The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 700 The famous scene corresponding to the giant beast movie?

Chapter 700 The famous scene corresponding to the giant beast movie? (three more!)

Dust mist...

The wailing on the ground was all Yi Xia could see and give.

He did not stand above the clouds, but actually walked on the ground.

The seemingly tough planet's icy outer layer couldn't bear his magnificent body at all.

Every time it moves forward, it is accompanied by violent vibrations and shattering of the surrounding ground.

Some crystals that exude a strong energy atmosphere seep out from the broken cracks in the outer layer of the planet.

Yi Xia grabbed a handful before chewing.

The taste is okay, but there is no taste...

It can be regarded as somewhat nutritious, but it does not have much benefit to the growth of blood vessels.

That is probably the reason why the humans in this world and the cosmic Zerg are fighting on this planet, and even part of the whole war.

But to Yi Xia, it was like the apples bought at home during the Chinese New Year.

Most of them are filling and nutritious, but most of them will be left to rot and cannot be finished.

The creeps of the Zerg were densely packed on the surface of the planet.

At some point, they can also be regarded as one of the external representations of the cosmic Zerg in the multiverse.

For flesh and blood creatures, they are mostly disgusting and cause some trouble.

As far as Yi Xia is concerned at this moment, their only function is to show that his road full of burning and destruction has not yet come to an end...

The buzzing sound of insects in Yi Xia's ears was intertwined with indescribable enthusiasm and various complicated messages.

In the realm where mortal things are difficult to gaze at with the naked eye, in the whistling psionic energy net, the fierceness of war is presented in another form.

In this regard, Yi Xia thinks that the cosmic Zerg is a good prey.

Because they never run away.

Of course, this probably has something to do with Yi Xia not giving them a chance to teleport to exit...

In Yi Xia's vision, the buildings of the base camp of the cosmic Zerg on this planet are more like weird mushrooms of different shapes crawling on the ground.

Occasionally they wriggled, displaying an activity very different from that of mushrooms.

And soon, in the aftermath of the berserk, they turned into fly ash or struggled and stagnated on the burning of the witch fire.

Bright and full of destructive power, flames have always been one of the best ways to dispel these untimely things.

Moreover, the earth after the flames burned will not fall into dead silence forever.

Instead, after a long or not so long time, exudes another form of vitality.

Of course, it is probably very difficult for this planet to have such a scenario.

It is not so suitable for the birth of life, or even a planet for action.

Those human soldiers who come to fight also need a sufficiently tough body and related equipment to move and fight freely.

It is worth mentioning that when Yi Xia slaughtered the cosmic Zerg until the opponent's base camp.

He accidentally found a small group of human soldiers surrounded by space Zerg.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the screams and mood swings of some of them that caught Yi Xia's attention.

Yi Xia really wasn't certain that he would find them in such a sea of ​​insects.

Among the innumerable breaths of the swarm, their breath of life is like a few shreds of ginger mixed with a large serving of vinegared potato shreds.

Speaking of it, it can be considered a bit of luck.

So Yi Xia didn't wave the Wu Banner every step of the way as before, but walked straight over.

The witch fire from behind continued to burn.

With Yi Xia's breath mark, the witch fire will not burn them.

And there is no need to back down, the gap between Yi Xia's fingertips is a wide area like a canyon to them.

Of course there will be some turbulent impact feedback.

But judging from the situation afterwards, their lives are tough enough.

Individuals who are not tough enough will not be able to persist until Yi Xia comes over surrounded by such a large number of insects...

From the perspective of fate, the other party is probably sheltered by some related war fate of the universe.

When it comes to a war of planes of this scale, fate should pay attention to the relevant special individuals...



"I was supposed to take a picture just now. When I go back, this will definitely sell well!"

"Maybe it's more profitable than fighting wars!"

Salinaser listened to the murmurs of his comrades beside him who were still in shock.

They are now awaiting rescue from the team.

Perhaps not so accurate, it should be said - waiting for the flames to recede?
Salinaser looked at the curtain of fire in front of him.

It was a real fire.

It burns on the surface of the planet like a boiling ocean.

Salinas also didn't know what it used as energy source, and the planet's shell formed by the condensation of icy gas did not seem to be a suitable source of energy for combustion.

Fortunately, at least it doesn't produce much harmful fumes.

Even the oxygen in the air seems to be maintained in a not so bad state.

Of course, it wouldn't be any better without the fire.

Even a muscular genetic mutant like Salinaser needs auxiliary equipment to maintain fierce battles.

And without the assistance of relevant equipment, Salinaser can only protect himself from losing consciousness due to lack of oxygen by relying only on his body.

As for fighting, that is obviously too unrealistic.

"What was that just now?"

Salinaser asked like this, he knew that his comrades did not know the answer, he was just like them, using words to vent his overly agitated emotions.

Salinaser only knew the feeling so clearly when the famous scenes in various monster movies happened to him.

What's more, there has never been a monster of this scale in the movie...

The footprints formed by the opponent's stepping on the ground, they stand on the ground, and even need enough space and imagination to outline it.

Of course, if it is above the sky, it is obviously clear at a glance.

"Don't worry about anything else, anyway, I dare say, this is definitely not something that the guys in the research institute can make."

"They even only have theoretical models of war mechs!"

Some comrades said so.

"In fact, it can be manufactured, but it is not cost-effective."

Some comrades also retorted.

"Come on, it's nobody else, man, you might as well be honest—it's a big toy."

"I think it must be those guys from foreign lands. They can use space folding as a carry-on backpack. It's not uncommon to make such guys."

After hearing the speech of a certain comrade-in-arms, Salinaser's heart moved.

He once knew some existences from other lands, they said they were... comprehensive network players?
It seems to be this strange name, which doesn't sound very serious.

Of course, those are indeed some guys who don't have much solemn factor.

But Salinaser hadn't heard from them that there was such a thing among them.

I don't know what price to pay for becoming such an existence.

If you can……

There was some indescribable brilliance in Salinaser's eyes.

Perhaps, he saw a career more in line with his original dream than becoming a heavy tank driver...

(End of this chapter)

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