be full of thick blood stains!
The lingering souls of the dead make the bloody name seem to be burning invisible!
Afterwards, a force with the phantom of a strange and ferocious monster directly penetrated endless time and space and imprinted on its spirituality!
Arthur Luke was startled!
"What did you do, mortal!"

Arthur Luke's angry roar resounded through the sea of ​​stars!

(End of this chapter)

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