Chapter 746 Purgatory may change its external strategy... (Two updates!)
After all the Hanesri people had eaten and drank enough, Yi Xia also stopped eating knives.

Like certain customs of great civilizations of Eastern lineages, the Hanesri like to discuss matters over meals.

The difference is that for some more important things, the Hanesri people are used to putting them in a more private environment after the banquet.

"Please sit down."

Leila led Yi Xia to her seat.

Now, they have moved to another relatively closed room.

Judging from the furnishings of the room and the intertwined and meticulous magic methods, this should be a meeting room specially used for military and other important discussions in the first war zone.

"The Hanesri don't have the fine art of language, it's never been our thing."

"So frankly speaking, we—the Hanesri people and many members of the Alliance of Planes, sincerely hope to reach a strategic covenant with you and the civilization behind you."

"As an ally, we will provide information sharing including legendary war spells for your civilization."

"As for you, I think we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the next war plan against Purgatory."

"The Hanesri have never been tolerant. We don't just want to win a war of plane invasion."

"The blade that pierces the chest should be returned as a hammer that crushes the head!"

"Some people are afraid of the danger and terror of purgatory, but the anger of vengeance is more powerful than the fear of death and destruction brought to Hanesri."

Lei Lacha looked at Yi Xia, and said directly and honestly.

Yi Xia looked at this tall foreign general.

As a general on the front line of a grand and extraordinary war, the opponent's powerful breath of life far exceeds that of ordinary mortal things.

Even, it is more violent than many elite dragons that Yi Xia has come into contact with.

Under this kind of energy and blood, naturally, the slender figure in the ideal state will not exist.

The beauty given by the power of flesh and blood has always been the harmonious combination of bursting bulging muscles and tough broad bones.

Yi Xia appreciates the other party's frankness.

But in the end, he shook his head:
"Personally, I don't mind having more cooperation with you."

"As for the level of civilization - the civilization I'm in has its own promised progress..."

"To be honest, although I still have the responsibility of guarding the plane, I have never been good at those delicate tricks in the field of business other than this one."

Yi Xia looked at General Leilaqia, a general from Hanesri who had a very different style from her name.

As he said, in this regard, Yi Xia's most involved field at present is sacrifice.

The relevant feedback and control about sacrifices are distributed by the plane consciousness of the earth.

It may not be as fair as what mortals understand, but it is the "determined number" where the fates of thousands of living beings meet.

Once it is mixed with the will of the individual, it will naturally lose its purity and create more waves.

There is, of course, a role of mediation and active facilitation that can be accomplished in this regard.

But in this regard, Yi Xia's self-awareness is clear enough.

From the beginning to the end, he was not able to control the delicate balance under this macro perspective.

The roles of the so-called rulers and agents of the Dao of Heaven are also not that Yi Xia is keen on.

Play god-like roles in key events such as extreme evil and alien invasions.

But in more detailed areas, there is no need to intervene too much.

History has its own cycle of experience, and the decline and retreat of shamanism is not due to sudden disasters.

Yi Xia's words made Lei Lacha's face reveal a thoughtful expression.

A decision maker in the military field on the front line of war naturally has enough meticulous thinking.

She was able to understand the meaning of Yi Xia's words at the first time, and grasp its central meaning.

"Since this is the case, then I think we just need to change the method..."

Leila smiled and stretched out her hand towards Yi Xia.

Maybe it was because the corrupted area was purified by Yi Xia, or maybe it was because she needed to attend the banquet, but she was not in armor today.

Yi Xia shook hands with the other party...

At the same time, Yuan Xian, who was preparing his personal strategic plan, looked at the prompt message that suddenly refreshed in front of him.

After seeing the color that was not scarlet, Yuan Xian was stunned for a moment, then closed it indifferently.

The big witch ran outside again...

It seems like another world has been saved?
Yuan Xian was quite used to this.

But in the quiet classroom on the other side, someone didn't think so.


An Mo looked at the reminder message refreshed in front of her eyes, and she suddenly became aroused, and she got out of the drowsy state of the theoretical class.

According to Cang Zhong's secret statement - if it is a new hostile faction, then just take the time to write a report within three days.

But if you are an ally, you can ignore most of the situations and apply to report.

So An Mo immediately raised her right hand, and trotted out under the envious eyes of all the students.

That's all for other courses. They really don't have much interest in this kind of courses that seem to be in line with actual practice but are not very relevant.

Just like not everyone can achieve or advance the actual due of cutting-edge technology through mathematics alone...



Earth/Willow City
After reaching the relevant covenant with Hannesri, Yi Xia didn't stay too long.

After all, they still have a lot to do when the purification area is full of waste.

What's more, what Yi Xia solves is only the main battlefield of the material world.

In legendary battlefields and those relatively scattered and low-intensity theaters, follow-up advances are still required.

Of course, judging from the previous battle situation, the Hanesri are still in a state of relative advantage in these theaters.

It's just that this advantage has not reached the point where they can draw more power from it to support other theaters.

Bathed in the slightly bleak autumn sunlight in Liucheng, Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

The rewards of this hunt are mediocre in terms of killing experience, but other additional benefits appear to be quite rich:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Your related income from the super-large war plane-Blood Battle Hannesri is summarized as follows:

(2) Comprehensive network disaster coins: 350 pieces (000% of the additional rewards for the faction...)
(3) The super-giant treasure chest of the Silent Destruction of the Purgatory Deceiver
(4) Hannesry's global limited knowledge base-personal limited
(5) Summoning of the Allied Forces of the Lord of War - Hannesry's First Legion (basically consume at least 100 integrated network disaster coins)

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

He didn't outright reject Hannesri's relevant ally interactions.

As the other party said, Yi Xia also has a lot of interest in purgatory.

He cannot enter the abyss, and he may not necessarily enter purgatory.

Can't you go to Hannesri?

As for the knowledge given by Hanesri, it is ultimately settled in the relationship on the earth level.

After some discussion, Yi Xia asked him to temporarily only open up related interactions on the level of plane consciousness.

As for the individual level, the ranks are currently divided according to the prestige of the faction prevailing in the multiverse, only the knowledge of the magic field under the legend is added to the faction store, and personal transmission is limited.

This is also Yi Xia's consideration of the possible changes that may be caused by the influx of overly complicated exotic supernatural information in view of the current relatively fragile supernatural environment on the earth.

It is not a big problem to give some small benefits to the comprehensive network players on the earth, but in the field of rendering the main theme of the context of the times, it is always right to be cautious.

Acting in this regard, naturally cannot be too reckless.

The scenes that may be caused by too wanton big witches are classics in the ancient legends of extraordinary civilizations of the oriental pedigree

Yi Xia doesn't want to be praised by posterity like this...

(End of this chapter)

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