What is a witch?Yi Xia slightly closed his eyes.

The splendor of that foreign star seemed dim and distant.

In the realm blocked by endless time and space, a blue radiant planet with secular meaning looms in the long river of fate.

That was Yi Xia's homeland, the land where he was born and nurtured.

It is also the sacred oath he made, which he wants to protect forever.

The shaman is the guardian, the inheritance, the hub through which man and the sky penetrate and connect, and the most wanton and even tyrannical opening method given by the gentle pulse of civilization.

In this distant alien time and space, in this blazing star.

Yi Xia's huge body stretched out in the natural splendor of the most abundant light and heat.

And the power that converged at that fateful occasion evolved in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness that was raging with endless flames.

The phantom of the blue planet that shows the oath and the way.

Congealed at this moment.

Even across infinite time and space, even at the level of the multiverse, the brilliance is so small and short.

The connection between witches and the world is like two tiny particles that are entangled and coupled in the material universe, and are no longer separated by other elements.

In this way, the world carries the shaman, and the shaman carries the world on his back, that is, he travels far away, and his hometown is with him.

Burning vertically and horizontally, rivers and mountains are safe...

This is also the path Yi Xia chose and practiced:

The raging and violent burning is also an extension of the guardian of the witch.

And with the depth of Yi Xia's consciousness, that corresponds to the presentation of the concept of the world itself.It started from the older surge corresponding to civilization, and thus was able to soak up waves in Yi Xia's consciousness.

Bloodline has nothing to do with the road at this moment.

It is more like an addition brought by the road itself, but it is also inseparable.

Because the birth of order and civilization began with the spark in chaos...

If we say that the appearance of the phantom of the blue planet corresponds to Yi Xia's

Legendary divisions on the career path.

Then at this moment, the chaotic power stirring in Yi Xia's bloodline is Yi Xia's true promotion to a legendary life.

In a daze, Yi Xia seemed to glimpse that ancient and chaotic appearance.

It is the original picture scroll without heaven and earth, clear and muddy, and it is the prehistoric prologue that has never been opened before the complicated and complicated myths.

And the original concept of man is also ups and downs in that chaos.

The chaotic bloodline of the witch traces back, never evolving towards the concept of the Chaos Demon God, but traces back to the chaos in the form of a human being.

Therefore, the witch is clumsy at change...
Suddenly, Yi Xia saw someone swinging an ax down.

Therefore, it is clear and turbid, and it becomes the sun and the moon...
In the next moment, Yi Xia's body wrapped in the brilliance of the stars suddenly began to swell!



"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant process elements of the legend you promoted, you have obtained the characteristics of a legendary chaotic hunter. You can gain extra bloodline growth progress!"

"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: Your bloodline template has been changed to: Chaos Direct (Legendary)!"

Direct Lineage of Chaos (Legendary):

Type: Bloodline template

Bloodline quality: limited to oriental pedigree Extraordinary Civilization/Unique
Bloodline effect:
1.Witch - Legendary Brute:

Basic effect: The character's basic strength and constitution are upgraded to chaos. The lower limit of the direct relationship (youth): 28 points 3
The character's basic strength and maximum growth of physique are removed from the 40-point/60 point limit (the character's life level is 40) points, and the effects of powerful, specialization, and bloodline restrictions related to strength and physique are forcibly removed, and bonuses related to strength and physique receive a huge chaos boost.

Characters get a constant "brute force - breaking" blessing, in the confrontation with a certain dodge, a certain hit,

When unable to defend and other concepts related to sacred skills, all physical attacks (character concepts) will get a certain hit effect and cause extra huge chaos damage (each point of strength above 28 increases * 1.75 corresponding to the divine level test)
Please note: The maximum loading power of the character's original plane is: 40 (shaman), if the maximum loading power is exceeded, the character cannot enter the material world in the form of a witch.

2.Witch - Legendary Stubbornness:

Basic effect: Character-related spell resistance is upgraded to Chaos. The lower limit (juvenile): Immune to spell effects below the sixth level, and gain an additional 100% chaos spell resistance.

The 40-point limit on the maximum growth of character perception is lifted, and the ratio of perception-related resistance and learning ability gain a huge increase in chaos.

