The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 731 Elena Su's Friend and the Great Witch's Curiosity

Chapter 731 Elena Su's Friend and the Great Witch's Curiosity (One more update!)

"...he swung his weapon from above the sky, and the swarms were like ants chased by children..."

Elena Su looked at the friends in front of her and some juniors who were listening with gusto. She was talking about what happened after she disappeared not long ago.

In the furnace engraved with luxurious patterns, a faint blue magic flame is burning.

There was something resembling a crucible on it, steaming hot.

There seemed to be a lot of meat and spices in it, and the tempting aroma was constantly exuding with the gradually boiling soup.

Judging from the functions presented by its related magic lines, it probably does not work like this.

But apparently, none of those here minded that.

"Ms. Yaoguang, is he a Titan?"

A junior looked at Elena Su curiously and asked.

Elena Su looked at the junior who asked the question. It was a halfling halfling with amber-like bright eyes.

Now, she is at the academy of magic established by a great kingdom.

In fact, if it wasn't for being temporarily summoned by teammates before.

At this time, she should probably be in the library here.

Zongwang does have a vast and complex database of relevant information.

But for some fields that are more obscure and should have a narrow scope, it may not be so effective.

Although this kind of knowledge definitely exists in Zongwang, if you want to find it, you need to pay a far more expensive price than it.

Elena Su came here this time to read about some taboo life curse.

However, Elena Su wasn't in such a hurry because her teammate's call was delayed.

Just in time for a few old friends to visit after hearing the news, Elena Su chatted with them.

Some legendary mages, in order to pursue the truth of spells more efficiently, would choose methods such as elementalization to reduce the "flaws" related to flesh and blood life.

Such as: need to eat, sleep and so on.

Elena Su is not a fan of this kind of genre, she likes to eat a pot of steaming food in the gaps between studying spells.

This was a habit brought to her by one of her partners, but later they chose to part ways because of differences in their paths.

"Do you only know Titans? Or do you not think you can create such a thing?"

Before Elena Su could speak, a little human girl next to him couldn't help but glared at him and said.

Obviously, there was some friction between the two at first.

However, judging from the innocent face of the junior who spoke out before, Elena Su felt that the relationship between the two probably wasn't that bad.

Several friends watched this scene with great interest and did not say anything to stop them.

In this regard, it doesn't matter whether it is a legendary mage or an ordinary person.

Occasionally, some of the little mischievousness of adults tends to converge...

After watching the disputes among the cubs, a friend pondered for a while and said:

"I've heard stories about him."


Several people suddenly became interested.

Friends of legendary characters are not necessarily legendary characters.

But generally speaking, those who can maintain contact after a long period of time basically belong to the best in certain fields.

After all, mediocre short-lived species have basically gone to eternal sleep.

And the one who spoke was a high-ranking archmage.

He has very unique insights and expertise in the shaping of spell models and the derivative modules of advanced activation craft subtypes.

Then, under the gaze of several people, he took a card from the void.

"The 35th issue of "Super Giant Life Exclusive Epic Card"?"

A friend looked at the related information of the card, and immediately found the information about this card from his memory bank.

"Isn't that the journal of magic creation produced by the younger generations of Adito?"

Someone suddenly remembered some old things.

"It seems that this time, they did find some amazing material..."

Elena Su couldn't help but take another look at the card when she heard that.

She didn't know much about it.

But this is also what it should mean - such a naturally unique creature will always become the focus of the world.

Whether it is intentional or not, no one can ignore such a magnificent body shape.

Maybe, you can ask that guy's wishes...

Elena Su thought of what she had done before, which reminded her of a friend she knew, that guy was a real fanatic of fighting and sparring.

If it wasn't for the other party's abandonment of the blessing and restraint of divine power for his own reasons, he would probably have become a powerful subordinate god under the command of a certain war god.

With this in mind, Elena Su made a decision.

But that's after the dinner.

In the multiverse, only magic and food can live up to it...




The violent airflow violently exploded above the originally not so calm sea area.

Many schools of fish that came over with the movement of the sea water suddenly encountered difficulties.

Yi Xia looked at the giant sea beast struggling in his hands.

This is indeed a stocky guy.

Just like a mortal thing that caught a big fish, the explosive power from the aquatic giant is a bit difficult to control.

Of course, like those giants that come ashore, most of them cannot escape the end of the dining table and tableware.

And this giant in the cold abyss lost its strength after Yi Xia unpretentiously hit it with his fist a few times.

Apart from the damage itself, the rough feedback of the power of chaos to the creatures has never been so beautiful.

In the food culture related to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree, fish heads and the like have their origins.

It's just that Yi Xia himself is not very interested in this, and his deviation in this regard has always been simple:
Large and meaty.

For example, fish heads and the like, it doesn't matter if you let them go.

What's more, such a giant beast can't be killed without a little effort.

The strong vitality endowed by its huge size is an important guarantee for its continuation to this day.

Therefore, after Yi Xia focused on hitting his head a few more times.

This gigantic beast, which had gone through countless years, was finally completely silent.

Afterwards, relevant killing information was refreshed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: You killed the final sea monster-Zziswa, and you got the relevant loot box."

"Comprehensive network tip: You explained the epic achievement of the instance - Troll Slayer."

And just when Yi Xia was about to dispose of the giant beast and throw it into the item backpack.

He suddenly sensed an aura of life that was approaching rapidly.

From the figure of the other party, Yi Xia sensed a burning anger but no cold killing intent.

This stopped Yi Xia who was about to wave a streamer towards him.

His eyes were filled with endless fire, and he looked curiously at the direction of the life that was approaching rapidly.

Is that a... druid?

Dawu found it very novel.

He was going to see what this guy wanted to do...

(End of this chapter)

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