Chapter 824 Attention from the Good Camp (One more update!)

As a demon god who "has attracted worldwide attention", any move of Sijilaser will be closely watched by forces from all sides.

Although so far, no force has inserted its hand into Szilaser's legion—at least not on the surface...

But when he left the world where he lived, those forces that had always been paying attention to this evil demon god would cast vigilant eyes.

This is one of the many reasons why the hunting plans of the Szilaser Legion have not always been successful in recent years.

Szilaser naturally knew this situation.

But he wasn't angry or gloomy about it.

On the contrary, He enjoys a lot of attention like this "multiverse stage".

For this reason, He even specially sorted out the chaotic time and space around this dark world, so that those groups who are eager for revenge but lack sufficient high-end technology can come to "observe".

As for the more sacrifices the minions might make for this?
Who cares?
Sijilaser is a chaotic demon god pure enough, it will never be the kind of existence that falls for the loss of interests...

Thus, when Szilasser's legions began their march in menacing ways.

In some distant realms, parties have come together:
"What madness is Szilaser going?"

A one-eyed god, suppressing the righteous anger in his heart, said a little violently.

This is obviously a god of justice who is jealous enough to hate evil - for such gods, the existence of Szilaser is the greatest blasphemy against their beliefs and divinity.

Although the priesthood sounds like the work performed by mortal things.

But in fact, not many mortal things would fit the job I was doing that way.

The true meaning corresponding to the priesthood is, to a certain extent, more like a certain combination of the ideal and reality of mortal things...

"If you can't truly recognize yourself, and calmly face the sorrow and suffering that come as expected, how can you bear the name of God..." - "Great Divine Power - Deciphering the Gods Volume 21"

"That mad dog is eyeing a guardian of another world—of course, I mean, are you sure that is really a guardian of a plane?"

A goddess looked suspiciously at the picture presented in front of her eyes.

If it wasn't for the clear enough information on the side, he even thought it would be some brand new image of Szilaser...

After all, even the most violent God of Justice and Judgment he knew would hardly be able to do this.

"Of course, our newly born guardian of the plane is speeding up his growth by hunting those evil beings."

"He will be our natural ally—at least in dealing with these extremely evil beings, we have a place to interact..."

An individual with the image of an old human being said this.

He does not seem to be a god.

Among these gods who are intertwined with many radiant divine powers, he who has no divine light on his body looks inconspicuous.

But when he spoke, the gods who were still discussing suddenly stopped talking.

"Although among us, there are different voices about this..."

The old man looked around, he watched these mighty gods calmly.

"But the simple justice we all seek tells us what to do..."

"He is doomed to be defeated this time - in the long years of traveling in the multiverse, I have also been fortunate enough to see an existence like our newborn guardian of the plane."

"It's not so much how talented they are or how much they are loved by the world, it's better to say that the weight they carry gives them the power to overthrow everything..."

"I don't know that distant foreign civilization, but I know the danger of the fire that started from the primordial chaos..."

"Sijilaser's ambition will not succeed, and he will inevitably arouse a stronger interest because of this-and this time, I will make a move..."



is coming?
While waiting, Yi Xia, who was boringly excavating the ground below to force out those weak and distorted lives hidden in the depths of the ground, suddenly focused his gaze on a certain place in the void.

Just like the style of an evil existence who came to deliver food before, the other party did not hide the slightest:
Under the powerful evil force, a huge door suddenly appeared in the void!

And at the same time as the door appeared, the surrounding sky suddenly underwent some dangerous changes!
Under Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames, one can see the pollution and transformation of the breath revealed from the door on the sky:

From Yi Xia's point of view, for a battle of this level, it probably doesn't have much practical use.

Maybe it's more of an allegorical announcement?

Just like the horn of rage that followed the change of the sky:

It was as if a giant exhausted all his strength to blow an equally huge horn, the frantic and trembling sound even overwhelmed the noisy wind above the earth for a time.

Of course, when the entire planet is burning wantonly, this movement can only serve as a "bgm" in a small area.

But Yi Xia can probably imagine:
In a relatively calm and "normal" world, this form of appearance is indeed full of the desperate oppression of the final evil forces.

It can only be said that this demon god spends a lot of time...

This is Yi Xia's thought that flickered in the sea of ​​consciousness for the first time.

And under the great witch's gaze with great interest, he was able to see a continuous stream of hideous existences appearing from the huge door:
Some of them looked like dyed orcs, and some were evil beings that Yi Xia couldn't see for a while.

It can be seen that this demon god seems to have some kind of body modification power.

Fortunately, most of these are not considered ingredients...

However, as a refining material for blood gu, it's fine.

Yi Xia thought so.

He didn't rush to make the first move, but continued to wait.

Like a greedy raccoon dog waiting patiently outside the rat hole, wanting to give the rats a closer "reunion"...

Yi Xia didn't try to distinguish his position or leader from it.

Below the height of the [-]-meter level, they are as small as dust.

The difference is - they are much more "nutritious" than dust...

The witch fire raging on the surface of the planet obviously brought some troubles to these menacing evil minions of demon gods.

Or should I say, it is dangerous enough to be deadly...

Back in Purgatory, Yi Xia's Witch Fire had already proven its lethality.

It doesn't even need the most dangerous and filthy yin fire trait, just the pure fire that seems to be spread out is enough to burn most evil lives.

Simply piling up numbers has long been meaningless to Dawu...

On the other side, looking at the army of minions that had all entered the Demon God's Gate, the Life Destroyer, who was temporarily serving as the warlord, nodded in satisfaction.

Then, it stepped into the Demon God's Gate.

In the next moment, it heard the screams of the minions one after another—just not the excited screams...

(End of this chapter)

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