But at the same time, the character will get a huge increase in learning difficulty (additional difficulty reduction correction based on strength) in the face of alien spell knowledge and combat skills that fail the assimilation check.

3.Witch - legend exhausted:

In addition to the original effect, the legendary update: the character gets an extra round of growth progress for the current life cycle, and after that, every time a person passes through a complete life cycle (based on the current concept of the original plane: 100 years), the character can get The growth progress of a round of the current life cycle, which can be included in the cumulative growth of the character life cycle, but will not be repeated.

When the character changes into the original concept, the relevant attributes of the witch form will be superimposed, and will be transformed into the original concept panel in the form of chaotic vitality.

ps: In theory, if a character is killed in the original concept state of this form, it will also lead to the death of the character.

4.Legend - Human (Chaos):

All the basic attributes of the character are raised to 25, and at the same time, they are immune to most of the negative effects of related spells (multiverse level), including stun, slow, freezing, charm, fear, change, instant death, etc. Gain additional Chaos Perception Check and Chaos Spell Exemption when the effect is active, and unlock the exclusive ability of the limited civilization pedigree legend: Man can conquer the sky (need to meet the relevant pre-skill requirements and there is no personalization anchor belief).

Non-combat level: The civilizational ability and knowledge learning difficulty of "people" related elements have been greatly reduced, and the requirements for the inheritance of related civilization sequences such as manufacturing and craftsmanship have been greatly reduced...



"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your bloodline template, your attribute point resource is promoted to: chaotic life attribute point, you need to consume at least 2 legendary attribute points to convert to get 1 chaotic life attribute point."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your original unused related attribute points (including extraordinary attribute points, free attribute points, etc.) will be converted into related bloodline growth resources."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your challenge level and bloodline template, your professional experience resource is promoted to: Legendary experience (chaos legend, regular legendary experience conversion ratio: 1:1.75), you can no longer gain by killing non-legendary units Get the relevant kill experience (base) / You still get the full amount of kill experience (kill crown) from units above level 15."

"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: You have unlocked the ability to cast legendary spells. You are no longer limited by the protection rings of the comprehensive network. You can freely learn and quickly release spells with all rings through the comprehensive network."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained the basic professional ability of the legendary witch: World Witch.

Witch of the World:

Type: Limited legendary professional skills

Limited Occupation: Legendary Sorcerer

Skill effect:
The legendary witch can return to its original limited plane immediately and without restriction, and the body of the legendary witch will be regarded as an extension of the multiverse level of its original limited plane, and its original limited plane will be regarded as the original limited plane of the legendary witch. The evolution of the concept of geese.

Therefore, the legendary witches can obtain related native field effects, environmental blessings, etc. regardless of the time, space and environment.

This effect is regarded as a conceptual unity and cannot be separated by all other magical effects including exotic divine power and holy effects.

Limited: When the legendary witch is killed, it can be resurrected as a concept recovery process of a limited plane, and at the same time
When the limited plane is destroyed, it will be restored and reshaped as the damaged tissue of the legendary witch.

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained a new legendary professional skill: legendary priest."

Legendary Priests:

Type: Limited legendary professional skills

Limited Occupation: Legendary Sorcerer

Skill effect:
Type: Limited Legendary Occupation

Skill skill effect:
Legendary witches can perform sacrifices and obtain sacrifice effects (including sacrifice spells, offering sacrifices, etc.) in an instant (limited: relevant limited super-large mysterious rituals still take a certain amount of time) without the need for relevant mysterious rituals.

Please note: For the ritual sequence spells that directly affect foreign units or areas, there will be a base spell delay (adaptive consumption of time and space rules). "

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your professional level, your relevant skills unlock legendary content."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained a legendary life/bloodline baptism, and your related basic immunity, attack bonus, and bloodline growth have been greatly and permanently improved!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your legendary bloodline ability: Legendary Exhaustion related skill effects, your bloodline power will gain periodic growth progress (100% ↑), and the basic information on your bloodline panel will change as follows: Calamity: 218.1 years → 536.2 years (318.1 ↑)."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant changes in your blood, your witch body shape information changes as follows: height 188626.1 meters (117060.8 meters ↑)..."



