The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 607 Shadden's Little Wish and the Throat of Magma

Chapter 607 Shadden's Little Wish and the Throat of Magma (Update!)

The requirements of the boss are always so changeable...

Looking at the relevant employment information refreshed on his retina, Xia Deng thought.

In the end, Xia Deng felt that his employer was likely to be a powerful war lord.

Later, the relevant requirements about the void made Xia Deng a little uncertain.

After all, Void Life doesn't really have much additional derivative value other than its own material.

From the perspective of the war lord, it is not too cost-effective.

However, this is something that is difficult to determine.

Every war lord is a person with enough distinctive personal characteristics, and they naturally will not completely tend to a certain common value concept.

Adult red dragon, less than legendary, strong...

While quickly sifting through the relevant dungeon information, Shadden pieced together some rather subtle information from the key words decomposed in today's employment information:
Boss, is this the rhythm of going hunting?
Fortunately, he probably won't be able to deal with the giant dragon...

Xia Deng thought silently with some hidden worries.

In fact, at the beginning, Xia Deng didn't care so much about it.

It's just a screening copy, void or dragon, for him, it's just a difference in keywords.

Others, what does it have to do with him as a humanoid information filter.

Can the other party still involve him?

And now...

After quickly and familiarly locked the information about a dungeon related to a fully compatible Red Dragon, Xia Deng couldn't help but glanced at his related faction information.

Fortunately, no new "watch list" has been added at present...

Xia Deng suddenly felt that the employment fee, which was so high that he felt a little ashamed, didn't seem so unreasonable anymore.

Now, Xia Deng only hopes that when he successfully "retires", those "watch lists" will be a little less...



At this time, the mighty Throat of Magma, Seles... Sly, was sleeping soundly in the depths of his cave full of treasures.

This was once the lost ruins of an ancient civilization.

But now, it is completely occupied by this powerful red dragon.

Maw of Magma is very satisfying here.

A ground of some kind of tough dirt, presumably a magical creation, well supported its sinuous body and its ever-gleaming golden treasure.

Those traces poured like streams are the traces of former invaders melted together with their treasures under the dragon flames.

Now is the monsoon.

When the hot summer wind brings the stench of livestock carried by the caravans in the eastern archipelago, the Maw of Magma will wake up and go out to receive the "tribute" from those caravans.

As for whether they like it, Magma Maw doesn't care.

In this area, it is the only predator.

The long time and abundant resources allowed the body of the Maw of Magma to gradually reach the peak of an adult red dragon.

If you are lucky enough, maybe after a long period of time, the Maw of Magma has a vague premonition...

It may break through the confinement imposed by the bloodline and become the real powerful of the giant dragon.

At that time, it will fly over the small miniature of the archipelago, and cover the entire land with its magnificent and majestic body!
At that time, all kingdoms will bow to its will.

They shall call its mighty and hideous name, and they shall...

Thinking of the beauty, Throat of Magma in his sleep couldn't help but click his lips.

It's waiting for a feast...

And at this moment, on a certain island in the archipelago, the mixed-race murloc-Malisher, who was mending fishing nets, discovered a few strange humans who came to the island from nowhere...

Its breathing suddenly stopped, and it felt as if it had discovered something not very good...



Under the blue sky, the sun seems to have some kind of damp and hot taste.

The air is filled with the fishy smell of sea water and stranded creatures after low tide, after being exposed to the sun.

The foreign world seems to be a little different from the imagination.

Probably, it's about the style of painting?
It seems that when all illusions are presented in the form of matter, it can always give a not-so-beautiful, but natural and reasonable way to open.

Wu Kui and the others followed behind Yi Xia and watched everything around them cautiously and full of curiosity.

The sequelae of teleportation seemed to have completely disappeared at this time.

And at this moment, Wu Kui suddenly found a pair of strange eyes staring at several people not far away under the shade of a tree!
"That's a murloc... um, or a half-breed?"

Yi Xia followed Wu Kui's eyes for a look, and then said scientifically.

But soon, Yi Xia became a little interested.

Because it seems to be a hybrid of human and murloc...

The words of Wu Kui and Yi Xia also attracted the attention of others.

Under the gazes of several people, the murloc who seemed to smell some kind of oppressive aura ran over tremblingly.

run away?

Forget about the other strange human being.

Scary, it's that guy who looks like a human...

"I would like to extend my most respectful respect to you, powerful Ability God, name is Marise...I am a devout follower of the god of seagulls and trade winds..."

The half-blood murloc Marley said tremblingly lying on the ground.

The power bestowed on it by the gods allowed it to perceive the terrifying blood aura that was almost soaring into the sky.

It's not how powerful its perception is, but that breath is too powerful.

It was unbearable death, blood and disaster...

It was the countless deaths of the murlocs, and the fear seemed to be engraved into its bone marrow and blood.

Even without the magic power of speaking, Wu Kui and the others could still feel the fear that was so strong that it could be understood without words from the murloc's face with some human characteristics.

But obviously they didn't do anything...

Wu Kui sensed the extremely strong fear in the mixed murloc, and she suddenly understood.

This time, he might be able to get a glimpse of some truths about Yi Xia.

Perhaps in other worlds, their great witch is not as gentle as he appears in front of them...

"This is more common in other worlds... Alien races, of course, are more often evil monsters."

Yi Xia glanced at the mixed murloc, eyes filled with endless fire, and saw the soul of the murloc and the faith shining in it.

For this kind of creatures, Yi Xia will still give some, the most basic respect.

But there won't be too much contact.

After all, with some of Yi Xia's characteristics, simple communication with the other party will only bring him a huge burden.

After feeling that Wu Kui and the others had almost recovered, Yi Xia didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Don't move around for a while, I'll let the bean soldiers bring you into my ears."


Yi Xia's words caused several people to voice their doubts.

And in the next moment, that redundant thought no longer existed.

Because the sun disappeared, a human-shaped shadow that lifted the sky covered everything!
Instinctive, pure horror has swept away all mixed and weak thoughts!
Then, driven by some invisible force, the feet of several people were empty, and they lost the grasp of gravity in an instant.

The altitude rises rapidly, and the blue sea is instantly paved!

As if flying along the majestic mountains, under the sharp sea wind coming from some kind of pavement.

Not long after, the bean soldiers took them to a huge cave...

On the other side, the sleeping Magma Maw suddenly opened his eyes.

This is?

(End of this chapter)

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