Chapter 618 Beast at the Temple Horn: Laughing at the Wind (Two more!)
"Comprehensive network reminder: The sacrifice was a great success! Based on the items you sacrificed, you have obtained an epic and legendary wonder-horned beast: mocking wind!"


Horned Beast: Laughing Wind

Type: super-large epic legendary wonder/limited palace construction/super-large advanced magic limited creation
Item Quality: Epic

Item Level: Level 17

Restricted use: Orient general super civilization and character challenge level 15 or above or have advanced titles in related fields
Durability: 10000/10000 (10% of the maximum durability can be recovered by itself every natural day, and cannot be recovered by other conventional means)

Item Features:
1. Activation - Horned Beast:

As a standard action, the bearer can attempt to animate the wondrous item.

After activation, the strange object is regarded as a super-large activated creation with many review templates such as advanced magic immunity, epic leader, and ancient elite.

This unit can continue to act for 24 hours or until it is destroyed by the enemy. During the duration, it will absolutely (subject to certain conditions, otherwise there may be a slight deviation) obey the summoner's orders.

This unit can cast 6-level spell-like group control and strike abilities, and each cast will consume at least 100 durability.

Please note:
2. Spiritual endowment - ridicule:

Characters can use this item to cast spells with the concept of "taunting", and get an additional comprehensive effect bonus (the extra bonus part, regardless of mental resistance)
Please note: The spell effect is derived from the derived concept of the relevant material world, not the unit's original extraordinary ability, so it cannot be enhanced by the relevant bloodline and equipment, but it can be superimposed with the derivative effect of the relevant bloodline.

Please note: After the character casts the "taunt" spell through this item, the subject will get a stable hatred concentration effect, please use it carefully according to the situation.

3. Nine Sons of the Dragon - Laughing Wind:

This item is a super-large statue of the "Nine Sons of the Dragon" series. After the character obtains other related statues, it can stimulate an additional basic effect improvement.


"Integrated network area reminder: There are some changes in the extraordinary environment in the current area (the concept of spell-like spells has been adjusted to a certain extent [the curse-killing plane reduces local real-time power by 27.3%], and the concept of spirit-like spells has been slightly strengthened...)"

With the refreshing of the reminder information on the retina, a rather huge statue was added to Yi Xia's item backpack.

Laugh at the wind?

In Yi Xia's eyes shrouded in endless flames, there seemed to be a few ferocious phantoms casting gazes with different emotions.

This thing may be of some use...

Yi Xia sensed the information on the comprehensive network panel related to this "Everyone's Order", and quickly thought of a correct way to open it for him.

Although it is probably impossible to reproduce the "legendary resume" of the faceless man.

It can be used as a means of gathering monsters in the usual sense, which is also good.

I just don't know what the specific effect of the increase will be.

Strictly speaking, Yi Xia still has some methods of gathering monsters.

That was Zhu Yan's star power.

It's just that it is not so applicable sometimes because of its indistinguishable characteristics.

Now that there is a stable core of hatred, it should be able to exert some effect?
To be honest, Yi Xia is also tired of the inefficient way of clearing monsters more by relying on the aftermath of the ground destruction.

Most of the time, when he couldn't really unleash his fists and kicks, Yi Xia could only push flat on the ground little by little.

Otherwise, if he smashed too many leylines and was blocked by the planes, it would damage his image in many planes.

Now, although the images of arsonists and burners are mostly not so elegant.

But in general, it is also in the category that can be allowed to pass.

While thinking about it, Yi Xia moved the mocking wind statue to the other side of the backpack.

In other words, his item backpack is fairly spacious.

If it were other integrated network players, many of them might be caught blind...



Stretching for a while, Yi Xia ignored the many extraordinary people who seemed to be restless all over the country due to the changes in the world.

Cang Zhong didn't ask him about this little "trivial matter".

As for why, Yi Xia naturally has the answer.

