Chapter 759 Words of Sacrifice - Rang Rong (Two Updates!)

Because it is an unconventional training copy.

So when Yi Xia failed to finish the kill in the end, the challenge affixes about the sealed evil god disappeared from his comprehensive web panel.

Yi Xia might also be able to realize something.

The other party definitely doesn't want it either, just keeps receiving messages about a certain guy's challenge.

In this regard, the one from Changyang Mountain has never revealed his true spirit.

At least, from the perspective of Yi Xia's current experience.

Although judging from the relevant panel information on the comprehensive network, whether there is a true spirit does not increase its related attributes much.

But at the level of actual combat power, it is very outrageous.

At least before that true spirit appeared, Yi Xia still fought back and forth with his phantom...

After resting on the balcony for a while, Yi Xia's breath became much calmer.

Naturally, Yi Xia would not hold back on such an intense battle.

Just like exercising too rapidly, it will lead to a continuous increase in body temperature and hormone secretion.

And this is even more true for the extraordinary field.

In contrast, Yi Xia, who has many auspicious auras as a harmony.

In this regard, there are more off-court assistance.

As for mood?

Just like the appearance of Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

Its most peaceful state is just a quiet burning.

Based on this, probably this is also the source of Yi Xia's extra bias in terms of fire disaster.

In contrast, Yi Xia did not make good use of floods, which may appear more prominent at the level of the concept of disaster.

Of course, now, that person's giving can probably make up for it:

Words of Sacrifice - Rang Rong:

Type: Chosen Mark/Constant State/Concept Endowment
Status Effects:
The character's spells and spell-like abilities related to the concept of "water" get additional related enhancement effects.

The boost effect will fluctuate based on the target selected by the character and the surrounding environmental elements.

Limited - Great Witch:

When a character faces a professional element/plane-limited enemy, he will get the full related boost effect, and he can perform the spell-like ability: Rang Rong (considered as an instant mysterious ritual effect) to obtain an additional related boost Effect.

The related spell effects that are actually affected by the additional amplification effect of this state can still be weakened and resisted, but they are no longer directly affected by any other related powers and concepts. When directly affected by power higher than the relevant concept elements, the related spells The effect will self-destruct without any control.

Please note: the associated self-destruct effect of this state may cause an obliterating shock that exceeds the effect of the original spell.


Yi Xia looked at the relevant status information that appeared on the retina.

Yi Xia didn't feel much moved by this.

Instead, I was thinking about other things.

Because of the corresponding and consistent context of the war dance.

Therefore, Yi Xia was able to gain relevant experience from the battle with Changyang Mountain.

But the one who just finished a game is obviously not the case.

Yi Xia didn't want to learn from it and practice the power of water magic, but thought about how to resist or even break through.



Such gentle obedience has never belonged to the ancient roots of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

In the chaotic years before the so-called rulers and ministers, it was a more brutal and unyielding force that ran through those long years.

Because our civilization began with fire...

And fire has always been unruly.

Even the gentle firewood in the furnace does not care about any arm that dares to touch it.

Either extinguish or burn, there is no other choice...

Yi Xia felt that he needed more merits.

The boundless and bright vast world has slowly unfolded its grand curtain before his eyes.

As a wizard, how could he refuse to run wantonly on that solid land?

And those who are willing to connect with heaven can always get what they want.

When Yi Xia was thinking about merits and food.

Xia Deng, who had been silent for a while, brought a new message to Yi Xia...



Under the autumn sun, Yi Xia looked at the newly refreshed relevant reminder information on his retina.

Recently, Yi Xia has not had any contact with Xia Deng.

But Yi Xia always has a vague feeling that this guy seems to be quite busy.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't ask much about it.

He thinks that there is probably nothing too important, such as the renovation and upgrading of the store.

This is an unreasonable intuitive feedback from extraordinary perception without any material basis.

Yi Xia remembered that in the previous short chat, Xia Deng mentioned that he was building his team.

Looks like it's getting better now?

After all, in the absence of a legend-specific screening list, it is not so easy to find the war plane information that meets Yi Xia's needs from a large number of related war planes.

Perhaps the life of the mechanical sequence has an undoubted racial advantage in this regard.

Ke Yixia remembered that Xia Deng said that he was not keen on comprehensive mechanical transformation.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia called Xia Deng another periodic intelligence fee.

He is quite satisfied with this unexpectedly found partner.

It is also a good thing for Yi Xia that the opponent can complete the adjustment and transformation as soon as possible.

And the overhead of a little comprehensive network disaster currency is nothing.

Although judging from the total amount of "phased intelligence expenses" that Yi Xia is currently spending, it is already almost enough to support an extraordinary army with non-limited elements...

Afterwards, Yi Xia set his sights on the latest war plane intelligence brought by Xia Deng.

It was an extraordinary civilization on the magical side that looked quite satisfactory.

Of course, the premise is - without the death artifact that fell from the void...


Plane of War: Cheslowa - High Iron Throne:
Type: Great War

Both camps: Chisrowa United Tribe (neutral and lawful), Deep Space Wanderer-Levi Zeitan (chaotic evil)
War zone: Cheslowa Material World (Level 10~19), Cheslowa-Iron Throne Ridge (legendary war zone)

War plane message: ...


Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

If it was in the past, he always directly ruled out this kind of world involving real artifacts.

Because for Yi Xia, there has always been only one purpose for such objects...

For this reason, it is obviously not wise to expose yourself to the eyes of many evil gods in advance.

Now, things have clearly changed.

Because Yi Xia no longer needs to worry about it—his reputation in the surrounding planes no longer needs any of his "adding bricks and tiles" to it, and it is enough to attract the attention of many evil gods.

As for the so-called death artifact?

Yi Xia was not very interested in this.

On the contrary, he has a stronger interest in the group of evil beings that seem to come from the void and can actually form an independent civilization...

(End of this chapter)

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