The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 903 Education?The Great Witch Has His Own Way of Liberation

Naturally, Yi Xia didn't know that Yingzhen was hating a certain centipede.When he descended suddenly, he sensed the monstrous devilish energy not far away.

Obviously, the coordinates given to him by the centipede spirit were somewhat different after all.

The place where he appeared seemed to have been abandoned by the monster.

Of course, judging from the messy appearance left on the land, it can be seen that it has been entrenched here for a long time.

Now, they are wreaking havoc in areas not too far away.With Yi Xia's leg strength, this distance can only be reached in an instant.After seeing the relevant nature of a monster like Centipede Jing.Yi Xia didn't even pause.

Although he doesn't think so.

Among the monsters at this level, which monster can escape under his hands.

But tracking a monster in many time and space is still a bit inappropriate after all.Although the losses caused, Yi Xia will always pay.

But it's not a very good thing after all.

In this regard, you can probably refer to the related scenes of chasing chickens on the street?

After locking on the most powerful demonic aura among them, Yi Xia's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot!In the next instant, without any words or warnings, Yi Xia's figure covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared on the banquet of the group of demons!

Afterwards, the witch flag was unfurled, mighty and mighty, and fell straight down like the sky splitting!

In an instant, the air waves surged, and the mountains collapsed like sand!


Under the violent turmoil, the land in the distance fluctuated and changed.

The terrifying impact once caused the entire land plate to shake slightly!
This is a huge blow from a majestic body that surpasses thousands of mountains in the world!
Before the crowd of monsters could react in the future, under such a majestic and pure violent force, they turned into the tiniest particles!

However, for the monster with enough power, this is obviously not enough to destroy it

In other words, a dark existence that is more reckless than foreign lands.

These monsters who are more or less related to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental lineage know how powerful they are.
Resist the attack of the great witch?
I thought it was just a bigger giant.
"Big Witch, slow down!"

At this time, a monster with a little dragon breath suddenly said in a trembling voice.

Suddenly, a shining jade tablet appeared above its head.

Yi Xia stood with her banner folded, under the billowing dust and smoke, her eyes filled with endless flames stared at the demon's jade tablet behind the faint bottom shield.

It seems that there is indeed a taste of Taoism?

Seeing this, the other monsters who barely escaped moved towards him immediately.

Sure enough, leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade, otherwise this time you will almost be in trouble
Some demons thought secretly like this.

And the Balrog who made the sound saw that Yi Xia didn't continue to chase, so he hurriedly said:

"I am Yayin, a boy under the seat of Zhenjun Tan Dian of Fangjie. I am here today to follow the order of my teacher."

"This demon has killed countless people. My master ordered me to lie dormant here and return him to the mountain for training."

"It is really meritorious to make them work hard and calm their karma."

When the other demons heard the words, their expressions changed and they wanted to run away.

But in the next moment, he was enveloped by the clear light released by the jade tablet.

Several monsters struggled desperately, but they couldn't break free.

All of them looked at the demon who called himself "Jia Yin" who made the sound, and they couldn't feel their fingertips cracking, wishing they could swallow him alive.

And Yingzhen, who somehow avoided the main attack, appeared not far from the opponent at this time.

But he didn't get too close, just bowed slightly towards him, his eyes were wet:

"Yingzhen is well aware of the seriousness of the crime, she is willing to bind her hands and let her be dealt with."

When the two monsters were sincerely in love, they heard the sound of thunder above the sky: "Are you going to block me?"

Then suddenly his face changed slightly.

But also notice that Yi Xia is not

Speak towards them, but towards the jade tablet that is exuding clear light.

Woe!This great witch doesn't even give Zhenjun's face!

Ya Yin realized something was wrong.

On the other side, Yingzhen, who originally said that she tied her hands, was more real.

It didn't even wait for the other side to react, it suddenly disappeared in place!

A tougher expression of entrusting fate to another party?
Don't you know the true colors of these self-proclaimed true kings?

And the jade tablet also removed the clear light from the sky, but it didn't disappear.

Instead, he returned to Ya Yin's side, and threw the bound demons to Yi Xia.Seeing this, Yi Xia swept away.

The monster that was originally enveloped by Qingguang was naturally hard to escape.

Didn't even let out a scream.

Those monsters who might be in their territory and have some prestige, turned into dust in the billowing air!

However, Yi Xia did not leave, and rushed to track down that Yingzhen.

Instead, he looked at Ya Yin with eyes filled with endless fire.

The darkness and evil in the multiverse are endless, and he has no interest in going to the boundless purification business.

But if they ran into each other, it was another matter.

Under Yi Xia's gaze, Jairin couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

But the clear light of the jade tablet seemed to become more intense.

It seems that Yi Xia's "increasing progress" somewhat angered the real monarch who had never been masked.

And the next moment, he saw the filthy light intertwined in Jairin's breath and some obscure breath in his stomach that had not yet melted away his energy.

Yi Xia was speechless, and directly took the Wu Banner and threw it down on Jai Yin's head!

He has never been used to this kind of Taoist orthodox operation of raising ogre monsters.

Even if he really did that cheap thing and didn't suffer from any crimes, Yi Xia didn't bother to pay attention to it.

But Ya Yin, who had a somewhat dragon-like aura in front of him, was obviously not that kind of existence.

So, what about such a true monarch?
The true king of man, do this.

The big witch disdains!



Under the witch banner, you will be free!
Yi Xia's sudden attack was obviously beyond the opponent's expectation.

In the blink of an eye, the light on the jade tablet flickered on and off, changing again and again.

When the Wu banner fell violently, he didn't protect that Jai Yin any more, but gathered the clear light back.

When pulling it together, it stabilized Yayin's figure.

"Master! I am"

Jairin cried out in grief and indignation, but it was of no avail.

He couldn't even finish his last words, so he was suddenly frozen in mid-air.

And the next moment, he was hit by a streamer!
Suddenly, the sound of roaring suddenly resounded through the sky!
The air wave is noisy, roaring away!

This guy may be a bit wise.

After all, the skin is much stronger.

After being beaten by Yi Xia Yifan solidly, he didn't die suddenly on the spot.

There was still a few breaths left.

The technique released by Qingguang has already failed at this time.

It turned into a ferocious body, and the corners of its mouth squirmed, as if it wanted to say something.

But at the next moment, with a crisp "creak" sound, the neck was taken away and the skin was torn open.Enmity?
Conspiracy calculation?

Yi Xia tore off his flesh and blood and stuffed them into his item backpack, then carried the witch banner and followed them across the border in a murderous spirit.

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