Chapter 763 Sometimes, it’s not just people who fish... (Two updates!)

On the broken land, there is only a small piece of land that is still intact:
There, some natives of Chisrowa and integrated network players were gathering there.

That was the only safe place in this area.

For comprehensive online players who dare to join the war related to the death artifact, it is natural that even the aftermath of Yi Xia's battle cannot be stopped.

Of course, being able to block and being able to easily block are two different concepts...

And those Chisrowa natives who had finally regained their sanity under the terrifying scene like a natural disaster, inevitably fell into chaos and fear.

A young Chisrowa native hugged his friend of the opposite sex tightly in his arms.

The burning fire and the wail of destruction resounded through the heaven and earth behind them.

The shadow that lifted the sky, like the ruler of the world, endowed everything with a new theme.

The cold death, like a gust of wind whistling in his ears, was roaring hysterically all the time.

The only thing they can do is hug each other tightly.

Just like this, even a brutal death will become much softer because of it.

For individuals who grew up in this core civilization full of decay and decay, everything is not as completely dark and sad as the outsiders imagined.

Their small figures are like insignificant dust under the majestic shadow, but they are full of some kind of indescribable tenacity.

The brilliance of life can always bloom quietly in any rotten corner...

It's just that no one has set their eyes on them.

Like the kiss of two frogs in the mud in a pond under a mountain that no one cares about or will capsize...



Yi Xia held a witch banner and stood amidst the ruined wreckage.

The strong breath of death is like the air filling every corner of the material world.

In this realm, there are all kinds of extraordinary scenes that are enough to make mortals palpitate.

As for the Levi Zeitan active spaceship that was lucky enough to leave scattered wreckage, lights of unknown meaning shone in every corner.

Added a certain bleak atmosphere to the already dead and broken land.

Levi Zetan's figure seemed to have completely disappeared from this area.

But Yi Xia didn't leave just like that.

He glanced at the icy Iron Throne above the sky, exuding an increasingly "active" aura.

If Yi Xia feels right, it has shown this tendency to become "active" many times before.

Its level of realism even made Yi Xia think that he was about to witness a true death artifact recognize its owner.

As a result, until now, Yi Xia looked at the death artifact exuding a cold aura.

He has established a fact:
From certain behaviors of this death artifact that seems to have a certain independent spirituality, he sensed some familiar breaths.

This guy is fishing, right?
This made the battlefield that seemed ordinary to Yi Xia suddenly more interesting.

One thing to say, Yi Xia feels that he has indeed done many similar things.

But an artifact of death, carrying out fishing activities independently, is a scene that the big witch has never seen.

Therefore, Yi Xia prepared to wait a little longer.

He is going to see what new tricks this guy can play...



At the same time, the other side

Undoubtedly, the silence of the Transcendent War Zone had some impact on the area shrouded by the Iron Throne of Death.

Judging from the ritual information obtained by many legendary characters through various means.

The rituals between the two regions need to work towards a certain limit together.

But now, the ceremony in the extraordinary area has been forced to terminate early due to the emergence of a certain variable.

Obviously, for the legendary characters present, they need to make some choices for this.

As a result, the eyes of some comprehensive online players have fallen on the axis of Levi Zetan in the current area-a certain Levi Zetan who has been given the title of Knotted Soul.

In the face of many meaningful, even slightly encouraging and expectant eyes:
Knotted Soul - Levi Zetan:?
Although there is not enough rationality, in addition to the death artifact plan, more orderly thinking is carried out.

But the knotted soul-Levi Zeitan still felt humiliated, the anger that started from chaos was so hot and violent.

That was not pity for the already destroyed Levi Zetan, but a kind of fury at them for forcing Levi Zetan to hand over his interests.

But for the ultimate rise, this is a choice that has to be made...

Those who are attracted by benefits may have multiple opportunities.

But Levi Zetan was not so lucky.

The primordial chaos of the void is not as soft as its literal meaning suggests.

Just like, it is difficult for all things to resist the surging river with flesh and blood.

For the original concept as the multiverse level, the chaos corresponding to the void is better than the black hole that swallows all light and matter.

Any remaining rationality is like the light scattered outside the black hole.

Whether it is weak or strong, it is a rebellion against the void itself.

If you want to stop or even maintain it, you need miraculously shining elements.

Time is a meaningless concept to the life born in the chaotic void.

But the established anchor point gives everything meaning:

It has brought changes and the birth of a civilization that is ignorant, but it has also set a fateful future for its end.

Now, there is not much time left for Levi Zetan...

Therefore, in this respect, there are not many directions for Levi Zeitan to choose.

Raise or retreat?

At this moment, the original chaotic consciousness of Levi Zetan, the knotted soul, seems to be linked with the endless Levi Zetans.

In the axes of cold order that began with miracles, the grotesque roar turned into an overwhelming roar in the void:

go ahead!

go ahead!

Toward great destruction or new life, set fire to all bodies and souls!
The order in the void does not have such a vague or clear framework.

The will of thousands of interactions is the struggle of the dark soul under the miracle.

Darkness is not vile swill or corrupt mud, it is also as deep as obsidian.

As a result, countless spatial fluctuations appeared again in the area that was originally dead and silent!
Countless Levi Zetans shuttled from the void!

They are like moths thrown to the flames, to the giant that burns the sky.

So the dead meat grinder started to run again.

The shattered soul and flesh and blood seem to add a touch of bright color to the gloomy death artifact.

In this way, the Death Artifact, which seemed to have become much quieter, became a little more "active" again...

(End of this chapter)

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