The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 704 The Individual That Gives Researchers a Headache

Chapter 704 An Individual That Gives Researchers a Headache (Two Updates!)

In space, there is not enough medium to transmit sound.

But around the field intertwined with strong light and shattering, in some areas filled with enough fine particles, individuals wearing related equipment can still vaguely hear the dull sound like the wailing of giant beasts.

The area that was originally filled with a large number of irregular meteorites and war remnants now has a huge and transparent gap.

The radiation laws listed in the follow-up meteorites and war residues can roughly see the power of that streamer.

At this moment, countless insect swarms surged out from the meteorite belt.

Obviously, the power displayed by Yi Xia did not exceed the limit threshold that the swarm could accept.

They still have enough confidence to try to eliminate the higher hostile units of the swarm.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the effect is minimal...

Yi Shana's natural armor, which has been strengthened multiple times, is already able to block most attacks.

Even those special attacks that can ignore armor can't do much effective damage at all.

The time for the swarm to undergo adaptive evolution is obviously not as efficient as Yi Xia's massacre.

When the gap that had already been filled with all kinds of swarm residues and no new cosmic zerg appeared, Yi Xia knew that he probably wouldn't have any more gains here.

And just when Yi Xia was about to leave, he saw several human battleships heading towards him.

Unlike the warships that he had previously flown staggered with, these warships were flying towards him.

In this regard, Yi Xia's perception is very clear.

And just when Yi Xia was thinking about what these guys were looking for him for, a new prompt message suddenly appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Please pay attention to players, you have a new urgent message about allies in this plane, please check it in time."

Yi Xia thought for a while, and then opened the message with his consciousness.

It is not impossible for the forces of this plane to actively contact him.

It is the first time in a certain sense that relevant information can be transmitted through the integrated network.

Afterwards, Yi Xia fell into deep thought as he looked at the relevant information refreshed on his retina.

Yi Xia looked at the temporarily stalled spaceship not far away.

In the relevant information transmitted by the comprehensive network, the main camp of this world stated that there will be a researcher discussing with him some matters about the cosmic insect swarm and passing on some encrypted information.

Although Yi Xia felt that the other party's purpose was clearly not what was indicated in the message.

But at the moment, Yi Xia doesn't feel any malice from it.

Perhaps, it's another guy who is like a certain old dragon king who is making foolish calculations...

In this way, Yi Xia probably knows who those spaceships brought over.

Of course, to Yi Xia, it was just a name.

Due to environmental reasons, Yi Xia thought for a while and directly transformed into a human form.

In the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

When it reappeared, Yi Xia had already arrived inside one of the spaceships.

Yi Xia naturally doesn't know each other, but he has an easier way:

In Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, the obstruction of the hull is not a problem at all.

He could directly see the essence of the flesh and blood life within.

In this way, the shining soul among the crowd can be seen at a glance...



Lissella looked at Yi Xia who suddenly appeared in front of her, her pupils instinctively changed dramatically.

But soon, she realized that this was a special ability possessed by the other party.

The desire to explore and research that emerged from the depths of consciousness suppressed that instinctive fear.

Researchers are not necessarily those with a firm heart, but more often than not, there are too many elements that outweigh those complicated emotions.

Of course, when the research comes to an end, the changes that should occur will appear on the body one by one as scheduled.

And the surrounding entourage also quickly reacted.

They put away the weapons that were about to launch an attack, and then secretly guarded Lisella's side.

This is obviously more of a gesture.

Because everyone here knows what kind of life they are facing.

Fortunately, everyone has read the relevant information from the headquarters.

After clarifying the nature of the opponent, the theoretical risk was reduced to a controllable range.

Of course, there is still the possibility of losing control - a guardian of a plane with an independent personality will naturally have his emotions.

And judging from the current situation and some resumes shown by the other party, it is obvious that this will not be such a gentle existence...

"Lisella, a researcher at the Constant Center."

Lisella stretched out her hand towards Yi Xia.

This is not a custom in the country where it is located, but it is learned from relevant information from the headquarters.

Yi Xia shook hands with the other party:
"Yi Xia, the great witch of the earth."

"You don't have to be nervous, I've always been kind to people, but I'm a little soft when I'm hunting."

Yi Xia said this to the entourage around Lisella.

"We also think so, but the instinct of genes has always been stubborn and unwilling to adopt the opinions of individuals."

A person who looked like the leader smiled stiffly when he heard this, and then said this.

For those who have overstrengthened the genes related to combat, they can more clearly feel the horror and danger of the human beings who seem to have not even undergone much genetic enhancement.

It was as if almost all combat-related genetic factors were screaming and roaring, keeping them away from each other at all costs.

"Are you here to hunt these monsters?"

Lisella also smiled, and then asked directly.

In this respect, Yi Xia has probably determined that the opponent's role in his own camp is skewed.

He is indeed a pure researcher...

Of course, what the other party said was also Yi Xia's main focus.

His contact with the other party is also mainly for this reason.

In this way, Yi Xia directly affirmed the other party's statement.

"Then I think we can help a little bit—I have made some achievements in the research on the adaptive evolution of Zerg, special individuals and the evolution of war."

"Maybe we have something in common on this."

Yi Xia just shook his head when he heard the words:
"I don't care about their mutation or planning, I just need to know where they are."

Lisella listened and pondered for a while:

"I can borrow a small remote space traversal adaption ship."

"Although it is an experimental version, there is no problem in shuttling in the war zone without considering the encounter with the enemy."

However, Yi Xia still shook his head:
"Give me a map and individual items related to the war zone, or just the name, I don't lack the ability to travel through space."

Lysella: ...

Therefore, this kind of individual with full comprehensive ability is really troublesome.

Lisella was silent for a while, then nodded:
"This is not a problem. I will apply to the research institute. If there is no accident, it will be delivered within an hour."

"Before that, I would like to ask you a question about how to deal with the Zerg biochemical virus. You seem to have some expertise in this area?"

After hearing this, Yi Xia immediately understood one of the other party's intentions.

"I am not a researcher, and I don't have much information to provide statements about these detailed contents."

"But if it's just to deal with it - I can teach you a small method to treat the symptoms but not the root cause..."

Then, with a thought in Yi Xia's mind, under the flames, a ferocious beast pattern appeared at the bottom of the spaceship he was looking at.

"This is?"

The leader of the entourage next to him couldn't help asking.

"It's called Fei..."

Yi Xia said so.

(End of this chapter)

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