Chapter 673 The Great Witch Always Reminisces (Two Updates!)

Meanwhile, somewhere on Earth

Bian Su looked at the screen presented on the computer.

After a certain contact not long ago, he now probably understands what kind of existence the person he worships is.

Of course, for this reason, Bian Su also signed a series of strict confidentiality regulations.

In this regard, Bian Su only felt relieved.

He always feels that anyone who pays attention to this up will be investigated.

Such an existence of "public preaching" has not been blocked.

On the contrary, Bian Su vaguely sensed some strangeness from certain subtleties.

For example, an overly harmonious comment area...

This is not a serious and indescribable website, theoretically there is no keyboard man.

One is fine, every video is like this.

Apparently, some power was always watching.

What's more, in the early days, the other party's comment area was not like this...

Therefore, Bian Su knew that he would definitely be found one day.

His experience was not overshadowed too much, and such a complicated resume in the world deserves attention.

Now it turns out that the official response was faster than he expected.

From Bian Su's point of view, this is actually a good thing.

Only those who have experienced a lot of complexity and chaos can realize the beauty of stability and plainness.

Once it gets messy, it can't be described simply as bitter...

But up to now, Bian Su is also a little dazed about this.

In fact, before this, Bian Su had already had the highest possible assumptions about this.

Unexpectedly, even his most outrageous ideas are a bit conservative from the real situation...

Who can think of this!

Bian Su shook his head, then restrained his thoughts.

Although Bian Su didn't have much interest in the subject of hair growth.

But now Bian Su has a little understanding - its value is not necessarily just in the medicine itself.

The feedback that process gave was also, in a way, extremely helpful to him.

But then again, maybe it will be of some use to Dad...

Bian Su thought so.




Flesh Life Epidermal Tissue Repair Potion:
Type: Witch Potion

Quality: Blue (master-level related limited witch potion promotion)
Restrictions: Need to meet the relevant limited cognition (non-hard conditions)

After drinking, the drinker must make a Will save.

The difficulty of the test is based on the limited cognitive elements related to the character. The closer the skew is, the lower the difficulty of the test.

If the check is successful, the drinker will obtain a relatively long-lasting limited internal organ and epidermal tissue recovery effect (the specific effect is based on the drinker's limited cognition).

If the test fails, the drinker has a certain probability of falling into a state of slight loss of appetite/vomiting (non-Oriental civilization lineage).


Yi Xia looked at the relevant witch medicine information presented in his eyes.

Then, he threw the newly refined witch medicine to Yuren.

When Cang Zhong calls again next time, just ask him to come and get it.

In a sense, the market for this thing in some groups of ordinary things is probably wider than that of Sanyang decoction.

Yi Xia was rather curious about when it would reach the light gold quality.

Of course, speaking of it, light gold is not light gold, and it doesn't have much impact on ordinary people.

Because no matter how firm their beliefs are, at most they can configure related witch medicines with green configurations.

This also requires sufficient relevant talent.

As for the Transcendent, maybe they can reach blue?

Such an existence, a few years ago, was a born witch seedling.

It's just that now, the times are different, and where their final development falls depends on the fate of the individual.

It can be expected that in a few decades or even a hundred years, the earth should usher in a rather bright era...

Yi Xia still had some longing for this.

At that time, he will be able to semi-retire...

Back to the version of the big witch, it's almost enough to beat the alien invasion legion or evil god who doesn't know whether to live or die.

The trivial matters of the earth should be handled by the new generation...

But at that time, he might have been hanging out in the wilderness for a while.

Afterwards, Yi Xia regained his thoughts from the state of flying.

After a while of work, it's time to go hunting.

This time, let's see if there is any prey with better taste.

Although the witch soup from Void Demon Xiang was nutritious, he couldn't drink it all the time.

Is this an exchange recipe of the Dawu concept?

Of course, this thing is not so easy, if you encounter it, you should take it decisively.

Yi Xia thought so, and then sent a message to Xia Deng.

Not long after, Yi Xia received the dungeon and war plane information from the other party.

Yi Xia first looked to see if there was a key mark of "Ignore conditional push", and then looked slowly after finding out that there was no such thing.

The surrounding planes did not fall into peace because of Yi Xia's related actions.

War and fighting are eternal themes that exist between many planes.

Since there is no suitable dungeon or war plane related to the void, Yi Xia looks for a bigger enemy according to his just emerging idea...

Therefore, Yi Xia naturally focused on a war plane related to giant dragons:


Battle of Croesus - Dread the Dragons:

Genre: Plane Wars/Religious Wars
Minimum Participation Level: Level 15

The enemy of the war: the leader of the evil dragon-the eyeless and decapitated dragon-Griller... Gilles and his army of evil dragons

War description:

Decapitate the evil dragon aimlessly and return to the world from purgatory.

It has brought back its army of evil dragons--the evil dragons that have been infected by purgatory, endowed with unrivaled destructive power.

Now, it tells the world and those despicable heretics:
Who is the real ruler!



Yi Xia directly skipped the following content that seemed innocuous to him.

He still has to go to meet the giant dragon.

The main thing is familiar.

Although the exotic dragon tastes a bit irritable, it's not bad.

If it is used to refine Wutang, it can get rid of its inferiority.

Of course, the additional benefits of the Slaughter Stone's mosquito legs are another aspect.

However, there seem to be quite a few giant dragons on the friendly side...

Yi Xia thought about it, and then tried to choose with consciousness.

In the next moment, relevant prompt information appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your basic reputation in the relevant camp and some title effects, your war omens have been learned by the other party, please wait for the other party to deal with it..."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse

Some people are deeply entangled in this:
"In order to destroy a group of demons, and release another more powerful demon..."

"God of the dragon, please guide your followers out of confusion..."

She muttered to herself in front of the statue, but she didn't draw any inspiration from the cold statue.

Only the lazy young dragon perched next to it looked curiously at the human kneeling in front of the statue...

(End of this chapter)

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