The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 658 Touring the Territory and the Ancient Contract with the Bloodman of Laido

Chapter 658 Touring the Territory and the Ancient Contract with the Ledo Spiritual Bloodman (One update!)

The template of the war lord plane is much simpler than Yi Xia imagined.

He also thought at first that it would be a field full of obscurity and professionalism.

After all, the interlacing is like a mountain, not to mention the cornerstone elements that are enough to expand a series of vast extraordinary sequences.

With the convergence of Yi Xia's consciousness, his comprehensive network panel emerged.

Next to the original personal panel, there is a new template switch, with words related to the war lord on it.

It is worth mentioning that the individual aspects of integrated web panels are not all the same.

Like an existence active in feudal civilization, fortunately obtained the status of comprehensive network player.

Obviously, his integrated network panel will not be like a game panel like Yi Xia.

It’s just that for many integrated networks, this difference in performance does not affect the final function realization.

As far as Yu Yi Xia is concerned, whether it is an extremely familiar game or a series of shaping of the system in related literary works, they all have a huge impact on his shaping of the comprehensive network.

Of course, Yi Xia himself is quite keen on this more convenient and intuitive display.

Afterwards, Yi Xia tried to use his consciousness to open his template of war lord.

Immediately, relevant panel information was refreshed on Yi Xia's retina:


Lord of War - Yi Xia
Level: 1 (This level is the basic identity rating of the Warlord. If the character has not taken up the relevant advanced occupation, the occupation, life level and related bonuses and influences will not be provided)
Territory: Eye of Ledo - Mucha (Small Plane)
Occupation-limited planes (plane guardian sequence occupations are limited, and plane-related operations can be limited): Earth (small planes, time-space serial numbers...)
Plane-limited functions (need to obtain plane property rights or rights related to plane awareness):

Teleport, declare war, ally, mark, expel...

Summary of current bonuses for Warlord abilities:
Occupational gain: None (there is a related extended skill sequence)
Individual other benefits:

The basic prestige of the Warlord's related camp is +5, and an additional bonus based on the deflection of personal charm can be obtained when performing related recruitment activities. (Warlord's arena champion title gain)
Ally Buff:  …




Compared with the initial situation of the personal panel, the initial panel of the war lord has been slightly expanded due to the addition of elements of the plane.

But also very limited.

After Yi Xia got acquainted with it a bit, she almost understood.

His direct operation through plane consciousness is much more complicated than this.

Inappropriately speaking, it can be understood as writing source code to implement functions and using off-the-shelf software.

In the functional field of the software, there is no substantial gap between the two.

Even the latter has an additional advantage in terms of efficiency.

And this is also the original intention of Yi Xia to load this Warlord module.

Afterwards, Yi Xia tried to use his consciousness to focus on the only small plane in his war lord's territory.

In the next moment, following Yi Xia's related consciousness fluctuations, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: A wave of consciousness related to the character has been detected, do you want to teleport into the territory: Eye of Ledo-Muha?"

Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

Afterwards, relevant transmission information was refreshed on his retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The success is confirmed, and the character is being sent to the territorial world..."



Plane/Ledo's Eye - Mucha
When Yi Xia recovered his perception from the distorted space, he saw a stretch of hills.

Even without flying into space, Yi Xia's perception is enough to cover this small area.

The Eye of Ledo-Mucha is not a planet, but a whole piece of land suspended in the void.

Its light and heat do not originate from stars, but a huge light curtain above the sky.

Yi Xia doesn't know much about its material rules and basic composition.

But it is obviously not a creation of technology - Yi Xia sensed some kind of magnificent spiritual power from it.

Probably, this is also the reason why this world only has the material world, but no spiritual space?

In Yi Xia's view, the entire material world is quite small, even with a strong sense of déjà vu.

He's wielded the witch banner on too many of these small planes...

And here, it is obviously out of date.

At this moment, when the characters of both sides appeared subtly calling, Yi Xia somewhat understood the prejudice that certain plane consciousness had had against him.

Of course, this does not damage Yi Xia's determination to hunt those evil beings.

It's just that in future battles, we may really need to pay more attention to this kind of "delicate" world.

Fortunately, Fei's protoss power made Yi Xia no longer need to use such brute force.

Water stalks and the like are perfect for harvesting relatively weak evil life, and they won't cause much damage to the plane itself.

Of course, this refers to the premise that the final disaster has not been launched...

And while Yi Xia was examining his own cheap territory, he was thinking about the serious topic of reshaping the great witch's reputation in the relevant planes of the multiverse.

He suddenly noticed a strong magical fluctuation.

In the next moment, an old figure holding a wooden staff came out from the space in front of Yi Xia.

Under Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames, the opponent's body froze suddenly.

Before Yi Xia had entered the combat mode, the aura of the "ring" on his hand was even more glaring.

The killing tool has never known what restraint is.

It is a sharp blade without a scabbard, always shining with a bloodthirsty light.

Of course, in Yi Xia's hands, it's probably not that bloodthirsty...

"I offer you the loyalty and respect witnessed by the holy bond, great lord."

"I'm the elder of the Ledo Spirit Bloodman, Lanling Sailor Ent."

The old man named Sailor Ent bowed his body and saluted Yi Xia.

That's part of the ceremony.

Following the opponent's movements, Yi Xia could feel certain divine powers working accordingly.

It is also probably one of the ancient contracts between the blood people of Laido and Zongwang for certain exchanges:

Different from those worlds captured by war lords, through the relevant templates of plane property rights, Yi Xia can only recruit according to the output of the units above.

In fact, the war lord obviously would not be so restrained in recruiting from those original planes.

In a sense, this is also a way for the other party to struggle to survive?
Although for this, they have to lose the "freedom" outside the plane.

"My name is Yi Xia, don't call me the lord, you and your clansmen will just call me the Great Witch in the future."

Yi Xia glanced at the other party, and then said so.

He really wasn't interested in being a lord, let alone a "kitchen" lord.

"Follow your will, Great Witch."

Sailor-Enter is as good as he can be.

"There is spiritual power surging in our Laido spirit blood people. According to the ancient contract, every natural year, you can recruit up to five high-level spellcasters or ten middle-level spellcasters from us."

"They will fight for you, conquering enemies or defending territories."

Afterwards, Sailor Ent told Yi Xia about the recruitment.

Obviously, this is what they are particularly concerned about.

Within the scope of the relevant rules of the comprehensive network, this is the relevant element that has the most direct impact on them.

As for taxes and the like, it is another trivial matter.

If the lord is stricter, life may be quite difficult, but the ethnic group can always continue.

And if there are always enough recruits every year, it is a different concept...

However, after listening to Sailor-Ent's words about enlistment, Yi Xia pondered for a while, and suddenly raised a new question that surprised Sailor-Ent:
"Do your people know how to summon monsters?"

(End of this chapter)

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