Chapter 713 Benevolent and prosperous, take advantage of the yellow and live long (one more!)

Yi Xia stared at the dark universe in front of him.

Following his appearance, the tens of thousands of stars that were originally dead and silent, heard a manic sound like a tsunami.

Perhaps it was because of the aura of disaster focused on Yi Xia, or perhaps because of the endless vicious aura that lingered around Yi Xia.

Of course, Yi Xia's target is not such a relatively active group.

Yi Xia had already defined the Protoss decision before Legendary.

In this way, the sound of hustle and bustle escaped.

With the fluctuation of Yi Xia's related consciousness, in the seemingly endless dark universe, there are dots of light like fireflies.

Probably the over-exuberant killing atmosphere even once suppressed Yi Xia's related peaceful atmosphere gathered by the current multiple auspicious beast elements.

Therefore, the relevant protoss who were summoned this time have not changed much from before.

Considering Yi Xia's bloodline strengthening during this period and the stage concept of level 15, this obviously has some influence.

Fortunately, Yi Xia didn't care about it.

In the universe of Protoss, his current consciousness is lingering in a scorching fire.

Yi Xia stared at the protoss who responded.

Afterwards, the brilliance of spirituality allowed Yi Xia to focus on a protoss.

Just like the related protoss with auspicious elements, it is inevitable to be "delicate" in terms of body shape.

The size of this protoss doesn't look too huge.

At least in terms of Yi Xia's current vision.

And with Yi Xia's gaze, the dead planet corresponding to the related protoss gradually began to bloom with bright light and shadow.

In a trance, there is a beast like a fox with horns on its back, standing outside the planet.

It paces out, as if accompanied by clear light.

Then, with a long cry, it turned into a ray of mysterious light and fell into Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the next moment, Yi Xia's retina suddenly refreshed with a new message:
"The activation is successful, and the character gains the power of the star spirit: Chenghuang."

Chenghuang lv1 (cannot be improved through conventional means):
Fierce: The character obtains a limited supernatural concept element - flying yellow, can run in any land environment (concept element/divine-like), and the character's land running speed has a huge and permanent increase.

When an individual that exceeds the character's land movement ability appears within the character's perception range, the character automatically corrects its own base land movement speed to that individual.

Evil: none

The Power of the Protoss (Astrology - Benevolence Tengda):
Characters can temporarily (1 hour - non-restricted area/1 natural year - limited area) change the astrology of the selected area through a spell-like ceremony, and add the supernatural astrology of the protoss-benevolent tengda.

In the area affected by the supernatural astrology, all individuals who meet the relevant limiting conditions can obtain the relevant additional elements of the fate positive event probability bonus and a slight physical aging speed reduction.

And when it is affected by a bad luck-related fate event, it can pass an additional fate check to obtain the relevant fate event correction or benefit.

Detailed explanation of the restrictions:

Basis: The pedigree of the extraordinary oriental civilization or its derivative civilization

Additional additions: good alignment, presence of aura of adoration/good rewards...

Restricted - Take advantage of the yellow and live long (the character needs to be lucky at least 20 points, and cannot have the effect of bad luck on himself):

For individuals who meet the special limited elements (basic elements such as points of admiration and the name of great good, and limited elements such as near-death), the character can briefly contact the opponent's fate through a fate-side magic ability. After the contact is successful, the unit gets Short-term related event bonuses based on character-related fate elements and the maximum natural decay cycle of the body.

Special: Individuals who meet the relevant requirements will emit relevant auras or receive fate guidance when they are on the verge of death, and contact the characters.

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained a new auspicious element Protoss, your related element Protoss will get a linkage element, and the related Protoss ability will get an additional boost!"



Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

In his sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames, a strange beast that looks like a fox is obediently shrinking behind Luanniao, who is the "leading brother" of Yi Xia's auspicious element at the moment.

On the other side, the vicious beasts headed by roe owl and cockroach glanced at it noncommittally, and then looked away.

This "weak" auspicious protoss, which has nothing to do with frontal combat performance and old grievances, is not enough to attract their attention.

Yi Xia sensed Cheng Huang's related protoss power.

Its skill description is quite complicated.

But Yi Xia understood it carefully, and then she understood.

As for the influence related to fate, Yi Xia directly skipped it.

For the individuals affected by it, it may mean the turning point of the whole life.

But from Yi Xia's point of view, there isn't much to focus on.

Yi Xia's more noticeable star power effect lies in its ability to increase lifespan.

The related effect of the large-scale halo-like effect should not be so immediate.

But its active effect on individuals is estimated to be much stronger.

Of course, the related limit requirements are much more stringent.

But it's not an exaggerated ability.

Probably not as good as the worst peach in a peach garden in the sky...

In a sense, it is a relatively inexpensive manual transmission longevity change?

The main reason is the conditions of use, resulting in a relatively narrow scope of use.

After understanding the effect of the power of the new Protoss, Yi Xia withdrew his gaze.

In fact, he didn't quite understand the relevant elements of attracting this protoss.

Probably because of too many killings, a little compassion born deep in his heart?
Yi Xia shook his head, and put aside this idea that was too fairy-tale.

He sat on the barren land, spread the spell book on his knees.

In the past, he was more keen to present it in emptiness.

Now, it's back to the usual way, starting to like the touch of fingertips rubbing the paper.

The pages of the book that carried the changes of Yi Xia's spells kept turning pages under Yi Xia's flipping.

The spell book that was once full of blanks is now filled with many complicated spells.

A professional level of 15 is not enough to unlock higher-level spells.

As for the two new spells to choose from, Yi Xia didn't have much thought for the time being.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia opened the professional spell library.

As far as the current level is concerned, the related shortcomings that he needs to make up for are still difficult to completely solve in the current level of spells.

Therefore, Yi Xia was going to see if there were any other related functional spells.

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a large number of related professional spells flickered in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Yi Xia understood them one by one.

Not long after, Yi Xia made a decision.

In the absence of relevant urgent needs, how to improve hunting effects or obtain relevant limited materials has become a more persistent theme.

Yi Xia felt that he needed to expand his thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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