Yi Xia understands their motives for doing this, but it doesn't mean he can directly forgive some ignorant guy.

Aren't there enough favorable reports in the multiverse for you to fool the little girl?

Nuo method: During the information exchange of Wentian, Yi Xia got some information other than the answer.

Combined with the previous perception, Yi Xia already knew everything.

As far as the current earth is concerned, Yi Xia can know most of the things as long as he wants to.

And that very little content obviously didn't include what he was facing right now.

Alien spirit?

Yi Xia leaned on the recliner and took a sip of the mint medicine.

And in his sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames, everything that once happened in a certain corner of this land is gradually presented in the clearest and most magnificent picture.

Is it something like a magic lamp?

No, probably the Protoss from a foreign land?

Yi Xia sensed the message in the picture and some of the aura that Jai Zi had captured, so he pondered.

When it comes to the existence of this level, the consciousness of the plane will of course give him relevant reminders.

It's just because it doesn't trigger some kind of dangerous boundary, so the plane doesn't give Yi Xia active feedback.

Instead, when he was performing the Nuo method: Wen Tian, ​​he stopped by the way.

After all, this kind of active feedback is an urgent and usually unnecessary consumption for plane consciousness.

Yi Xia told Cang Zhong before that there is no need to bring over the extraordinary existence that is not related to the ancient inheritance of this land and that was not created by himself.

After all, Yi Xia has a channel to know about online players.

And the others?

Yi Xia wasn't interested at all.

If there is a sign of danger, he will sense and deal with it.

If not, there is no value in meeting.

Although Yi Xia is kind to others, he is willing to give advice to the young juniors.

But not everyone satisfies this relatively loose condition.

Of course, if the opponent shows a strong and pure will that conforms to the bias of the camp, Yi Xia will also give the opponent a chance.

The bloodline is not absolute, and the deviation of consciousness is also a kind of continuation of civilization in a sense.

Just like one of Yi Xia's druid friends, the characteristics displayed by the other party are enough to make people ignore his original, which is somewhat different from the oriental genealogy.

But that's another story.

Among the extraordinary existences that Yi Xia perceives so far, such existences have not yet appeared.

After all, it is still "the eve of the extraordinary version of the earth"...

After thinking about it, Yi Xia didn't intend to meet that girl named Yan Mo.

After all, strictly speaking, he has "seen it".

For the existence of this kind of "psychic medium", the corresponding concept is the real core.

There is no obvious hostility, but the direct detection obviously does not have much kindness...

Yi Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, he held Wu Fan and stood up,

The weak message that Yazi was difficult to grasp originally began to gradually become clear under the relevant complement of the plane consciousness.

I don't know what kind of existence the other party is, so I locked it with Jai Zi first.

There are not just one or two evil gods that Yi Xia locked in reverse through Jai Zi...

At least so far, no one has dared to come to the earth.

In contrast, the offspring of a certain legendary poisonous dragon are extraordinarily brave...

And just when Yi Xia was trying to lock on the other party through Jai Zi, he unexpectedly sensed some kind of active spiritual attraction.

Through the aura on the lead, Yi Xia was able to know:

That is not an attack or spell, but a way of meeting across time and space...

Yi Xia felt a little surprised.

When trying to obtain his information forcefully, the other party was not so gentle and polite.

After perceiving the hostility and danger for a while, Yi Xia decided to go and have a look...

On the other side, Yan Mo, who had been trying to carry out the ritual to no avail, who was reading a book in the room suddenly felt a certain calling.

She obviously didn't perform the ceremony now.

Could it be that it was "stuck" over there and only now received the previous ceremony call?

Yan Mo suppressed many doubts in her heart, and then quickly ran to the warehouse on the other side.

There, there is the price she asked for the answer before...

 Weakly begging for a monthly ticket...

  I've been really busy recently, and I was planning to come to the third update at the end of the month.

  After the inspection is over, we must take the time to make another round!
  ——a soft bb from the bald head
(End of this chapter)

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