The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 735 From Elena Su's Legendary Matchmaking Engagement

Chapter 735 From Elena Su's Legendary Matchmaking Engagement (Update!)

In the living room, Cang Zhong fell into deep thought.

He picked up the soup and tea on the table.

Of course, due to previous experience, Cang Zhong only took a sip.

Cang Zhong was like this, let alone An Mo next to him.

She felt that she was about to be swallowed up by a daze, and she had already tended to a certain state of numbness.

What is this?
What is this again?

An Mo felt that this seemed to be a lot more tormenting than attending class.

Obviously everyone was speaking clear Chinese, but the more An Mo listened, the more confused she became.

From some angles, An Mo felt like a patient lying on a hospital bed, listening to two doctors discussing the subtle déjà vu of her condition in obscure technical terms.

It is an emotion mingled with confusion and anxiety.

Of course, at this moment, An Mo was filled with another emotion:

I have the appearance of a fairy?
Probably, he finally grasped a word that he could understand among the many words that he didn't understand.

An Mo couldn't help complaining in her heart because of certain states of mind of contemporary young people.

Then soon, she suddenly thought of another question:
At present, the existence that Cang Zhong calls "the Great Witch" does not know whether he has become a fairy.

Subconsciously, An Mo always feels that the contemporary great witch is more like a special title.

Just like hearing people call themselves "Zhen" now, no one would immediately think that the other party is an emperor who has time-traveled.

As An Mo thought about it, she saw Cang Zhong taking a sip of soup and tea.

An Mo, who was feeling restless, immediately imitated the example and picked up the soup and tea in front of her.

As we all know, when human beings are lying or embarrassing, the frequency of drinking water usually increases significantly.

An Mo brought Tangcha to her lips, and made a tactical test.

After feeling its warm rather than burning breath, he sent some to his mouth a little.

After drinking some, An Mo suddenly felt that her face stretched a lot.

After entering the throat, the soup and tea, which looked rather bland from the outside, seemed extraordinarily smooth.

Judging by its taste, it looks like some kind of broth?
It was only for a while, but An Mo couldn't drink any meat.

Before he knew it, a bowl of tea soup fell into his stomach.

The next moment, An Mo stared at the words that suddenly refreshed on her retina, and froze there:
"Comprehensive network reminder: If you drink advanced spiritual power supplements/advanced magic cooking, your kung fu training (active/passive) and spell training will get an additional training speed bonus, and this effect will last for up to 17 hours. Your maximum health and mana will be permanently increased, and the increase needs to consume at least 3 natural days (based on the character's digestion speed)..."

An Mo suddenly remembered what Yi Xia said before.

Big fish?

An Mo, who didn't understand anything before, suddenly felt a long-lost heartache.

Although it is not very respectable to eat a meal, it is another concept to eat a meal with a boss in the extraordinary field...



Cangzhong left.

Like many times before, he left with a full heart.

In this regard, Yi Xia was also unable to solve it.

Just like under normal circumstances, he would not intervene in disputes between two mortal beings.

From the perspective of macro-consciousness, this kind of test belongs to the level of civilization and society, and it still needs its endogenous strength to cope with it.

In fact, the civilization rooted in this land is not as fragile as some mortals imagine.

And in this regard, the comprehensive network has its guarantee.

Just like when he was an apprentice shaman, Yi Xia once tried to buy firearms through the comprehensive network, but was told that it did not comply with the relevant laws and regulations of local civilization.

Similarly, for technologies that do not conform to the current civilization process, they cannot be directly obtained through the comprehensive network.

But it can be expected that with the continuous change of the extraordinary environment of the earth.

The existing technology and civilization system will definitely usher in new changes and adjustments again and again.

And where will all this go, time will always give a fair answer...

Yi Xia stood on the balcony, looking at the bright sunshine outside.

As autumn approached, the originally sinister sunshine gradually began to lose its former power.

Yi stretched his body, just as he was thinking about whether to go to Changyang Mountain to fight fiercely with the phantom of the God of War.

A new reminder message suddenly appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have a new friend message, please check it in time."

Yi Xia glanced directly with his consciousness. It was the legendary mage named Elena Su whom he had met in the Zerg related war world before.

According to Yi Xia's previous wishes, Elena Su made an appointment for Yi Xia to have a friendship match with a combat-oriented legendary professional in the training instance world.

That was a legendary weapon master...

Elena Su also explained this by the way: This way of learning through the training instance world is also a routine method for the legendary professions on the comprehensive network to conduct relevant actual combat training.

Leaving aside legal professions for the time being, let’s just take legendary professions that are oriented towards hand-to-hand combat. Fighting between the two often requires a great risk of life.

After the battle has entered a fierce stage, it is not as simple as saying that you can withdraw your strength.

As for the legal profession, it is even simpler - a serious battle-oriented training requires too many resources for a legendary mage.

Although most legendary mages are extremely wealthy, this is also too extravagant and wasteful.

What's more, the influence of high-level and even legendary spells on the material world is permanent.

Therefore, it is obviously much more cost-effective to do it through the related copy world of Comprehensive Network.

Of course, being able to independently and temporarily open up the existence of related planes is another matter...

As mentioned in Elena Su's message, Yi Xia needs to bear the cost of using the world of the training dungeon for relevant discussions.

Except in the popular sense, Yi Xia seems to be in the status of being mentored.

On the other hand, Elena Su implicitly stated in the message that the legendary friend is probably in a bit of a tight spot right now because of her past emotional problems...

Judging from the relative levels of Yi Xia and the other party, Elena Su judged that the cost was at most within 10 comprehensive network disaster coins.

Yi Xia naturally has no opinion on this, and this is what it should be.

The time for the sparring is set after 7 natural days.

Because of that legendary person, he is currently going on a legendary adventure in another world.

Of course, even so, after learning about the existence of Yi Xia through the mouth of the female mage, the other party still showed a very strong interest.

According to what the female mage said in the message, the other party immediately decided to accept Yi Xia's discussion, and said that such an opportunity is rare.

Needless to say, that's a pure enough battle fanatic.

Although Yi Xia tasted something from it, it probably meant that the other party had suffered a star-level life loss.

a week?

Yi Xia thought for a while, then opened the comprehensive network panel.

How powerful the legendary character is, Yi Xia has not yet known.

But if we really want to talk about pressure, the one from Changyang Mountain is much more real...

(End of this chapter)

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