Chapter 599 Guess what the big witch is doing (one update!)

Out of compliance with the relative integrity of the mysterious ritual, Yan Mo was transferred to a closed room after calming down.

As the big back who is responsible for the important responsibility of Yan Mo's emotional stability, he also came in.

He sat at the door and did not participate in the viewing of the file.

In addition, there are two people who are quite unfamiliar to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo only knew that one of them was called "Cangju" by other staff.

The other one remained silent all the time, and no one else greeted him.

They were quite friendly to her, but Yan Mo could feel the dignity behind that kindness.

Obviously, the value and importance of the information she obtained from the foreign spirit was beyond her imagination.

Dabeitou has said before that her place is well protected.

But now, she was transferred to the claustrophobic place that Yan Mo expected, like a nuclear shelter.

The walls are covered with dense and weird patterns, and there are even many spells drawn on yellow paper intertwined.

Under the chaotic painting style, an indescribable sense of security arises spontaneously.

It seemed that in such a place, even that magnificent foreign spirit like a star could not harm her.

Yan Mo was very sure that at a certain moment, that foreign spirit wanted to kill her.

That is hard to hide and suppress.

Just like for humans, when communicating with people, the control of facial expressions may be quite strict.

But when it comes to an ant, it is difficult to maintain such a state.

In some respects, Yan Mo feels that the relationship between the foreign spirit and her can roughly refer to the relationship between ants and people...

Afterwards, the person who was called Cangju coughed lightly, and then looked at the person sitting next to him:

"I reckon we'll just get started, spells have a limited lifespan."

"And the two of us appearing here at the same time must have attracted a lot of attention. We will make a quick decision."

The person next to him nodded his head when he heard the words, and then they both looked at Yan Mo at the same time.

Yan Mo's breath was stagnant, and then she nodded quickly.

Later, Yan Mo, who was the leader of the ceremony, suppressed some complicated emotions in her heart, and stiffly opened the file that had been sealed again by various means.


Yan Mo used some strength to tear off the somewhat rough talisman paper.

This is the last layer.

As the talisman paper was torn apart, Yan Mo slowly spread out the already familiar file.

There were many densely packed words on the paper that should have been covered with large blanks.

It is the same as the handwriting and even the ink marks in the question, as if they were all printed by the same printer.

Without any pause or buffer, the content on the dossier appeared directly in the eyes of the three of them.

Question 1: When was Dawu Yixia active and what was his experience?
Answer: ...So, Yihe Naiping disappeared.The king respected his merits and his bravery. He called Xia Wu, who cast Jiuding, ghosts and gods from all directions, and he never dissatisfied——"Wu Zhu·Yu Shu"

Probably because nothing miraculous happened, seeing the answer to the first question, Yan Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

As a college student who has successfully passed the college entrance examination and entered a higher education institution, Yan Mo can naturally understand the meaning of this sentence.

It's just that she is a little puzzled, this doesn't look like the style of a foreign spirit.

Before that, it would directly give an extremely clear answer.

In addition, there are additional notes, full of condescension or irony.

But this time, it directly quoted the content of a certain book, and it was even incomplete.

"Wu Zhu·Yu Shu"?
Yan Mo had never heard of this book, she secretly wrote it down, and was going to look it up when she went back.

For Yan Mo, who had difficulty understanding the strong impact of the information contained in this answer, she felt it was time to turn to the second page.

But now she is not watching alone, so Yan Mo had to tilt her head to look at the two people next to her from the corner of her eye.

In Yan Mo's eyes, the expressions of the two are quite wonderful.

There is horror, understanding, and some complex emotions that Yan Mo can't understand.

After all, she is not good enough in the interpretation of the human face field of the fan diagram, so she cannot know what the two of them really think.

It's just that I was a little stunned, and I really don't understand why such an answer can make the expressions of these two people so complicated.

So, Yan Mo repeated silently in her heart several times.

I really don't feel it, how many shocking things there are.

Isn't this a very common ancient record?

After a depressing silence, the two next to him signaled to turn the page.

Some Yan Mo, who was wandering elsewhere, restrained his thoughts and turned the file to the second question:

Question 2: What is the relationship, likes and dislikes of the Great Wu Yixia and human beings?

Answer: Great Wu Yixia, the absolute guardian of the human camp, extremely racist, with a temperament... not so gentle, an old enemy of the evil camp, who likes to hunt and devour flesh and blood life and void life with high energy

Looking at the words on the file, Yan Mo fell into deep thought.

Combined with the previous scene, she probably has a vague idea now.

Perhaps, there is indeed a guardian named Great Wu Yixia in this world who is so powerful that even the spirits of foreign lands are quite afraid.

His temper may be somewhat...

At this moment, Yan Mo suddenly remembered the last warning from the foreign spirit.

Yan Mo couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and then tried to control her thoughts.

At this time, Yan Mo realized the euphemism and subtlety in the description of the spirit of the foreign land.

You know, it has never been able to answer this kind of painting style...

After seeming to realize a shocking fact, Yan Mo looked at the two people next to her calmly from the corner of her eye.

Compared with the previous changes, the expressions of the two of them at this moment appear to be much more restrained.

Presumably before this, they already had some kind of psychological construction?
Soon, the two motioned Yan Mo to turn the page again.

Thus, as the files were slowly flipped through, the third question emerged:
Question 3: What is the evaluation of the great Wu Yixia's combat ability?

Answer: From the bloody sky in the sea of ​​sky, to the broken scorched earth of the rotten land, the great witch's reputation is known to everyone; from the legendary poisonous dragon to the lord of the abyss, the enemies of the great witch are all over the entire multiverse.

Looking at the answer in the dossier, Yan Mo's expression finally changed.

This seems to be a bit different from the guardian she understands in terms of painting style.

According to Yan Mo's previous expectations, the role of a guardian.

It should be quietly living in seclusion in a remote area, without disputes and no one knows.

Then when the disaster of destroying the world came, he came out to turn the tide and try to hold the sky with one hand.

The guardian of his family seems not so...traditional?
Yan Mo thought silently.

At this time, she no longer had the extra thought to look at the expressions of the two people next to her.

After being instructed to turn the page, Yan Mo was stunned for a moment before turning the dossier to the last question:

Question 4: Has the Great Wu Yixia... ever destroyed the world?

Answer: From the point of view of the plane, there is no... From the point of view of humans, guess what he is doing now...

Three people: ...

(End of this chapter)

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