The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 826 Level 17 Witch and War Witch - Primordial Blood

Chapter 826 Level 17 Witch and War Witch - Primordial Blood (Update!)

Although Yi Xia has never heard of the deeds of this strange existence named Multiverse Traveler-Igula Gurui.

But there is no doubt that the opponent's camp has probably reached a preliminary conclusion at this moment:
Either they are righteous defenders of the good camp, or they are the last happy people of the chaotic camp...

Otherwise, confronting a demon god head-on for an unknown existence is obviously outrageous.

Although a certain idea in his heart seemed extremely crazy to the vast majority of mortals with relevant cognitions, it was not realized in the end, but Yi Xia would not ignore the goodwill expressed by the other party because of this.

Yi Xia never thought of himself as a "righteous" pure devotee.

He has seen those existences whose souls seem to be shining brightly—these are the "stubborn" existences who have truly practiced those familiar words of kindness for a lifetime.

Yi Xia thinks that he can't be that kind of person, but he doesn't despise or vilify such groups.

Compared with those positive energy creatures shining with the light of the heavens, this kind of existence is more like the personified presentation of "goodness in the world".

Yi Xia still has a little respect for these individuals.

Of course, in order to better maintain the stability of this kind of respect, Yi Xia did not get in touch with the relevant camp of the devotees too deeply.

Matter that gets too close to the sun burns...

In a sense, the big witch needs to maintain a sufficiently tough "maliciousness".

That is the burning journey from the chaotic years to the present...

Yi Xia secretly wrote down this name with a sufficiently deep anchor point.

Although it is difficult to make close friends, you always have to come to say goodbye.

Of course, the premise of all this is - the other party will not be the kind of happy person who will eventually be chaotic...

The multiverse never seems to lack such beings.

Probably this is also the "joy" of some worlds, which is related to the deep interpretation of chaos.

It may not necessarily be dangerous, but it's always enough to cause a headache...

And then again, loosely speaking, it's all like:

A humpback whale that saw something that was trying to catch a hooked orca came up aggressively and gave the orca a big slap.

So the two giant beasts of the ocean started to fight on the other side, and only the mortal with the broken fishing rod was left in deep thought while looking at the choppy sea...

It is difficult for Yi Xia to describe her rather complicated mood at the moment.

After confirming that a certain demon god failed to forcefully overtake in a curve, Yi Xia shook his head and opened his integrated network panel.

In the next moment, because of the scarlet warning, the comprehensive network prompt message for entering a special and difficult hunting event was just long overdue:

"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the character has exited the special combat state and left the relevant war plane, and is summarizing the character's related war plane income..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your final income in the high-level war plane: distorted stars is summarized as follows:
(1) Killing experience: 27 points (Character-related bonus: 940, 000% of war plane income, 2.7% of difficult challenge event rewards)
(3) Fission of the Dead Star Twisted Axis Treasure Chest




The benefits of killing experience are more generous than expected...

Yi Xia thought as he looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Judging from the proportion of killing experience, those minions of demon gods are more valuable than Yi Xia thought before.

Maybe the other party also fell into a rage because of this?
Yi Xia naturally couldn't understand the thoughts of an evil demon god.

In this regard, the great witch dabbles more in other, less polite areas for the gods...

The God of War artifact has a limited time to obtain, and the current killing experience gain has only stacked to 20%.

Of course, due to the huge base of killing experience at present, 20% is not a small number.

Yi Xia feels that it should wait for him to break through the legend when it really exerts its strength...

Afterwards, Yi Xia focused his attention on the integrated network panel.

Based on the hard work and contributions of a certain demon god and the remaining reserves before, he now has a general experience reserve of nearly 50 million.

Yi Xia roughly estimated that it was just enough to raise the professional level.

Afterwards, Yi Xia focused on the professional level of the integrated network panel.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to increase the character witch level to level 17? Note, based on your powerful blood penalty, this operation needs to consume 49 general experience points!"

Calculating at this rate, the basic general experience reserve required for level 19 advanced legends may exceed [-] million...

Yi Xia thought as he looked at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Of course, then again, compared to the chaotic life that needs to be so long that the growth cycle is eons, the high price corresponding to this growth rate is also reasonable.

Shortcuts are always more expensive...

Therefore, Yi Xia has enough patience for this.

Left and right are nothing more than the burning of more evil worlds, and the subject of the price is really insignificant to Yi Xia...

And in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness, he was thinking about how many war planes such as "Distorted Stars" would be needed to accumulate enough pre-professional levels and basic general experience reserves for advanced legends.

On the other side, he directly used his consciousness to enter the professional level prompt to confirm.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The promotion is successful, and your professional level has been raised to level 17!"

"You have received a professional baptism, and your comprehensive basic attributes (maximum life value, related basic immunity) have been improved to a certain extent!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have acquired a new skill: War Witch - Primordial Blood."


War Witch - Primordial Blood:

Type: Vocational Basic Skills

Restricted: Sorcerer (War Sorcerer deflection or related advancement)
Skill description:
Fighting, tempering, repairing, combining...

Under the repetition of countless blood and fire, the tempered body of the war witch gradually aroused a more original throbbing:

The primordial blood that originated from the ancient chaos was gradually activated from Wu Ji's body...

Skill effect:
Witches can obtain additional (35%, based on the character's occupational level) recovery benefits from treatment (including receiving surgery, self-healing, medicine, etc.), and can obtain additional casting level enhancement and Specialization effect.

War Witch Deflection: War Witch will no longer be able to obtain additional healing benefits through ordinary spells, but the effect of self-recovery and related occupation-limited recovery items will be doubled, [special/unique characteristics] and related recovery effects can be inherited from characters Relevant spell or physical crit (take the highest debriefing of the two) and other bonuses.

Chaotic bloodline limitation: Your chaotic bloodline operation speed is increased to the highest speed that your body can perceive and capture (transcendent: cannot exceed the special threshold of time; legendary: cancel the limit), your growth speed is additionally improved, your self-healing Efficiency and negative status duration will get related bonuses based on the speed of Chaos Vessel.


Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

And the next instant:

He seemed to hear some kind of humming sound that was becoming more and more "sharp".

That is the chaotic blood in his body that is turning from "slowness" to high speed...

(End of this chapter)

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