The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 626 It's like a country in the world, with peaks like mountains connecting the sun and

Chapter 626 It's Like a Land of Ze in the World, with Peaks Like Mountains Connecting the Sun and the Moon (Two Updates!)
Yi Xia stood holding a banner, standing on the sky like a god.

Unexpectedly, he was not summoned by the witch dish, because he was of a different kind in chaos, just resembling a mosquito...

Looking at the unaffected mosquito swarm under the summoning of Wu San, Yi Xia thought so.

Yi Xia already has some information about the scorching fool swarm:
After not getting much effective information from the conversations with the aborigines in the camp, Yi Xia tried to use the Nuo method: Wentian.

Afterwards, Yi Xia got some information about the scorching fool mosquito swarm from this foreign plane consciousness quite rarely.

In fact, for Yi Xia, a powerful mortal who took the initiative to contact, the plane consciousness of this planet initially showed a relatively strong interest.

But soon after understanding Yi Xia's true nature, it directly removed the relevant links.

If it is presented as a personification, there will probably be some sour meaning mixed in it...

Yi Xia discovered that for a plane in a state of emergency.

To a certain extent, they are easier to cooperate with Yi Xia's related inquiries than other planes.

And the success this time has also verified this point.

A notable weakness of the Scorching Mosquito Swarm is its intolerance to water spells.

This is not a related weakness by nature, but a curse from an ancient existence.

Obviously, these scorching fool swarms really angered that unknown ancient existence.

Otherwise, as far as Yi Xia knew, it would not be so easy to release a curse of this degree.

It has its corresponding high cost, which is a certain characteristic of the law of the curse.

It has always been a sharp double-edged sword...

After understanding the weakness of these scorching fool mosquito swarms, Yi Xia understood.

He also has a little knowledge of the art of summoning water.

Although under the witch banner, all living beings are equal.

But it just so happens that he has never used this method since he obtained it.

I just ran into it today, and I just happened to practice my hands with this group of scorching fool mosquitoes who couldn't practice Gu and couldn't eat it.

As for how to attract them?
The plane consciousness directly told Yi Xia:
He only needs to show his grandeur, and the scorching mosquitoes of the entire planet will fly towards him.

And it turns out that it works really well...

With this in mind, Yi Xia ignored the scorching mosquitoes that were about to fly.

He waved the witch banner, and saw the banner fluttering.

It seems that there is a giant flying in the clouds, and the light on the earth is uncertain.

Afterwards, the fire light lingering on the witch banner disappeared, and some kind of dense air lingered.

In the next instant, the whole world seemed to suddenly become silent.

An indescribable depression emerged in all the creatures in this world.

Lou He, who was leading the team members to lower the flying altitude, only felt that there was dampness spreading in front of him.

Shensi sensed it away, but there was no trace of water vapor.

This is……

Lou He's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that the water around him was suddenly thick.

But no thunder was heard, no lightning flashed, but some kind of misfortune gradually grew stronger on the ground.

In an instant, all the highly inspired creatures on this planet felt a certain sense that the sky was about to collapse and a catastrophe was imminent.

Fortunately, this terrifying feeling quickly disappeared.

At this time, Lou He was able to perceive some kind of magnificent fluctuation that she could hardly perceive.

Lou He suddenly realized:

It was this world that limited the scale of the disaster...

Otherwise, if the water surges down, the swarm of scorching fool mosquitoes will definitely disappear.

But it's hard to say whether the human world is still there...

Just when Lou He wanted to tell the players:

This is called the water method of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree!
Then I heard someone shouting, suppressing the indelible fear:
"Captain, the sky is cracked!"

In the next moment, there was a roaring sound between the sky and the earth!
That sound is so huge!

It overwhelms the screams of thousands of creatures, it overwhelms the tyrannical explosions of the sky!
From rolling mountains to lush forests!
From the roaring river to the blue sea!
Overwhelming, overwhelming!

With an unprecedented domineering force, declare that there should be only one voice in this world!
No need to praise, no need to pray!

This is the truth, this is the sound!
Suppressing the instinctive fear in his heart and the unreasonable eagerness, Lou He stared at it:

I saw that the sky above the monster seemed to be torn apart!
There is a boundless curtain of water rushing down from the gap!

Using rain to describe such a scene is already too thin.

That was a torrential downpour!

It's like a natural disaster that will wash the world again!

What scorching swarms of foolish mosquitoes, what spreading clouds of fire!
Looking around, I saw a vast water curtain!
It's like the country of Ze in the world, and the crests are like mountains to meet the sun and the moon!
Under the huge waves, the stars are gone, only roaring, piercing through the heavens and the earth...



When the whole world returned to calm, the camp controlled the only remaining satellites.

Finally got some patterns...

Perhaps it will take some time to draw correct conclusions if personnel are allowed to go out for detection.

But at the height of the satellite, it can give an objective and magnificent comment:

There is one more big lake in this world.

If nothing else, it will far exceed the original first and second largest inland lakes on this planet.

Or is it the sea?
At present the camp has not yet sent enough men to detect whether the huge, newborn lake is salt water or fresh water.

At this distance, although the camp was not directly hit, it was still somewhat affected.

For example, the normalized water curtain originally established with the support of other civilizations is somewhat overloaded due to the diffuse water vapor.

Many residential areas are now "a vast ocean".

Of course, no one complained.

You already know the source of all this.

Although it is not clear whether the scorching mosquito population has been completely eliminated.

But no one thought that under such a water curtain, how many Scorching Mosquitoes could survive.

From such a long distance, everyone in the camp could hear the roar of the water.

According to some foreign allies in the camp:

This is a terrifying spell with the potential to destroy the world.

Now, of course, the spell has stopped.

Only a vast lake that has not yet completely subsided remains, surging above the land.

If it was in the past, its direct and subsequent impact is incalculable.

but now?
The human beings trapped in various swamps don't have much thought or ability to care about these things.

And just when Xi Ke was busy cleaning up a messy camp with his people, he saw Lou He and her teammates who had returned wrapped in steam.

"Hi! Lou He!"

Siko greeted each other warmly, and some emotions that have been suppressed until now seem to finally be stretched:
"Lou, what are you civilized people... fighting against?"

"I can't imagine what kind of catastrophe it must be to promote the birth of such a powerful force."

"Just like me, if all this shit hadn't happened, I think I'd be an ordinary engineer, and I'm content with that..."

Xi Ke looked at Lou He and said something that surprised her.

She thought that the other party would ask her: What exactly does the other party correspond to in her civilization...

In this regard, Lou He has already prepared a draft.

She wanted to raise her face, as if she was on the side of the light, and tell the legendary stories that happened on that vast land when the human beings were still immature.

but now……

For a while, Lou He fell into deep thought.

"Maybe, it's because of dissatisfaction..."

Lou He said uncertainly.

"Not convinced? Why not..."

Lou He didn't give any more answers, so Xi Ke could only silently think about the other party's answer.

After a long time, he seemed to have some enlightenment.

"Yeah, why are we willing to submit to this damned fate..."

Siko sighed and muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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