Chapter 819 Dead Distorted Star (Two Updates!)

Contrary to Yi Xia's expectations, after a brief statement, Eleni immediately accepted what Kapac taught her.

The tranquility it expresses is totally different from what Yi Xia has glimpsed—except that there is no evil bias, and the chaotic factor accounts for a large proportion...

But since the other party accepted, Yi Xia left directly.

Yi Xia has not set a time limit for Kapak yet.

In this regard, he still believed in this seeker from a foreign country.

In other words, Yi Xia always pays some extra respect to this kind of relatively pure "seeker" role.

As for Ai Lini, as long as the other party can control her dangerous talent.

Then Yi Xia will not interfere too much with her choice.

Of course, even so, the trouble left by the other party is still a problem.

What exactly is that?
Yi Xia who had already returned to Liucheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was going to bring Kapak back directly, but Kapak refused.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia didn't have a good idea for the time being.

For the time being, Jai Zi didn't catch any obvious new malice.

Of course, considering the characteristics that Ai Lini showed before, Yi Xia would not feel that the existence attracted by her is such a kind individual.

As for Yi Xia, who has always been burdened with a lot of hatred from evil gods, naturally he will not become suspicious because of an untraceable peep.

It's nothing more than the coveting of another evil god.

In this regard, Dawu has never been lacking...

Shaking his head, Yi Xia restrained his thoughts and put it aside for the time being.

Afterwards, Yi Xia opened the item backpack and took out the God of War's Endless Arena.

After fighting fiercely with the four fierce old men for several days, after coming out to integrate and digest, I didn't care about this.

Let's brush the second layer of temporary strengthening effect first...

Then, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, his figure suddenly disappeared on the earth.

Then in less than a few minutes:

"Comprehensive network reminder: the selection is successful, you have obtained a new temporary enhancement effect (enhanced): Killing experience increased by 20% (10%↑)."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

The enemy of the second level of strengthening effect is a rather strong lower plane elite demon dog.

As for Yi Xia, the only difference is that the suffix name given by the comprehensive network has become longer...

There are not too many details that need to be stated. For the current Yi Xia, the number of enemies at this level needs to be large enough to have sufficient hunting value...

As for threats?

Perhaps the legendary species they correspond to can say this.

Afterwards, Yi Xia opened the integrated network panel.

The legendary door seems to be looming.

The great witch desires a better prey...



"Comprehensive network reminder: The teleportation is successful, you have arrived at the high-level extraordinary battlefield-distorted stars!"

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

At this moment, he had already left the relatively peaceful earth and came to a desolate and dead land.

Here is an extraordinary battlefield that Yi Xia selected from the many battlefield information that Xia Deng had just searched for him according to his needs.

This place does not coincide with the many high-quality prey that Yi Xia was familiar with before.

The reason why Yi Xia chose it was because there were a large number of descriptions of high-order distorted life on it.

This is a world suffering from near-destruction:

The material stars of this world are completely "dead" by some indescribable infection.

The star is not really eternal, of course, it also has its final moment.

But obviously, the death of stars in this world is not that kind of natural evolution.

Under that indescribable twisting power, its violent death caused distortion and distortion that were difficult to form.

Almost all the lives under the light of this distorted star have fallen into the ultimate distortion of flesh and spirit.

Only a very small number of creatures who avoided for various reasons survived.

In a sense, those distorted and distorted lives correspond to all the lives in this already large material world...

It was a horrifying scene like a real abyss.

And with the pollution of the distorted star, those sinful twisted creations are still being added.

Fortunately, due to the war involving the legendary level that happened before, this extreme evil distortion and blasphemy has ended,
But the remaining, most of the deformed lives are still difficult to deal with in a short time.

Because the battle hasn't really ended—the existence behind the distorted star is still about to move...

And Yi Xia set foot in this twisted and distorted world under such a complicated and confusing situation.

To be honest, at the first glance of seeing the description of this war plane, an idea came to Yi Xia's mind:
It needs a fire...

It is probably because the filthy and distorted life can always obtain a huge number far exceeding the natural population through various evil methods.

Therefore, even Yi Xia, who is not interested in this, has inevitably had a lot of interactions with him.

The Great Witch doesn't like these twisted monsters that are always associated with uncomfortable words such as coldness, madness, and distortion.

But who can deny the rich killing experience it represents?

What's more, it's still the kind that doesn't have so many messy organizations...

Moreover, this kind of venue that can be used at will is undoubtedly another bonus item.

Yi Xia's current body shape also determines that it is difficult for him to take too fine care when attacking.

Just like no matter how quick a person's eyes and hands are, it is difficult to pay attention to a flying insect that is submerged by the ripples that are casually set off hundreds of meters away.

No allies, no trace of civilization...

"It could not be better……"

After a self-talking, announcement-like whisper, Yi Xia's body suddenly swelled on the pitch-black ground that exuded a "burnt" atmosphere!

Under the deep and dark sky, Yi Xia's huge eyes are the only "stars" here.

And that magnificent body shape undoubtedly attracted the deformed beings who were still in a "calm" state.

After the sudden depression, Yi Xia could see that the whole world seemed to be "squirming"!
Indescribably distorted lives are rushing towards Yi Xia in their different twisted forms!

They may not necessarily have the deep bloodthirsty desire like the life in the lower plane.

But the more chaotic and distorted deep evil is full of their deformed and crazy spirituality.

And the next moment, that warm and bright flame appeared in this world again!
It is not the filth and distortion of the distorted sun, nor is it a milder endowment—it is the destruction of the flames...

According to this, somewhere in the depths of the ground quite far away, someone wailed:
"It's over, we are about to usher in the final destruction..."

"That's our 'war machine'! Have you been brainwashed by the freak star?"

"The appearance of the 'war machine' of the Allied Forces is a good thing for 'leaders' like us?"

(End of this chapter)

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