Yi Xia glanced at the dense reminder information refreshed on the retina.

The originally scorching star brilliance became gentle and soft at this moment, like the harmonious morning light in spring.

And amidst the endless brilliance that can pierce the eyes of all things, Yi Xia's magnificent body is no longer so "small" and "insignificant".

Only such a majestic star can make Yi Xia more harmoniously maintain the appearance of being able to gallop above the earth.

In this way, Yi Xia opened the personal panel that he hadn't looked at in detail for a long time.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, his already complicated and bloated personal panel appeared on his retina:

Name: Yi Xia

Occupation: Legendary Sorcerer (Iv20) This occupation has been locked, and the minimum level cannot be lower than level 1.

Limited job title: Great Witch

Relevant related limited title: Xiawu

Pedigree: Eastern Ancient Extraordinary Civilization Sequence

Faction: Ominous (Old God/Calamity)
Health: 100%

Mana: 361/361
Kalpa: 536.2 years

Basic attributes:
Shaman shape data: 188626.1 meters high...

Vocational skills: 1.Skilled in witchcraft, 2.Witchcraft Mystery, 3.Man Wu - War Sacrifice, 4.Witch refining...

Spell Tome: Ancient Recipes
Type: Spellbook (limited/incomplete)

1.Basic effect: Witchcraft with relevant elements such as Manghuang, Shanjing, and Haijing can obtain limited exemption materials.

2.Limited Deflection: Recipes with levels above Extraordinary can be cast as level 1-5 witchcraft (materials cannot be exempted), and can trigger the effects of related metamagic specialties (multiple spells, spell enhancement), etc.

3.Extraordinary enhancement: Cooking, digestion and other related spells (below level 5) gain an additional cooling cycle (-50%) and mana digestion reduction (-50%).

4.Legendary Enhancement (Not Selected)



Yi Xia looked at the personal panel on the retina with dense description information.those complicated information,

It represents his journey that may not be so lengthy but has enough weight.

From being short and thin in the past to complicated and heavy now.

There is a faint but blazing fire looming in it...

The legend has been achieved......
Yi Xia held the witch banner, feeling the unprecedented power at this moment.

Those gazes that used to have a little scrutiny are no longer as arrogant as before.

Even if Yi Xia ignored them, the attentions that remained in this space-time still carried more or less softer kindness.

At this moment, Yi Xia already has the right to speak with them on an equal footing.

And for Yi Xia, they are also witnesses...

Just like the material presentation of Yi Xia's legendary path, he has never considered that after achieving the legend, everything will calm down.

Just like the raging wildfire, the fiery road, it is the moment of intensification...

And in the face of the huge turmoil that once swept across the entire dark universe, it finally ended with an epic ending.

It's just that for a certain dark master who has already been integrated into the life of chaos and swallowed by Yi Xiatu, the tragic color of this is undoubtedly too strong.

But obviously, it has not waited for Yi Xia to fully sort out and deal with the changes after breaking through the legend.

The storm that was once blocked by the rest of the forces outside the dark universe finally showed its ferocious face as if belatedly.

In the next moment, in Astorzia's former lair, a planet-level dark face suddenly appeared!

In an instant, an astonishingly powerful dark aura filled the dark universe that had just calmed down a huge turmoil.

Without words, Yi Xia was able to know the identity of the other party:

The master that Asterzia serves, the evil god of the multiverse level...

Across a long material distance, Yi Xia met his eyes.

Yi Xia could feel the other party's scrutiny with a little anger and thought.

And under the protection of the dark divinity, Yi Xia couldn't see the opponent's face clearly.Of course, for Yi Xia at this moment, neither face nor shape is the only characteristic that serves as an anchor for the other party.

And in the next moment, without any warning or threatening words, the other party left directly...

This doesn't appear to be a chaotically skewed evil god.Of course, Yi Xia took note of the other party's breath.

It was not the first prey he had expected after breaking through the legend.On the relevant list of the Great Witch, there are names with higher priority...

And in a certain corner of the multiverse, a certain legendary poisonous dragon suddenly awakened from the omen of a deep nightmare...

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