Chapter 660 Alonso's Divination Technique (One more update!)

Yi Xia didn't go deep into the territory of the Leido spirit blood people.

After getting a general understanding of the only bright resource in the territory he owns, Yi Xia left straight away.

Manage territory?

Hero development?

Da Wu was not interested in this.

It would be a little bit in line with Yi Xia's interest to find some druids to get some seedlings.

From Yi Xia's point of view, his own territory is obviously too barren.

Except for the area where the Leido spirit bloodman is active, most of them are continuous and lonely stone hills.

It is not difficult for Yi Xia to see that the current territory of the Leido spirit blood people has probably been gradually transformed over a long period of time.

There might be a legendary story, but Yi Xia didn't have much interest in it.

Instead, he now has some other ideas.

In Yi Xia's eyes, these hills were not a problem.

In this regard, Yi Xia still has some means.

As for whether to plant mint or other crops, Yi Xia has not yet had a clear idea.

At this time, he had returned to Earth from that barren territorial plane.

There does not seem to be a big difference between the two worlds in terms of timelines.

This is probably also some feedback after the comprehensive network certification.

After all, if the timelines of the different planes ruled by the war lord are too different.

That would be quite troublesome for the war lord.

In some respects, this is also a value of plane property rights?
After all, from Yi Xia's point of view, if he simply obtained the right to rule a plane, it would be of no value at all.

Yi Xia didn't stay too long in the world of Leido's spiritual blood man.

When he came back, the setting sun on the earth hadn't completely erased the halo of yellow.

Because it was close to dinner time and as the sun set, the temperature began to change significantly.

The group enjoying the cool air on the mountain is obviously much sparser than before.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia was going to go out again.

He has always had enough mobility.

Especially when it comes to his daily diet.

After all, besides this, the Great Witch doesn't have much fun...

In this way, with a thought in Yi Xia's mind, he disappeared and disappeared on the earth again.

And in the afterglow of the setting sun, a small figure appeared at the foot of the mountain...



At this time, Alonso is drinking tea.

The tea with bright red goji berries is probably not very serious for those who prefer orthodox tea ceremony.

But after continuous hard work, the body will inevitably need some extra supplies.

After these uninterrupted transformations by several people over the past few days, this world that was once covered by snow and frozen soil has finally radiated new vitality.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth, which once carried a bit of hostility and restlessness, began to gradually become soft and warm after being reconciled by Lao Gu.

For those groups who don't understand the spiritual core of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, in their eyes, this kind of breath is one of the distinctive features of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

According to them:
"The magic particles there seem very 'tame'..."

For such views, Asolon naturally scoffed.

But also bothered to correct.

He's too busy—especially after gaining the planting rights of this plane.

According to Lao Gu, he can realize his ambition and desire in this world at will.

Facts have also proved that everything is as it says.

Even those big druids don't necessarily have such a large experimental field!

What's more, it's not those wild and wild places.


Alonso took a sip of hot tea, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a thought.

Then, he pinched his fingers and counted.

In this respect, his skill is really not so superb.

But in such a big environment, under the influence of ears and eyes, it can be used after all.

And the next moment, after suddenly feeling the familiar oppression and throbbing in his chest, Asolon decisively stopped the divination.

His divination technique has always been "accurate in case of strength".

After all, you don't need to be very precise in your calculations, you just need to rely on your vigilance to know who it is.

It was as if a sap had been hit in the chest, and there was still a slight lingering feeling...

Well, if there is no accident, it should be a great witch...

Asolon quickly came to a conclusion, and stopped the divination with a strong personal touch.

Afterwards, he hurriedly drank a few more sips of hot tea to relieve the sequelae of divination.

Sure enough, after Asolon prepared the tea set for the guests, not long after, he felt a "wind" suddenly blowing up.

Invisibly, there seemed to be the sound of swords whistling in my ears.

'Great witch, this killing karma is hard to match even the Blood Sea Asura...

Asolon sighed in his heart.

Then he looked up, and sure enough, he saw a person with sparkling eyes, stepping from the void.

Who else could it be besides the Great Wu Yixia?

"Big witch, where did you go to the Dragon Palace to beat the autumn wind and get such a rare treasure?"

Alonso saw the newly worn ring in Yi Xia's hand at a glance, and immediately teased.

He is familiar with Yi Xia, and has some friendship with several dragon kings, and he is also a somewhat boring person.

Therefore, speaking in private, there are not so many scruples.

If there are other people present, it will be another style of painting.

"The old Dragon King doesn't have such goods. If I don't have any weapons at hand, I will go to the Water Mansion to borrow them."

Yi Xia said with a smile when he heard the words.

This is funny, the two immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Only at this time did Yi Xia speak up.

"Some mint seedlings, Da Wu can take whatever he wants."

"It's just that if it's a land of one domain, if we only take mint, I'm afraid it will be a bit out of balance."

When Asolon heard it, it was a trivial matter.

After thinking about it for a while, I made some suggestions based on my own professional aspects.

Afterwards, Alonso thought for a while, looked at Yi Xia and said:

"I don't know how much Dawu's territory is about."

Yi Xia thought for a while, then shook his head:

"It doesn't count, it was originally intended to be used as a kitchen envoy."

"But there are still some creatures living in it, so we can only let it go."

After hearing this, Asolon probably had some ideas.

With the size of a big witch, if it is used as a kitchen, it is not too big.

In this case, just planting some mint is not out of the question.

Afterwards, Alonso sent a group of tree men to collect mint seedlings.

His mint was originally planted for Yi Xia.

At this time, they just picked all of them and gave them to Yi Xia.

Coming from a farming family, there is no shortage of seedlings.

Although Alonso felt that it didn't matter if Yi Xia's land was filled with mint after a lot of fiddle.

But they still took some seedlings from other seeds for Yi Xia to choose from.

"Please drink, great witch, but my tea is different from other places."

"The big witch is especially angry with fighting and fighting. You can drink a little to get rid of the anger."

While the tree man was picking the seedlings, Alonso poured a cup of hot tea for Yi Xia.

This is naturally not the kind he drank before.

Big witches don't lack such fishy things...

(End of this chapter)

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