Yi Xia naturally didn't know which realm this so-called Lingshizel was.Before Yingzhen died, she exhausted her mana and was only able to convey her name.

But what is certain is that that guy probably doesn't have this world coordinate named "Lingshizel".

Otherwise, based on what he had shown before, Yi Xia did not doubt that the other party would lure him there.

Of course, refer to the slight hesitation between his words before his death.

The world called "Lingshizel" is undoubtedly a dangerous place.

Big devil?

Yi Xia thought for a while, first opened the comprehensive network panel with consciousness, and searched for information about this world.

Just like the related concept of information cocoon room in all things.In the extraordinary realm, under the boundless time and space.

This kind of "information cocoon" that exists in the extraordinary version will be particularly intense in a certain sense.

Although Yi Xia has never heard of it, the name of this world is taboo.

But judging from the number of posts he found, there are a lot of them.

That is indeed an extraordinary world with enough deep evil.

Of course, based on the immensity of the multiverse.

Then there is the profound evil, if there is a lack of sufficient transmission medium and a strong threat to the surrounding plane system.

Then in many cases, it is difficult for the surrounding plane system to know.Just like even if Yi Xia became a legend on Earth.

Not enough "out hunting deeds".

The related existences of the surrounding planes will not regard Yi Xia as a special legendary character.

The number of Lingshizel's related posts is largely based on the fact that it was born, which is quite a large number of copies of the Transcendental Sequence Comprehensive Network compared to a normal Transcendent world.

Judging from the situation that Yi Xia investigated.

Ringshizel as a perhaps not so typical dark universe dominated by evil.

Its main dark force is the related evil force headed by the seven-headed demon head-Asterzia, which is entrenched here.

In this huge universe, they have established a dark kingdom with Astorzia as the absolute core.

Yi Xia naturally didn't care much about this.

What he was concerned about was what Yingzhen said about her deeper heel before she died.

Forerunner of righteousness?
The big witch's eyes were filled with endless fire, revealing a little thoughtful expression.

He has already extracted the information he needs from it, and perhaps he understands Yingzhen's fear before she died and the purpose of saying this information.

It was probably hope, and because of this, Yi Xia offended the righteous god at the multiverse level.Using its powerful power, it severely wounded or even killed Yi Xia.

A righteous god at the multiverse level, or an evil god.

That is indeed a powerful dark existence worthy of consideration.

This kind of evil god spanning multiple planes is not a life at the same level as those evil gods Yi Xia had come into contact with before.

In a sense, if we compare the ordinary material world to the boundaries of the cold weapon era.

Then the local gods that exist in the kingdom of God are the controllers who stay in the fortress of war.

They can crush most mortal things with ease.In the popular sense, the accumulation of quantity is also useless.

Only after it left the Kingdom of God (war fortress), even if it was also fully armed, still had the risk of being penetrated by the city crossbow.

Fighting across planes is more like starting an expedition.

Even if they are fully armed, they may not be able to adapt to the environment, and they will no longer be able to obtain timely supplies from the Kingdom of God, resulting in a significant drop in combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the risk of falling is greatly increased.

As for Zhengshen's words, in a sense, it can refer to outrageous existences such as activated tanks and even activated mechs.

Its corresponding rule control (logistics technology tree) allows righteous gods to fight across planes (expeditions),

It can also maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Yi Xia needs to consider more carefully.

If it was before, Yi Xia would probably temporarily add it to the relevant list.

And now...

Yi Xia opened the comprehensive network panel to glance at his general experience reserve and a certain level promotion reward, and then glanced at the progress of the mission of the Legendary Road.

4 In this way, Da Wu calmly closed his integrated network panel.

How can the legendary road forged by blood and fire proceed so gently?Now, the supreme door has already leaked a gap.

It's time to offer a sacrifice of blood and fire...



"It's getting harder and harder to catch fish now..."

Void Sea Angler—Tash sighed.

Then he patted the drowsy ancient war tree in his hand.

In the deep waters raging in the distance, there is only the sound of raging water.

Ancient War Tree opened his sleepy eyes and yawned.

They are now in a dangerous sea area that is absolutely taboo for all things.

Of course, for one person and one tree at this time, this level of danger can be called exciting.

A certain ancient war tree felt that he belonged to the kind that was spoiled by Tash...

After all, there is no serious ancient war tree that loves fishing—it still participates in the form of mainly serving as a fishing rod...

And at this moment, Tash suddenly received a message.


Tash stopped and took a look.

Then fell into thought.

Not long after, he suddenly became interested, and then clapped the ancient war tree in his hand vigorously:

"Someone is going to hammer Astorzia!"

As a fisherman who should theoretically stand aloof from the rest of the world, Tash showed an excitement quite different from the worldly image at this time.

And the ancient war tree in his hand also became interesting.

It first withdrew its right hand that was used as a bait that had been stretched into the sea, and replaced it with the dried left hand before saying:
"Which god of kindness finally pulled out its hand?"

Tash shook his head when he heard the words:
"If that's the case, there's nothing to see." Tash's words obviously made the ancient tree quite puzzled.

"Wait, where did you hear that?"

Tash smiled mysteriously, and then said in a low voice:
"No one knows, I'm just guessing."

Then he explained:

"Someone just asked me to buy the space plane coordinates of Astorzia."

Ancient Tree of War:?
"That logic sounds the same as your fishing technique - sucks"

The ancient tree of war said sullenly.

Tash didn't take it seriously:
"I happened to hear the story of the guy who asked me to buy space plane coordinates. I know what that guy wants to do..."

Then, he emphasized:
"This is first-hand news!"

And in a certain corner of the multiverse, with the fluctuation of obscure forces, those distant or secret messages converge here.

Then, a voice echoed in nothingness: "Now, it's the second hand..."

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