What kind of experience is it to fight with a mushroom the size of a "normal person".

Before that, it was naturally difficult for Yi Xia to answer such absurd questions.

And now, he'll probably be able to say something about it.

Those trivial explosions finally merged into the magnificent turmoil.

At this moment, the surrounding area directly transformed by the powerful power of the Youshen Monarch fell into a chaotic state of burning and shattering.

No matter how gentle and inert the energy particles are, they cannot maintain the previous stability in such a field.

Magic in the usual sense doesn't have much room to play in this area.

That is the original power of a powerful and evil existence.

In many cases, it is not even necessarily inferior to the power of the original concepts of those planes.

Of course, the specific actual combat effect is another matter...

The magnificent phantom of the World Tree exists above this chaotic area.

It is large but hard to belong to the once solid body, like the silhouette of lost time and space in the gap of time.

Only the ancient power constantly lingering in the void clearly displayed the infinite power of this once great life like a creator.

And the dangerous creation that began with an indescribable existence obviously did not fear the concept of this ancient creator.

Even though it was suppressed by the power of the World Tree, it was still intertwined with an extremely deep and dark aura.

In the realm beyond the gaze of mortal things, some dark forces that do not exist in the physical world are wreaking havoc.

They are materialized manifestations of the concept of ineffable existence, capable of permanently altering existence from the conceptual realm to the physical realm.

This is also the source of power that it tried to seize the legacy of World Tree in a parasitic form before.

In fact, Yi Xia didn't have such a deep understanding of the existence of this field.

Even in the many existing adventures, Yi Xia has indeed had contact with many such existences and "knit together".

But like an old gourmet, you may be able to tell clearly about the taste, craftsmanship and even the place of origin of ingredients and cooking.

However, when it comes to more specific and detailed fields, it is often difficult to achieve such familiarity.

As far as this aspect is concerned, maybe a certain feathered hero has a better understanding of this.


Under the loud sound of turmoil in the material world, countless "mosquitoes" gushed out from both sides of the enemy's huge body.

Looking carefully through the real extraordinary vision, one can see that those "mosquitoes" are actually filamentous fungal life of various shapes.

They vary in size, the small one is only the size of a human head, and the big one was even close to the size of the "mushroom" that Yi Xia had hunted before.

These filamentous fungal life flooded towards Yi Xia, and among the countless intertwined tiny sounds, a kind of terrifying sound was formed.

That is the attack method that the Youshen Monarch seems to be quite used to:
At least in the face of the big witch who "doesn't get in", its perhaps extremely vicious tricks don't have much room for display.

However, Yi Xia, who had already entered the "unlimited firepower" state, ignored the "mosquito" like a cloud at all.

In the case of temporary unlimited mana, the witch fire lingering on Yi Xia's body once reached Yi Xia's new high so far.

This makes Yi Xia's image look like a flame giant walking out of the flame world from a distance.

For enemies at this level, the direct damage effect of Witchfire is probably very difficult to be effective.

But this is also when its true power comes into play:
The Witchfire that incorporates Yinhuo traits cannot run rampant in it just by relying on the relevant resistance
Even in the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, Yinhuo has always been an extremely dangerous concept.

Although relatively speaking, the many methods of avoiding fire born in this way also have a long history.


The soaring witchfire, and the spores of the deep monarch are hedged in the void
There are countless dazzling energy flames.

And at this time, Yi Xia had already approached the Youshen Monarch.

This guy doesn't seem to be very good at melee combat - at least for Yi Xia who often practiced against Changyang Mountain, that level of resistance is too pale.

The irregular and huge body that resembles a spheroid constantly presents a faintly visible posture in the material world.

That was the feedback from the Witchfire after it dealt damage.

It seems to be able to avoid and be immune to external damage to a certain extent in this way.

Of course, this form may cause additional burden and loss to it:
Before that, it wasn't even going to be on.

It was only after being suddenly burned by the seemingly "gentle" witch fire to produce the special effect of Yin fire, that he suddenly became aware of the danger in it.

As for Wu Ban?

Yi Xia held the witch banner horizontally, and smashed it down heavily towards the Youshen Monarch!

That chaotic blow with infinite violent power is naturally not so easy to dodge.

What's more, it can be said that a large proportion of Yi Xia's accomplishments in melee combat skills are in hits.

And with Yi Xia's sudden attack, the Youshen Monarch's figure suddenly exploded!

The incomparably violent power suddenly exploded centered on that irregular huge body!

And Yi Xia, who bears the brunt, is naturally and inevitably hit directly by him!

Yi Xia didn't know whether such a dark and profound wisdom was born from such a huge evil monster in front of him.

But it's not stupid - after trying multiple times before, and paying a heavy price for it.

It finally found the safest way to fight against Yi Xia.

I saw Yi Xia smashing heavily on the shock wave that suddenly exploded!
In an instant, countless filamentous fungal life instantly turned into the tiniest particles!

And the violent force that exploded also hit Yi Xia's majestic body at the same time.

They broke through Yi Xia's tough armor, leaving more striking and lasting marks on Yi Xia's firmer flesh.

And the next moment, in the void on the other side.

The endless filamentous fungal life gathered again, forming the evil life form of the deep fungal monarch.

I don't know what kind of evil concept this is, so that such a self-destructive operation doesn't seem to need to pay a heavy price.

In this regard, the great witch continued to mention Wu Banner without comment.

On top of the burning of the witch fire, those filamentous fungal life fell on the ground like rain.

Under Yi Xia's deliberate manipulation, some of them were preserved—but, that might not have been such a lucky encounter.
And at this time, the grand phantom of the World Tree exudes a more powerful ancient power again.

"Quick, quick, it's time to enter the second stage."

Domner still felt a little subtle when he heard the shouts of his teammates behind him, who had no solemn image in front of him.

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