Chapter 702 Researchers in the Meteorite Belt (Two Updates!)

A human soldier curled up in the battleship in pain, and couldn't help vomiting violently.

This is not a physical or psychological discomfort, but the effect of the biochemical toxin of the swarm.

In this area full of small meteorites, the battle between humans and Zerg has intensified.

For now, neither side has found much bargain.

Before that, humans once recovered more than 80% of the entire meteorite belt.

But soon, after the Zerg's new adaptive evolution, they suffered repeated setbacks.

Recently, however, Zerg seems to have adopted a new strategy:
They no longer care about the resources and mechanical soldiers in the meteorite belt, but focus on destroying individual human beings.

Obviously, relevant feedback in other battlefields has made them aware of the high cost of living human beings.

Especially for veterans who have successfully gone through several rounds of gene activation and actually participated in the war against insects.

Biochemical toxins are just one of the many means of war against these flesh and blood creatures.

In the war between two very different civilizations, naturally there is no longer any lower limit of war in the popular sense.

Just like human beings will directly give each other the supreme art of light and heat after obtaining the hatching area related to the Zerg.

The two sides are like this, like a meat grinder, torturing and entangled with each other.

There is only one and only one winner...

And when Yi Xia arrived at the area guided by the spiritual light, he saw a certain kind of cosmic zerg that looked like a huge deformed jellyfish that was bursting with many biochemical toxins.

This gave Yi Xia a new understanding of the evolution of these cosmic Zergs.

However, biochemical toxins?
Standing on the periphery of the meteorite belt, Yi Xia suddenly sucked from the air.

Theoretically speaking, in space where there is no element of wind, there suddenly appeared some kind of sharp change like air fluctuations.

With the "cooperation" of the many broken residues caused by the remnants of the war, people have the illusion that the wind is blowing.

And the next moment, those areas that were originally poisoned by the biochemical toxins of the swarm suddenly began to become clear.

The soldiers who were struggling in the battleship also got up in a jerk:
"Did you give me an injection? I can still stand it!"

"You should at least tell me that I'm not ready."

"Su Shabo, forget about me, and the last sentence: In fact, your butt is quite up..."

Afterwards, he tried to take advantage of the last dazzling moment of his theoretical life to open the sealed weapons in the battleship, but he stopped with blank eyes.

"The atmosphere is here."

"How about I give you an injection?"

A guy raised his share of the injections that all human soldiers had.

That is a certain type of unstable genetic solvent, which can greatly stimulate the genetic potential of an individual in a short period of time.

Of course, the price is also very stable, that is, death that cannot even be delayed...

The soldier froze for a moment, then realized what had happened.

The good news is, he doesn't have to die.

The bad news is, he doesn't have to die...

And at this moment, an important communication came from the command system, and that certain doctor known as the "Light of Humanity" was urgently dispatched...



Most of the biochemical toxins released by the cosmic Zerg are in the form of some kind of space spores.

Of course, now, they are all swallowed up by Yi Xia's plague power.

Although in terms of quality, Yi Xia's current plague power is not too high, but the quantity is greater.

All in all, this is an added bonus.

But this is not Yi Xia's purpose.

Yi Xia stared at the meteorite belt in front of him.

For the size of his current witch body form, this area is obviously too narrow.

Of course, Yi Xia also has a way to make it open.

It's just that there are still a large number of human armed warships there.

Yi Xia's method of making the meteorite belt empty will obviously affect it at the same time.

In contrast, Yi Xia feels that he still likes the battlefield like the planet.

Especially the uninhabited dead planet, which can wield power at will without worrying about being expelled by the plane.

But just like a pot of fat stewed ribs, there is always a limit to good meat.

And based on the cross-regional cost of the current unfamiliar universe, Yi Xia is not prepared to specifically look for those planets where the cosmic Zerg exists.

Once met, it is natural to take it down.

Judging from Yi Xia's current experience, he has not encountered many plane wars of this scale.

Even if there is, it is probably a camp that does not meet his relevant needs.

After all, pure evil or goodness is not so common in the multiverse.

Especially for the level of civilization that has reached such a scale, it is even more difficult to judge.

In this regard, Yi Xia thinks that the resource point of the cosmic Zerg still has great potential to be tapped.

Before that, he had given such an evaluation to the abyss and the void demon.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and found that he was still lacking in related abilities.

Disasters such as water and fire are difficult to unleash.

As for the plague?

Up to now, Yi Xia has only used the lethal effect of this kind of power in the dungeon world.

After all, the probability of this thing getting out of control is too high.

A little carelessness will lead to the extinction of a large number of creatures.

This is what Yi Xia doesn't want to see.

He fights to hunt, not to destroy the world.

Speaking of which, I don't know what the ability corresponding to Fei's top calamity is, and whether it can adapt to the current situation.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and prepared to start from the other side of the field belonging to the swarm.

Although it is not very easy to eat, the meat always has to be eaten bite by bite.

What's more, war groups such as the cosmic Zerg have always been bombed at one point.

His hatred value in this aspect is still relatively stable.

Maybe it can attract the opponent's main force.

As for the remaining residue, there is no need to worry about it that much.

In this universe, there are countless swarms of related bugs waiting for him to harvest.

After thinking up to this point, Yi Xia had an idea.

He moved towards the other side along the edge of the area full of meteorites and various types of war wreckage.

And in a certain area deeper in the meteorite belt, researcher 01-Lisella of the Constant Center looked at the inexplicably deactivated spores in the closed observation facility and fell into deep thought.

She has studied the mutated spores that originated from the cosmic Zerg.

Although the cosmic Zerg has a terrifying adaptive enhancement, its enhancement is not random or full of variables.

It has its theory and the current optimal solution, and it is an extension of genetic technology in the field of biochemistry full of certain beauty.

Although human beings obviously cannot reach this dangerous "perfection", it does provide valuable ideas and experience for the development of related biochemical technology of humans in the Constance galaxy.

In Lisella's view, this high probability is not related to the related effects derived from her genes, but the influence of other unknown factors.

And now, what is the biggest variable around her, Liesela knows it all too well.

Because it's impossible to ignore...

"I think I need to meet this exotic gentleman."

Lisella said so.

Her words made the following people fall into silence.

After a long time, the other party nodded:
"I'm now contacting central command to apply, but I'm not sure they'll agree."

"Then contact the institute, they know what I'm doing."

Lisella said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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