Chapter 686 The vast mountains, the world of witchcraft (two more!)
The materials collected by the Entledo Spirit Bloodman are quite huge in the warehouse.

But thrown into the Wu Ding, it seems a little rare.

So Yi Xia had no choice but to change Wu Ding's specifications a little bit.

Otherwise, if the water is mixed too much, it will inevitably have some impact on the final effect of the witch medicine.

Although it is a route of small profits but quick turnover, it is always a costless transaction in a certain sense, and Yi Xia thinks it is not so.

It is obviously much more convenient for Yi Xia to refine Sanyang decoction now than before.

No matter how much material there is, just throw it into the Wu Ding and temper it.

Anyway, if there are no accidents, it is generally difficult to get a "standard share" of Wuding.

With the general size of the main ingredients of the Sanyang Decoction, it is hard to say whether the related creatures of a world can gather together enough for a Wuding cauldron.

Because it was not refined according to the legend, the small tripod Sanyang decoction was completed very quickly.

When it was finally divided into sales specifications, it took more time.

In the end, the Nading Sanyang decoction prepared with the materials collected by the Entredo spirit bloodman was divided into 2742 parts.

This huge number far surpassed the Sanyang Decoction refined by Yi Xia before, and it was rare to support it in the player trading center of the multiverse comprehensive network for a period of time.

Then, it turned into a reminder message refreshed on Yi Xia's retina:
"Reminder for large-value transactions on the comprehensive network: the related products you consigned at the multiverse trading center have been sold out (total payment amount: 74 comprehensive network disaster coins), and the payment is currently temporarily locked because the relevant payment exceeds a certain limit The locked state will be released after the comprehensive network conducts the relevant transaction specification review (no more than one natural day at most).

"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: Since your related sales in the multiverse trading center have exceeded the relevant limit amount, your multiverse center has opened a large transaction section (plane)."

Yi Xia looked at the prompt on the retina.

Large transaction sector?

After Yi Xia glanced at the total payment, he stopped paying attention, and instead focused on the prompt message later.

Does the multiverse trading center have such a module?

Yi Xia then tried to use his consciousness to open the Multiverse Trading Center of the Integrated Network Players.

Sure enough, in the original search section, a new large transaction section was added.

Yi Xia directly clicked in with his consciousness, and immediately a large amount of transaction item information was refreshed in his retina:


Serial number A-1412-Small plane for sale, price 1 comprehensive network disaster coins, current bid: 800 comprehensive network disaster coins...

Serial number Z-25134-one hundred thousand high-level slave army (mainly demon spirits)...

Serial number Q-9422-God of Justice (you can view it after paying a deposit and signing a non-disclosure agreement) The message of the lost artifact (including the specific location, trigger conditions, and related restrictions, notarized by the comprehensive network, currently valid)...


Small planes are actually so cheap...

Yi Xia clicked on the other party's detailed information and looked at it with some sort of sophisticated eyes.

Then, it was closed with disgust.

There are basic material rules, but the related material world is too simple.

The art of reclamation may not be able to save it.

If you buy it back and use it as a big warehouse, you still have to worry about people who can travel through space straying into it...

Afterwards, Yi Xia casually looked at it again.

In this section, the quite mainstream is the sale of various armies and territories.

There are countless planes, planets, and the like.

Yi Xia looked at it for a while, then closed the related panel of the integrated network.

For some wealthy warlords, these things are not bad.

But there are not many things that interest Yi Xia.

Yi Xia is somewhat interested in those artifacts.

But basically there are no finished products for sale, they are all information sales.

In the case where the artifact does not recognize its owner, there must be a set of extremely complicated rules for determining it.

Simply knowing the message is only enough for the first step.

Yi Xia didn't have the time to study these things.

His attitude towards this has always been simple: he will sacrifice whatever enemies he meets.

As for the others, try it if you go along the way, and don't consider it if you don't go along the way.

And in terms of his current situation, Yi Xia felt that there was only a possibility that he could satisfy the artifact of the good camp.

As for how big - anyway, there is no absolute impossibility in the multiverse...

And the artifact of the evil camp...

Even if Yi Xia didn't open his hostile camp list, he knew the attitude of many gods in the evil camp towards him.

As for the neutral camp, there is no need to repeat them.

As stated earlier, it was extremely cumbersome and troublesome.

In a sense, it can't be easier than a girl who has never been in love before...

After enriching the comprehensive network disaster currency reserves, Yi Xia stopped staying.

He directly opened the comprehensive network panel and sent it to the relevant world through the comprehensive network.

With space coordinates, Yi Xia can also complete the teleportation by himself.

But this time it's not about hunting, it's about trading.

Relatively speaking, it is natural to choose a more moderate way.

After deducting the teleportation fee, not long after, the space around Yi Xia began to change.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared in the world of the Entreido Spirit Bloodman...




When Yi Xia regained his senses from the chaotic space he was transported to, he immediately heard crisp birdsong and moist water vapor around him.

Yi Xia slowly opened his eyes.

Although the perception has already explored the surrounding environment one step further, Yi Xia is quite happy to see the vast mountains and forests he entered.

For a moment, Yi Xia felt that it had a hint of wildness.

Of course, the earth under his feet and the atmosphere of the world let Yi Xia know that this place is obviously not wild.

From Yi Xia's point of view, it has a taste of the Hundred Thousand Mountains that he has been to.

The living creatures around were very rich, and they weren't even afraid of Yi Xia at first.

Of course, after staying close for a while, perhaps Yi Xia's breath began to drift out, they finally sensed something was wrong, and fled away one after another.

For a while, it was very lively.

Seeing this, Yi Xia couldn't help grinning.

Probably because of the strong witchcraft aura here, or maybe because of the remnant wild aura, he felt a little kind to this place.

And the place pointed out by the previous transaction information seems to be in the depths of this mountain forest.

Yi Xia didn't care about it either, and stepped straight up on the clouds.

He doesn't care about flying in all directions now, but at least he flies in the clouds except for some special places, which is still random.

Of course, Yi Xia remembered that it was precisely because of his random flight that he attracted a certain meal stick.

Thinking about it now, it's a bit unbearable.

Such a beautiful thing, but Yi Xia never encountered it again.

Seeing the blood cloud tumbling, Yi Xia caught a glimpse of a village in the distance built against the mountain.

It is no exaggeration to say that this village is the largest one Yi Xia has ever seen.

But there are many tall wooden buildings on top of each other, standing on top of the ground.

There is a bay of clear water flowing through it, dividing the village into east and west.

At this time, the sun was slanting to the west, and a group of villagers were trawling their nets and carrying fish, returning with a full load...

 There are three shifts today~
(End of this chapter)

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