Chapter 680 Dawu's Kitchen Renovation Plan (Two Updates!)
Yi Xia naturally didn't know that someone was about to go to Qingqiu to sue him.

But even if he knew, he obviously wouldn't care.

Before the legend, he didn't go to that kind of land.

But it doesn't mean that before the legend, the opponent can come and leave safely.

As for Qingqiu...

As far as Yi Xia is concerned, he really has no idea about it.

All I know is that nine-tailed foxes are abundant there.

And one of them was also somewhat involved with Wu.

As for more, Yi Xia didn't have much impression.

For foxes, Yi Xia doesn't have a good sense of sight.

Of course, it's not too bad.

It can only be said that they are a group of naughty kids...

Just as he was about to speak, Yi Xia realized that he had indeed met many foxes.

But it's only once if you hand it over.

Not even alive.

Only relying on the contract with the female Taoist, barely maintained.

At this time, Yi Xia had already left the ancient challenge space.

The effort before and after is probably equivalent to pulling a carrot from the ground.

Due to the space of the dragon head statue, it is no longer able to meet Yi Xia's refining needs.

After thinking about it, he got up and prepared to go to his kitchen.

Before leaving, Yi Xia called Yuren, intending to invite him to eat some dragon meat.

But Yuren refused—it seemed to have found new and different pleasures from the online world.

Is this also a kind of depravity with the relevant horizon of pursuing the righteous?
Yi Xia didn't know.

But after all these years and all the suffering, it's always lucky to be able to find new pleasures.

Yi Xia doesn't care if Yuren is still such a pure guardian of justice.

It's okay if it's not evil...

For the rest, let the saints worry about it.

In this world, the great witch can still say a few words...

Therefore, Yi Xia didn't open her integrated network panel either.

After teleporting once, Yi Xia was already familiar enough with it.

In the next moment, he went straight through the long space, and suddenly appeared in the Eye of Ledo - Mucha.

Afterwards, Yi Xia fell into deep thought as he looked at a certain alien device all over the mountains and plains...



"This is the result of our work during this period, please review it."

Lan Ling-Sailor pointed to those special-shaped devices and introduced them to Yi Xia one by one.

Of course, it wasn't the device, but those Entreidor spirit blood people who were busy near the device.

It is precisely because of the relatively poor reproductive ability of this race.

Therefore, every Entledo spiritual blood person has a blood relationship like a broken thread.

As the elder among them, Lan Ling-Sailor is naturally familiar with everyone.

"They're good kids. They're lucky."

"My son had no such luck - he died in a war initiated by the previous warlord."

Lan Ling Sailor said with some emotion.

When talking about its deceased heir, its tone was not too low.

Perhaps as far as it is concerned, all the spirit-blood people of Entredo need to be noticed and cared for.

Long-lived species always have more time to think and make decisions than short-lived species when transferring power.

To be able to continue the position of elder for so long, the other party obviously has the characteristics that are admired by others.

Although sometimes, from an individual point of view, some lose their indifference.

Yi Xia looked at the sword in his hand, and before a certain giant beast even felt the pain, a certain Entreido spiritual blood man who had completed the material collection nodded.

It seems that apart from the remarkable talent for spells, the Entledo Spiritbloods are not all hands-on.

But also, long-lived species generally rarely have too prominent shortcomings.

The accumulation brought by time is enough to make them become "experts" in the mediocre field.

To put it simply, they can be obtained relatively easily for levels that can be reached simply by piling up time.

Of course, it often takes enough love or pressure.

In this regard, the short-lived human beings need not be the same-the fleeting life is enough to form a "bad" environment with sufficient potency.

Afterwards, Lanling Sailor brought Yi Xia to the place where the materials were stored.

It was supposed to be a grain warehouse.

Now even though it is full of monster materials, Yi Xia can still smell the faint smell of crops.

In this regard, Yi Xia is now considered a semi-expert - the kind that relies entirely on intuition.

This reminded Yi Xia of the things she hadn't done before:

The seeds he got hadn't been fully planted yet.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia first affirmed the work of Lanling Sailor and the others in collecting materials.

Then, he used his perception to get a general idea of ​​the scale of the current installation.

After pondering for a while, Yi Xia thought about it.

The flame particles around him immediately condensed under his will.

For Yi Xia who was already able to manipulate the witch fire, this was not such a difficult thing.

In the next moment, it is carried by the outline of the world that Yi Xia perceives.

The condensed flame particles burned distinct marks on the ground.

For a spellcaster of an orthodox academic faction, it probably doesn't need to be so troublesome.

But Yi Xia is obviously also keen on this simple and crude method:

"I will grow some crops here, and you don't need to look after them."

Yi Xia pointed to the world map that was burnt on the ground, and following his words, a flame appeared in the area he mentioned.

Lan Ling Sailor took a look.

It is naturally very familiar with this world.

Therefore, after just one glance, Lan Ling-Sailor knew that there was a barren desert of sand and stone.

The old sea dried up there, and its remnants are so deep.

So that tens of millions of years later, there is still a barren land.

"Great Witch, please allow me to be presumptuous—as far as I know, there is a bitter and salty desert, not suitable for growing crops."

Lan Ling Sailor organized his language, and then spoke cautiously.

"If it's not suitable, just transform it. How can there be so many fields that are naturally suitable for farming."

Yi Xia said with a smile upon hearing this.

This is probably a traditional art in a certain sense.

Although as far as Yi Xia is concerned, in fact, he has never had much contact with farming.

The most tangible memory is the memory of playing on the ridge where my grandfather worked when I was young.

However, the simple emotion for the earth has continued in some magical way.

Afterwards, Yi Xia's will turned into a lingering flame, illuminating another drowsy area on the world map on the earth.

"I'll eat there in the future, don't get close if you don't have to."

Afterwards, Yi Xia thought for a while and added:
"There may be some slight weather changes or movements, just take care of the children."

Lan Ling Sailor nodded upon hearing this:

"Follow your will, and I will pass it on to the tribe."

Then it paused, then looked up at Yi Xia again:

"Please let the great witch know: the Entledo Spirit Blood people are not a cowardly race. If you have any difficulties, we are also willing to fight for you."

Yi Xia glanced at Lan Ling-Sailor, it probably misunderstood.

But Yi Xia didn't explain too much about it.

Anyway, it will know soon...

(End of this chapter)

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