Chapter 710 Disaster Alliance, Destruction Chapter! (Two updates!)

The light of distant stars, after a long time journey, cast the remaining light and heat on this icy star.

Under the cold light, on the surface of the star, countless things like "air holes" were faintly wriggling.

That is the relevant biological building of the cosmic Zerg.

Although the cosmic Zerg has no direct connection with the related life of Chaos Void.

But as far as the painting style is concerned, the Zerg, who are obviously pursuing more efficiency, don't care about the so-called beauty.

Therefore, its individual life or architectural style tends to be quite distorted and uncomfortable.

From this aspect, there is nothing wrong with calling it a flesh and blood war machine.

This planet is one of the important bases of the cosmic Zerg in the current universe.

On the periphery of the planet, there are a number of huge spherical floating objects full of different kinds of holes.

That is the method used by the cosmic Zerg to cover and block the relevant detection methods of human beings.

On the surface of the planet, there are all kinds of ferocious and dangerous Zerg war buildings.

Looking from the vast perspective of the universe, it was impossible to find those dense swarms of insects for a while.

They are not like the insect swarms in ordinary war zones, which are always in a state of restlessness.

And just when everything was running as before.

Suddenly, some kind of warning came from the depths of the genes, causing the whole planet to suddenly fall into a kind of depressive restlessness.

In the invisible psionic network organized by the insects, many chaotic and complex wills are converging.

Apparently, the arrival of an uninvited guest caused related fluctuations similar to astonishment among the insect swarm.

Of course, life forms such as the cosmic Zerg naturally do not have low-efficiency emotions such as hesitation and regret.

After discovering that everything was unavoidable, some important biological buildings that could be evacuated began to retreat strategically in an orderly manner.

And against this background, accompanied by violent fluctuations in space, a huge figure suddenly appeared outside the atmosphere of this planet...



Yi Xia's eyes were surrounded by endless fire, staring at the star body filled with the life breath of a large number of insect swarms.

This is not the core base camp of the cosmic Zerg in this universe.

Because so far, humans in this world have not found any relevant information about such places.

Otherwise, it would not be Yi Xia's turn.

In terms of the research and development of weapons of mass destruction, the development of related science and technology of mankind will never disappoint...

Because the deeper area is shrouded by some kind of powerful spiritual power.

Therefore, Yi Xia's teleportation cannot go deep.

This is currently one of the areas where the Zerg has the largest number of distributions that humans have learned.

And the reason why Yi Xia chose this place was entirely because based on the intelligence information provided above, the other party could not complete the evacuation in a short time.

Since there is no way to achieve a more routine hunting, it is always worthwhile to gather a big wave.

Although now, because he has not exited the battlefield plane, Yi Xia is unable to view the summary income of killing experience.

But even based on the relevant data on his current comprehensive network panel, it is already an extremely impressive figure for Yi Xia.

Just like Yi Xia's situation before, when Yi Xia teleported to the current planet.

The other side has begun to show signs of a large-scale evacuation.

It's just that due to its related limited characteristics, the progress of this kind of evacuation is far inferior to those war zones that Yi Xia has been in contact with before.

Or are you ready to evacuate?

In this regard, Yi Xia was quite disappointed.

It seems that even so, the other party has no intention of coming back to try to reinforce the important military base at the human level.

This cold, mechanical, dark rationality...

Yi Xia shook his head, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, Yi Xia had already waved the witch banner towards the grotesque meat balls wandering outside the planet like flesh and blood satellites!
These functional organisms are probably mainly inclined to monitor or conceal, but under the berserk power, there is no time to make any effective resistance.

Under the silent and tyrannical storm of space, they turned into broken space wreckage one after another.

On Yi Xia's retina, relevant kill information was refreshed.

Yi Xia ignored it, and turned his attention to the star in front of him.

In this regard, Yi Xia has a new idea.

He is going to carry out joint attempts related to several disasters on this uninhabited planet.

Of course, you can also try, where the immediacy limit of the adaptive evolution of the cosmic Zerg is.

The next moment, Yi Xia's body was suddenly surrounded by flames!

Without the slightest pause, Yi Xia directly entered the state of the great wizard!
In this way, above the witch banner, there is a faint light of Dharma.

In a trance, the fiery tongue lingering on Yi Xia's body made his figure seem to swell a little.

In the limited area that the swarm could not observe, the breath of disaster gradually became stronger.

Although it is impossible to observe those abnormal breaths, the cosmic zerg on this planet still noticed some clues from the related changes of natural particles in various fields.

Therefore, while further improving a certain gene sequence, they are also trying to analyze the source of these mutations.

But in the end it was all to no avail.

For this field, obviously they have not carried out too in-depth sequence evolution.

Afterwards, Yi Xia suddenly waved the Wu Banner.

So invisibly, there is an invisible throbbing outside the planet.

The planet without a complete air mass has ushered in the first complete cyclone after a long period of silence.

The originally faint light on the planet suddenly became even darker.

Under the relevant painting style of the cosmic Zerg, it seems as if he has fallen into the lower plane all of a sudden.

Although unable to perceive the power of disaster, the sudden appearance of turbulent water vapor made the Zerg in the planet start an emergency adaptive evolution.

Their bodies began to change, becoming more adapted to the water environment and to resist wind and rain.

Thus, the flood came as expected.

It was as if the sky was torn apart, and a flood flooded the icy planet.

Yi Xia stood outside the planet, looking at the planet that was gradually covered with a layer of light blue coat, his eyes did not fluctuate in any way.

Through the turbulent and violent water curtain, he could see the Zerg who were trying to move in the big water.

Thus, Yi Xia waved the Wu Banner again.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a dark wind.

From the level of the material world, it seems that there are not many changes in particles.

Only those Zerg who were really struggling under the flood could feel the sudden weakness and many negative effects from the source of life.

Plague is not simply a virus or a harmful gas, but its corresponding, more primitive, dark concept.

This is the first time Yi Xia has used this calamity power on such a large scale.

Under the turmoil of the water calamity, the power of the plague seemed to become more and more ferocious.

In this way, until the turbid waves on the planet are monstrous.

Yi Xia just stopped to cause the flood.

But it's not the end of everything—I saw Yi Xia waved the Wu Banner again, and then a flame fell like a sky.

Water and fire have always been difficult to tolerate, but for the witch fire inspired by fire, the turbid waves full of disaster have become good fuel instead.

As a result, the curtain of fire rose, and the sky was filled with mist.

There is also a dark wind howling, and the fire is rushing with the wind...

The entire planet seems to be shrouded in a chapter of final destruction...

(End of this chapter)

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