Chapter 662 Yijiao's talent and professional title? (One update!)

Yi Xia looked at Yi Jiao in front of her.

I haven't seen him for a while, and some of the spiritual aura on the other party's body seems to be getting stronger.

This is indeed a child with extraordinary talents - not all beings with spiritual eyes can maintain the state of spiritual eyes for such a long time.

Probably whenever the earth version is updated, it is inevitable that some unbalanced existences will appear.

Just like those thousands of years ago, the stars are shining brightly.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and then sent an urgent message to a certain Taoist.

The integrated network player trading center must have relevant skills to buy.

But Yi Xia didn't have much experience in this, so he couldn't make a professional assessment.

Simply put, it will definitely work if you buy it.

But I'm afraid that in addition to the basic use, it will cause other deflection.

This is also normal - the knowledge of simply closing the spiritual eye is not enough to sell it on the comprehensive network player trading center.

And for a familiar junior who has not really set foot in the extraordinary realm, but has a burning heart to seek the way.

Yi Xia naturally needs to help him maintain his pure essence.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to look for related existences of the same pedigree.

Not long after, Yi Xia received the method and greetings from the Taoist.

Yi Xia expressed his thanks through a message, and then took out the method.

It is stored in the form of jade books.

From a certain point of view, this is also the preference of a large number of extraordinary civilization practitioners of the Eastern lineage.

Yi Xia didn't have a strong sense of it.

After all, evaluations like Wenrunruyu probably have some distance from him...

Afterwards, Yi Xia directly placed the jade book on Yi Jiao's forehead.

Under the agitation of mana, spirituality arises spontaneously.

Yi Jiaoguo is smart.

Or maybe some external factors put a lot of pressure on her.

After passing on the Jade Book method, not long after, she tried to open her eyes.

Then, I saw Yi Xia's familiar face, which seemed to have changed beyond words.

For a moment, Yi Jiao felt that her spiritual eyes, which were originally closed, were about to move again.

Just like looking directly at the sun with your eyes closed, the scorching light is also stinging...



At the same time, the other side

Taoist Li Du sat cross-legged on the futon, lost in meditation.

Before that, he was in the Qing Dynasty.

As a result, on a sudden whim, he directly withdrew from the state of cleansing.

I pinched my fingers and calculated, but only got a mess.

Just as he was wondering, the Taoist received an urgent message from a certain great witch.

The method of closing the spiritual eye?

What does the big witch want this little technique for?

While puzzled by this, the Taoist replied to Yi Xia's letter.

He certainly does not lack such common methods.

But after replying to the past, it is still difficult for the Taoist to return to the state of pure cultivation.

I just felt my heart surge, as if I felt something.

While hesitating, the Taoist thought about it, and wrote to Yi Xia again.

After thinking about it, he realized that the confusion must be in the place of the great witch.

The hexagram image is muddled, but it is not a sign of being deceived by heavenly secrets.

He is between the mountain gates, protected by spirit treasures.

Even if you have a little knowledge of hexagrams, you should have some clues.

Now that I think about it, who else could it be except for a chaotic body like the Great Witch?

Not long after, the Taoist received a reply from Yi Xia.

The Taoist opened it straight away, and then fell into deep thought when he saw the contents of the letter.

"Little friend, you have not entered the Tao, but you are born with spiritual eyes?"

The Taoist muttered to himself, then stood up abruptly.

He raised the cloud head and went straight to the main hall.

I can't keep this closed, go to the master to get a few tanks of wine first...



Yi Xia looked at the refreshed messages in front of her, and then at Yi Jiao, her eyes filled with endless fire revealed a thoughtful expression.

But he didn't say much, just sent the bean soldiers to heat up some broth.

"You are very talented, but don't use it recklessly."

"Although the eyesight is strong, it will eventually wear out over time."

"Have some hot soup first."

Yi Xia pointed to Yi Jiao at the hot soup that Dou Bing brought.

Yi Jiao nodded obediently.

Yi Xia's villa didn't seem to have air-conditioning installed, but after walking in, the hot air suddenly disappeared.

Therefore, it is not like when you are outside and just want to drink some cold drinks.

"Jingle Bell……"

And at this moment, Yi Jiao's cell phone rang suddenly.

She naturally has a mobile phone, and her parents are not worried about her being addicted.

"Hello, Mom?"

"Yes, I've arrived..."

"Brother Yi is just asking me to pay attention to eye hygiene, be careful of myopia..."

It was Yimu who made the call.

She knew where Yi Jiao had gone.

But after all, Yi Jiao passed by alone, and her mother was always afraid that something might go wrong with her.

This has nothing to do with whether the child is an adult or not, it is just an instinct that mothers often have.

Compared with the silence of father's love, mother's love is more nagging and delicate.

Yi Mu didn't chat with Yi Jiao for long, and hung up the phone reassuringly after making sure she arrived safely.

Yuren who was sitting on the sofa on the other side listened, and suddenly fell silent.

It probably recalled some past events.

After a resolute and courageous warrior, there is also a green and immature time.


Yi Xia threw a jar of mint witch medicine to Yuren.

The concept of "coldness" extracted from the ice element has brought the already refreshing mint witch medicine to a new level.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't give it to Yi Jiao.

Well, it's a drink for grown-ups in the Witch's Eye...

"No, it's just nostalgia."

"My mother was not so gentle—she was a high priest."

"Since I was a child, I have never seen her smile."

There was a look of reminiscence on Yuren's face, it probably reminded him of what he used to be:

"As far as I can remember, she was always harsh to the point of harshness."

"If she hadn't died in the battle with the evil dragon, she shouldn't be strict now—she should be old..."

Afterwards, Yuren drank the peppermint witchcraft in one gulp, and grinned a little from the ice.

Then looking at Yi Jiao who seemed to be suddenly at a loss, Yuren smiled:

"Don't feel sorry for me—she is the high priest, and she will be led to the kingdom of God after she dies in battle."

"Of course, according to the statement here, it is considered an official retirement?"

Yi Jiao seemed to understand but half understood.

"So, she didn't really die?"

Yi Jiao probably understood a little bit.

Also, regardless of whether the other party is an angel or not, it is obviously not an ordinary creature.

Such a soul that shines with righteousness and kindness should be received into the kingdom of God to enjoy blessings after physical death.

"Of course, not everyone can meet an enemy like the Great Witch..."

It was rare for Yuren to tease Yi Xia casually when he heard the words.

"Great witch?"

Yi Jiao thought for a while, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, as if she understood something.

Then she turned to look at Yi Xia.

"Before I went to Longmen to get a water injection title..."

Seeing Yi Jiao's gaze, Yi Xia smiled and said.

(End of this chapter)

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