Chapter 831 Taboo - Distortion Core (Two Updates!)

After glancing at the warning message displayed on the retina, Yi Xia set his sights on the specific comprehensive network panel information of the taboo thing:


Forbidden Thing - Distortion Core:

Item Type: Forbidden Wonder/Twisted Birth
Item level: 20 (Warning! Forcible use or long-term and frequent contact with units whose life level is lower than this item level may cause permanent distortion of their life!)
Item limitation: Good camp requires an additional +10 use level and suffers huge desecration damage

Current Status: Inactive (0%)

item description:

It's a twisted and aberrant thing born somewhere in the multiverse.

It was once a part of that which shone with infinite brilliance and justice.

And when the light left forever with the light that almost distorted time and space, it was lost in the darkness along with the infinite dust...

After long eons, it was found again in the physical world:

And at that time, it had already become a new part of a magnificent creation—but it was no longer something that radiated warmth and light...

Item Features:
1. Limited/unique, majestic distortion!
When the item is successfully activated, it will continue to emit a large force field similar to the aura of corruption.

Over time, this item can automatically absorb the evil power of the surrounding spacetime to strengthen its own emanating force field:
Phase [-]: In this phase, all life in the force field needs to make a distortion test every once in a while (the difficulty of the test is based on the strength of life and the current state of life), if the test fails, there will be distortions of varying degrees ( flesh).

Distortion (flesh and blood): Life intelligence and perception decrease, strength, agility, physique, charm (distortion/corruption/corruption) increase, and there is a certain probability of form change.

Stage [-]: In this stage, the power of the distortion core is further strengthened, and it will release the distortion light with more powerful distortion power.

During the day (if there are no stars, it will be regarded as a long night) the light of distortion will continue to strengthen the life with distortion characteristics (level improvement, distortion degree increase).

In the night/long night, the light of distortion will forcefully deform all creatures below the minimum threshold of distortion, (long night) and continue to strengthen all deformed beings.

Stage [-]: Conditions are not met and cannot be unlocked
2. Lord of Distortion:
The unit holding this item can pass a distortion test to obtain the legendary taboo calamity life template-the Lord of Distortion.

The Master of Distortion can ignore the level difference, control and dominate all the lives affected by the distortion core, and freely control the direction of its own distortion...

ps: ah!Great distortion!I saw the stars covered with pustules, the earth wriggling with slurries... Ah, all things embraced by the distortion, leading to immortality... - Sublime Distortion - Zip (Erased) Riser
ps: Fuck, what kind of multiverse distortion opens the style of painting——Comprehensive network hot comment 9999+
ps: Wait, can you control the distortion direction?Maybe...——Father of a Hundred Clans - Champion of "I'm Invincible Under the Succubus" - Shakuba

ps: There is one thing to say, if there is no risk of plane distortion, then it is not bad to get a small world to create high-end monster spawn points... ——Comprehensive Network Hot Comments 999+
ps: The upstairs is talking about this? #多世界的'黑黑奶牛关'#——Comprehensive network hot comment 999+



Yi Xia looked at the lengthy item information refreshed on the retina.

Then, he turned his attention to an item that was temporarily transferred to the item backpack by the integrated network:
It is a thing that is completely unreminiscent of concepts such as stars and distortions from the outside.

It is dark and full of irregular bumps.

If you remove its deep, strange color upon closer inspection, it looks a bit like a piece of coal waiting to be processed from the outside.

It lay there peacefully, as if it was just a harmless dead thing.

Who would have thought that the aberration disaster that would sweep the world might originate from such a thing?
Sure enough, it is dangerous enough...

Yi Xia thought about it after looking at it for a while.

The value of this thing is difficult to assess:

For those individuals who have broken through their own group cognition and have their own unique and powerful aesthetics.

Such things are more like the perfection and excellence that ordinary things pursue.

It is different from the many evil and taboo things that Yi Xia has come into contact with:
This object, called the Distortion Core, does not cause the holder's mind to lose or tend to become chaotic.

At least, for the bearer...

In a sense, from the perspective of the multiverse, this can also be regarded as the origin of a life race with distortion characteristics...

Of course, Yi Xia obviously does not have such a "pioneering" cognition and aesthetics in this regard.


Dawu’s attitude towards such things has always been stable:

The flames raging on the surface of the planet are the firm attitude of the great witch.

This kind of distortion is not what some mortals understand, it is just the increase of limbs or the mutation of organs.

The distortion of the flesh and blood level is only the most elementary evolution method.

And more - on that planet full of distortions, Yi Xia has already seen it...

That is a permanent change to the original civilization and order, and an irreversible distortion of the nature of the world.

Therefore, Yi Xia would definitely not accept such power.

As for the description information of this dangerous item, how some comprehensive network players open some of its dangers?

Yi Xia thought for a while, then shook his head:

Judging from his previous large transactions on the comprehensive network player multiverse trading platform, a small plane is not that expensive.

In fact, investing in some monster populations with full reproductive capacity and subsequent resource investment is not such an astronomical number that is out of reach.

At least for the current Yi Xia, the goods that can be traded with comprehensive network disaster coins are only a matter of the length of time accumulated...

It's just that, after seeing so many distortions and distorted worlds, Yi Xia is now sufficiently vigilant about it.

Of course he can control this danger—but if he is a little careless, it will be a disaster like annihilation for the civilization that may be affected...

Although the great witch has killed countless people, this does not affect the morality in his heart, which still retains the compassion achieved in the mortal period.

And more importantly - Yi Xia didn't have that much energy to keep paying attention to it.

He has always been a pursuit of accompanying and free and easy.

Just like so far, only the Killing Crown was reluctantly worn by Yi Xia.

This kind of thing that requires continuous maintenance of extra mental energy has always been something that Yi Xia has always avoided.

Therefore, Yi Xia feels that he knows how to deal with this thing that has huge value in an alternative field and is equally dangerous...

(End of this chapter)

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