The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 828 Auspiciousness in the world, Fuyan descendants!

Chapter 828 Auspiciousness in the world, Fuyan descendants! (One update!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: The activation is successful, you have obtained the power of the star: Lu Shu..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the fluctuation and accumulation of relevant elements of the current plane, the power of the character Protoss: Lu Shu is automatically upgraded to lv3!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: The power of the character Protoss - Lu Shu has been raised to the current maximum limit!"

"Lu Shu lv3 (has reached the current protoss native level upper limit, and cannot be upgraded through conventional means):
Fierce: The concept of character-related reproduction, birth, and good fortune (requires the legendary life template of the character) gets a lot of (basic elements) / a little (special limited) enhancements, and its derived bloodlines and related direct creations (at least bloodlines and above) get special memes: It is advisable to have many grandchildren.

lv3 (Peak): The character gets an extra lucky bonus based on the linkage effect of the auspicious protoss, and when he is in a plane with limited elements (not specifically the original plane), he can change over time (based on the character and the plane) The degree of connection between the planes can be regarded as an instant resident effect at most) to obtain a temporary shelter effect: auspiciousness in the world! (Based on the fluctuation of relevant elements of human civilization on the current plane and the status of the plane).

Auspiciousness in the world: Characters are immune to most disasters, curses, fate and other negative spell effects, and every time they attack a character, they need to suffer a random/fixed judgment effect. After this effect is activated, other related auspiciousness of the character can be triggered at the same time Shelter feature.

Evil: none

Star power:

Fuyan descendants:

Prerequisites for receiving the technique: Extraordinary civilized races or derivative groups of the oriental pedigree (no strict requirement of bloodline, there are cognitive restrictions)

As a standard action, the character can perform a spell-like ability.

Chanting will produce an invisible (energy realm) protoss voice (specific performance based on character-related skills and charm deflection), which will cover the casting area at an extremely fast speed (based on the character's overall state, which is difficult to quantify).

All the subject groups in the casting area and hearing the voice of the protoss will have a certain probability (based on the subject's own status) to obtain bloodline repair or bloodline optimization (limited to the field of reproduction).

Each subject has an independent cooldown time of one/ten natural years.

The relevant effects produced by the power of the protoss have a certain probability (the probability of the first generation is extremely high) that such effects can be inherited through natural iterative reproduction, but at the same time there is a possibility of related weakening during the inheritance process.


"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained a new auspicious element, and the linkage effect of your related auspicious traits has been strengthened!"



Yi Xia looked at the dense reminders on his retina.


Yi Xia thought for a while, but he didn't immediately think of the concept corresponding to this strange name.

But in the next moment, the memory bank already had a sufficient reserve, and Dang even searched for relevant information about this ancient beast of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

Compared with its relatively unfamiliar awareness, the other party directly raised the level of the power of the protoss to the maximum value only by relying on the relevant derived concepts left over from the earth.

Even Yi Xia was quite astonished.

In contrast, a certain forgotten first game is undoubtedly a little restless...

Of course, it is better to have many grandchildren...

I can understand...

Yi Xia, who had almost realized the freedom of disaster coins on the comprehensive network from the witchcraft such as Sanyang decoction, after thinking about it, actually felt that this was indeed quite reasonable.

The most simple and original desires of hundreds of millions of beings, in a certain sense, in the extraordinary realm of "everything that never forgets must have an echo", it is reasonable and reasonable to cause such changes.

Even, Yi Xia reckoned that this was only a tiny part of it.

Speaking of which, those gods of life with powerful divine power often shoulder the priesthood of reproduction.

Now it seems that it is not necessarily all "head-to-head"...

At least for the current Yi Xia, even if it is just a god with the priesthood of "reproduction", Yi Xia will not feel that the other party is too weak:

He's felt the power and thickness of the concept really enough...

But then again, singing...

Yi Xia sensed the specific situation of Lu Shu's protoss power, and then looked at the description of the protoss voice, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

As we all know, there are many witches who are good at singing and dancing.

As for Yi Xia's words, there is relatively more emphasis on some of the latter's practical fields.

As for the former...

Yi Xia thought about it.

If battle cries and the like count, he can also say that he has dabbled.

But obviously, as a war witch who has already made clear his desire and path, Yi Xia really didn't think too much about this aspect.

In other words, for those witches with relevant proficiency, it is just the accumulation of their long years.

But at present, Yi Xia's deficiency in this aspect has a long history.

It doesn't have to be a precise metaphor, if the life cycle of the Chaos bloodline is also condensed into a hundred years.

Then everything he has experienced now may not be worth the "one day" of an adult chaotic bloodline witch.

So there is a notch as it should be...

Shaking his head, Yi Xia suppressed these trivial thoughts.

Because it is a one-time probabilistic excitation effect, it is not a permanent aura.

Yi Xia wasn't going to delay either.

As a great witch who has killed countless people in his hands, he naturally has no emotions like stage fright.

Then, after a little deliberation, Yi Xia directly activated Lu Shu's protoss power.

In the next moment, the long and thick sound of desolation seemed to come from far away in the sky...




"Whose cow? The breath is so long..."

Zhong Ling sat on the back of the bull, looking at the other side of the mountain with some surprise.

Beside her, a majestic horse was walking faintly among the shades of trees.

Although he has a horse now, Zhong Ling doesn't like to ride it unless there are special circumstances.

The more real reason is: the horse's butt was a little cold after riding, and it was useless to put on several layers of warm pads...

According to Shi Wei, this fellow is a superior Yin Ling treasure.

Zhong Ling's current practice is still relatively shallow, if not for some other reasons, she would be absolutely difficult to control now.

Hearing Zhong Ling's words, Shi Wei, who was sitting close to the cow's butt, suddenly had a subtle expression.

It shrank back again, looking at Zhong Ling's appearance of keeping blood from splashing on me...

His eyes were filled with a determined look.

Although this guy didn't say anything, Zhong Ling understood in an instant.

She stuck out her tongue, then coughed tactically.

On the other side, Cang Zhong, who suddenly heard howling through the sky, looked at his deputy expressionlessly:

"Refresh the dynamics of the big witch..."

The deputy nodded, and then contacted the special department on the other side to start a plan.

Not long after, Cang Zhong shook his head while looking at the application in the report "97.5% probability that the great witch has returned, do you need to conduct a field survey".

Then he put down the report and took a sip of hot wolfberry tea leisurely...

(End of this chapter)

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