The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 642 The sense of ritual or the pleasure of the gods

Chapter 642 The Sense of Ritual or the Fun of the Gods (One More!)

Mr. Capac is a strange guy...

Zeta thought secretly while contacting the company for process declaration.

Zeta had been preparing for this as early as when he was told by the company that he would receive a particularly respected gentleman today.

Although he was not in the same country, it happened that a relative or friend of his maternal grandmother was studying at the university where Capak worked.

Therefore, Zeta probably knew some rumors about this gentleman.

According to many students of the other party, Capac is an old professor with profound knowledge, rigorous teaching style and great spirit of scientific exploration.

And Zeta is also carefully prepared for this.

He has received people like that.

It's just that the real situation seems to be somewhat different from his plan...

It stands to reason that this is not surprising, just as people are always used to playing different roles among different groups.

And a professor who is polite to students can be rough and disrespectful to service staff.


It is difficult for Zeta to describe this subtle difference.

From the very beginning of picking up the plane to now, he can feel some kind of difference between cognition and reality.

Mr Capac, more of a professor than a priest...

As Zeta who once studied in a certain religious school, he has a very deep impression on such characters.

It has always had a slight influence on Zeta's values.

But it seems that Mr. Capac is different from those priests—on the way out from the airport, Zeta chatted with each other for a while.

Mr. Capac is a very talkative gentleman.

Like many religious people, Mr. Capac is adamant about the existence of God.

Of course, Zeta noticed that the other party did not use it as a related title or tone used by believers, but gave it a more objective and rational definition.

That sounds a bit like a religious scholar.

But they are not very devout or firmly believe that the gods really exist.

If not - would that be some kind of blasphemy?
And when those imperceptible subtleties merge together, Zeta can only make a hasty evaluation:

Mr. Capac is a strange guy...

Just like now, he suddenly ran across the road, went to the snack street on the other side and chatted with another strange man.

It made Zeta easy to find for a while after finding out that the receptionist was missing after busy work...

But speaking of it, Mr. Capac can speak Chinese?



And when Zeta was complaining about Kapak silently, the person being complained by him was experiencing an extremely rare—or unique—experience in life.

What kind of experience is it to communicate with a god walking in the world?
That may be an encounter that can be recorded in the myth...

After all, unlike before, the container for text messages has been liberated by technology.

So, some fringe stories or characters may also have the opportunity to become the material of a certain mythical epic?

Of course, those messy emotions were forced to be well restrained at this moment.

As Kapak with the associated keen perception, it is much more uncomfortable than those dull ordinary people around him.

Although he set foot in this country, he seemed out of tune with it.

In the face of that vast power, the aura and the destiny here seem to have their own endless threads.

He is just a stone grain that happens to meet in it.

"Salute to you, great existence."

"Excuse me for interrupting."

Suppressing some instinctive fear and trembling in his heart, Kapac took off his hat and watched the other party say so in fluent Chinese.

This time is the time when the snack street has a large flow of people, and the sound of people talking to each other and grilling food overlaps.

But even so, it was enough for passers-by who happened to pass by to hear Kapac's speech clearly.

After looking back with a little surprise, he left in a dull way...

The two male creatures do not look amazing in appearance, and there is really not much place to stop.

And Kapac's strong scholarly atmosphere makes people feel that this is a teaching scene with a breath of life?

Maybe it's something unknown like some foreign opera...



Yi Xia, who was leaning against the corner in the crowd, looked at Kapac in front of him with great interest.

On the other party's body, there was an aura of magic that Yi Xia felt familiar.

Instead of the tense palms as before, there are still some traces of sharpened swordsmanship.

In addition, there is even a little taste of alchemists...

It seems that he has learned a lot.

Even if the Nuo method: Wentian was not activated, Yi Xia could perceive some scattered images from his aura.

Yi Xia has already come into contact with this kind of existence.

It is difficult to judge whether the arrival of the extraordinary age is fortunate or cruel to him.

But for a character like a pure seeker who has no other thoughts, Yi Xia is willing to give him a chance.

In fact, Yi Xia has never paid much attention to the extraordinary power of foreign countries.

Unless those guys who are lucky enough to have certain talents want to make some "big events", Yi Xia will reluctantly take care of them under the warning of the plane.

Yi Xia always ignored the others.

Even at the level of the multiverse, it doesn't mean living on a planet, it can simply be considered as "siblings".

The span of the pedigree of civilization is not limited to the division of the material realm.

The acquisition of the power of the Xiezhi star spirit gave Yi Xia a more convenient way to distinguish the camp of the civilization lineage.

But Dawu also has some of his little fun.

Or should I say, is it a sense of ritual that has already been formed?

Under the gaze of Kapac's pupils shrinking suddenly, Yi Xia took out a container containing a cloudy liquid out of thin air.

It's not too big, but it looks extra... "refined"?
As Kapak, who has had in-depth exploration and hard work in related fields, he was touched by the knowledge and road hidden behind it the moment he saw it.

Of course, at this moment, the other party is definitely not the protagonist.

"I know why you came here..."

"Drink it..."

Yi Xia looked at Kapak and said.

And at this time, probably because of some irrepressible strong sense of sight and nature, a college student who was waiting for the bus and was forced to watch for a long time suddenly interjected:
"...this is the fate of the orcs."

Then, under the watchful eyes of the two, he smiled and left.

Capac: ...

Without much hesitation, Kapak took the container with a certain will to die, and drank it down in one gulp.

Then, he heard the words of the god in front of him:
"...It is good for your body, but it may not be so suitable in terms of taste?"

When the indescribably complex taste was surging in his mouth and stomach, Kapac suddenly felt that this oriental god on earth didn't seem so...serious?
Do not……

Or, is it because I have met certain conditions?

When the taste buds were hovering on the verge of trying to do something that violated the ancestral teachings, Kapac forced himself to think.

On the other side, Cang Zhong couldn't help frowning as he looked at the densely packed information about a certain person in front of him.

Although I don't know how this information was obtained, it can obviously be placed here with him, so there is no need to consider its authenticity.

So, it does look like a formidable guy...

However, Cang Zhong didn't seem urgent at all.

Because Da Wu was finally "caught" today without his mobile phone.

And coincident with this, there is someone placed in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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