The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 667 Concept Endowment - Blood Sacrifice - Savage Species

Chapter 667 Concept Endowment-Blood Sacrifice-Savage Species (Two Updates!)

As for armor, Yi Xia actually didn't have much of a hobby.

In fact, practitioners of extraordinary civilizations in the Eastern lineage mostly have the same attitude towards this.

For the oriental pedigree practitioners who refine their bodies, the meaning of armor is relatively weak.

Therefore, generally speaking, without unique talents in that area, most people would not embark on this path.

For more mainstream monks, robes, robes, and the like are more convenient and useful items.

And battle armor and the like are more brilliant in the battles and disputes of mortal things.

Of course, this is also relatively mainstream.

The extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree also has some rather powerful battle armor.

After all, the light of all kinds of innate treasures is too dazzling, and those magic weapons of acquired achievements are also shining.

Under such brilliance, the brilliance of the armor in the extraordinary civilization of the oriental lineage is inevitably dimmed.

As for the whereabouts of the lava-magnificent armor, Yi Xia made a decision after a rough look at its attributes.

Speaking of which, he hadn't had anything suitable for a battle sacrifice for some days.

The armor he is currently wearing is due to the illusion of a certain epic armor.

Speaking of which, it is also quite practical.

Except that the shape is a little bit mild, there are no other shortcomings.

Yi Xia also used it as his first line of defense, and also as an object to maintain his dignity.

The real defense lies in his natural armor, which is continuously strengthened as his bloodline grows with each passing year.

With the enhancement and blessing of Ontology's many related abilities, it is tough and reliable enough.

Therefore, Yi Xia was a little curious about what this lava-magnificent armor could give him feedback after the Battle Ritual.

Afterwards, Yi Xia directly took out the lava-magnificent armor from the item backpack.

In the case of not being assembled, the basic weight of this armor is not low.

Picking it up with the power of Yi Xia's human form feels a bit heavy.

This also means that this is a pure armor with no related spiritual existence.

But even if it has spirituality, it has been put on hold after being forged.

Thinking about it, it takes a strong enough spirituality to be able to sustain it...

Afterwards, Yi Xia's thoughts moved, and Wu Ban came out in response.

Witchcraft - Battle Ritual!

Yuren saw that Yi Xia was busy, so he went down and found another place to guard.

It's not a question of necessary or unnecessary, it's the job of being a follower.

The "stubbornness" that can always maintain the rules is also a manifestation of his tenacity.

And at this time, the lava-magnificent armor has already begun to distort and blur in an invisible force...

Not long after, as the battle sacrifice ceremony continued.

The lava-magnificent armor finally completely dissipated in this strange world to it. In the next moment, a new prompt message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: The battle sacrifice was a great success! You have obtained a limited reward: concept endowment-blood sacrifice-savage species (one-time)!"


Concept Endowment-Blood Sacrifice-Savage Species
Type: special sacrificial reward
Restricted: Eastern lineage witches/Oriental lineage extraordinary civilized pure blood
Number of uses: 1/1 (Please note: this number of uses cannot be restored, backtracked, or simulated in relation to the features of the relevant version or any other channels, and once used, it is deemed to be the completion of the concept)

This reward is limited to groups: wild species (a group of powerful life elements in a certain time period of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree)


Those who have obtained this limited reward can choose a phantom of a related unit in the reward related list to challenge.

The challenge scene is a super-large dungeon plane. Each challenge needs to pay a dungeon reset fee of 10 integrated network disaster coins. If a single challenge fails, the challenge can be repeated until the challenge is successful.

After successfully killing the challenge object, the character can perform a special blood sacrifice ceremony given by the concept.

After the ritual is completed, the character can choose one of the related abilities or characteristics fed back by the ritual to add to himself.

Please note: The added ability is given by the concept, not the bloodline ability. It is only affected by the basic attributes of the character and does not affect the bloodline of the character, but at the same time, it cannot enjoy the bloodline related bonus.

Restriction: Savage and unruly (limited to big witch or high challenge level oriental pedigree extraordinary civilization concept pure blood)

Characters can obtain the opponent's core ability by fighting alone with the challenge object or by fighting with multiple challenge objects equal to the number of followers of the character.




Yi Xia looked at the dense reminder information refreshed on his retina.

Yi Xia was a little surprised that it wasn't the rewarded armor.

Of course, in a sense, this probably also has a certain influence on his related ideas.

He really doesn't have much of a taste for it either.

Just like when it comes to necklaces and accessories, Yi Xia has always adhered to the principle that it is best not to wear them.

In battle, these precious and fragile items are really in the way.

As for the armor, it is stronger.

But it also affected the feeling of fighting to some extent. In Yi Xia's opinion, the metamorphic armor was enough.

At most, it's time to find a transfiguration master and change the transfiguration shape of the dark titan.

Of course, that's a story.

Now, Yi Xia focused more on the rewards for this battle festival.

After reading it carefully, Yi Xia probably understood something.

To put it less precisely, it is equivalent to adding a physical-oriented protoss ability?
Yi Xia probably came to this conclusion.

In the next moment, another thought came to mind.

Yi Xia carefully studied the special reward rules, and then took a sip of the peppermint witchcraft resentfully.

It's not an entity...

In the case of Xuying, Yi Xia has no extra interest.

In fact, Yi Xia still had high expectations for those creatures in the ancient oriental legends.

Of course, except for a guy with a snake body and nine heads...

However, if this is the case, it can indeed be studied.

Yi Xia thought for a while and sat down.

He was planning to go hunting later.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry.

It is not necessarily a consideration of ability at all, as the first contact with future "acquainted friends", it is not impossible.

And when Yi Xia began to study the strange beasts on the reward list, Cang Zhong was busy on the other side.

The first draft of the superhuman management regulations is about to be released...

For the current background that has gradually come into line with the extraordinary, this is undoubtedly a major event.

It involves all aspects and requires double prudence and consideration.

Cang Zhong is only one of the members of the preliminary jury, and he also has another important mission:

Show the draft to the big witch to see if he will comment on it.

Although based on Cang Zhong's understanding of the Great Witch, most of the time he wouldn't pay much attention to such things.

However, regardless of the great witch's own combat ability, which has been encrypted to the top secret, and the auspicious growth of the related living body, it means that it has a major influence in the extraordinary field of this world.

Therefore, it is the proper meaning to show it to the other party.

But then again, when will Dawu be able to stay on Earth with peace of mind...

The research institute has made a new discovery - when the big witch is on the earth, the increase of related crops can be doubled on the existing basis!

What this means is already self-evident.

It's a pity that things in the world are always difficult to have both.

After roughly understanding the relevant situation of Dawu, Cang Zhong and some researchers have the following opinions:

The current earth probably "can't support" the big witch...

(End of this chapter)

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