The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 932 Ordering the Great Witch to Temporarily Suspend the Battle Plan...

Chapter 932 Ordering the Great Witch to Temporarily Suspend the Battle Plan... (Two Updates!)
In this way, the toasts were staggered until late at night.

At this moment, Yuan Xian and the others are already a little drunk.

Not because of the drinks.

Although there is unlimited liquor on the table, Da Wu is not keen on drinking.

Therefore, it is only used as one of the drinks with meals.

What really fascinated the few people was the meat mountain that was the staple food of the banquet...

It looks like meat, and it seems to have enough energy. After eating it, I didn't realize it at first, but it continued to exert force silently.

It is worth mentioning that the middle-aged man who sat across from them first and was suspected to be the head of an official organization related to the earth, after gracefully eating the first piece of meat, he was overwhelmed by "physical strength" and collapsed soundly.

To be honest, if it weren't for some worry about causing unnecessary trouble.

Yuan Xian actually wanted to take pictures to preserve the precious black history of the other party.

Of course, he didn't do that.

Because someone did it...

Yuan Xian noticed that among the group of people opposite, a young man who seemed to come with the other party calmly took out his mobile phone.

Can the rules of physics here be applied to such delicate and fragile basic electronic devices?

Yuan Xian didn't know, he kept watching calmly.

Yuan Xian looked around.

By this time, the rest of the guests had almost left.

Of course, what Yuan Xian can be sure of is:
If Dawu is willing, then this banquet will definitely last for a long time.

But obviously, their big witch doesn't exist like that.

Only then did Yuan Xian gather his composure, and he moved closer to him and talked about the gods and the "egg of all things".

Egg of all things?

Yi Xia looked at Yuan Xian in front of him.

After a little thought, he shook his head straight away.

He didn't understand the so-called "egg of all things".

But according to Yuan Xian's description, he probably knew what it was like.

"They are willing to be good to the earth, which is good."

"But there is only one way for such alien gods to enter the earth..."

Yi Xia looked at Yuan Xian and said.

The old gods of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage have never been revived on the earth.

What's more, the core blood descendants of the gods of foreign lands?
That is not a red line that can be crossed just because of the kindness shown by the foreign god.

The premise of diversification is to be able to keep its original color in the civilized dye vat that surpasses all specifications.

But obviously, in terms of the strength of the earth itself at this level at this moment, the corresponding conditions have not been met yet.

Therefore, the path in his mouth is naturally self-evident.

Yuan Xian nodded directly when he heard the words.

As he said before, he didn't have much hope for this.

It was only in Yi Xia's subsequent explanations that he gradually realized the essence of this level.

After all, among those who attended the party, there was also an exotic God of War.

Before that, these overly grandiose elements were not in Yuan Xian's subconscious consideration.

To be precise, just like the vast majority of ordinary people, they don't pay much attention to whether the ordinary items they buy in foreign lands will have a local impact on the relevant level.

And with the end of the conversation and farewell between Yuan Xian and Yi Xia, it also means that this not so huge party under the corresponding specifications is over.

Yi Xia stood on the spot and thought for a while. He was going to deal with the earth hostile list after the dinner party.

But now, there is another situation that requires him to temporarily change his plan.

Because his item backpack is almost full...

As for the construction of this dinner party?

Yi Xia looked at the platform below.

It may be because of the overly grandiose body shape in the witch body form, which made Yi Xia not very interested in internal buildings and the like.

There is also no habit of building mansions and ashrams like the practitioners of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia decided to keep it.

He naturally does not lack this comprehensive network disaster currency, but it will not be wasted.

So, Yi Xia thought about it.

In the next moment, with the flow of his will, his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, but he returned directly to the residence of Liucheng on Earth.

At this time, Yi Xia returned to the earth and no longer needed any spells or props.

With just a flick of your heart, you can instantly travel through the boundless time and space and return to any area of ​​the earth.

This is the bond between the witch and the sky...



Yi Xia sat on the sofa in the living room.

Faced with Yi Xia's growing body weight in human form, the special magic sofa formulated before undoubtedly seemed a bit stretched.

Amidst the dull sigh of the magic sofa, Yi Xia consciously opened his backpack.

At this moment, the item backpack that should have been sufficiently empty has been filled with all kinds of dazzling objects.

Of course, this is not all all kinds of rare treasures.

Among them, there are also dried fish from home brought by a certain catman.

Yi Xia didn't care about this, but accepted all congratulatory gifts from friends.

Before that, Yi Xia still expected such a situation.

It is not surprising that the title of great witch has a gold content in the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

In fact, if he hadn't been intentionally brief, the final situation might have been much more exaggerated than this.

It's just that the actual situation still surprised Yi Xia.

There are a total of 99 treasure chests presented by the Thirteen Dragon Palace.

No matter how you look at it, this is a huge enough number.

But even such a huge number is just the tip of the iceberg in Yi Xia's backpack at the moment.

Many forces that were not invited by Yi Xia, unfamiliar or even completely unfamiliar, contributed to the main composition of many items in Yi Xia's item backpack at this moment.

This was even when Yi Xia rejected some obviously inappropriate gifts.

Such as some beautiful maids, boys, and even witches...

Those who sent congratulatory gifts were at least related to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy at the level of Xuanzong that Yi Xia had visited before.

Considering the boundless derived time and space involved in the surrounding plane system, Yi Xia can understand it.

In a sense, this is also a characteristic of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage in the macroscopic concept of the multiverse.

It is like a huge, invisible network, running through the endless planes of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental lineage.

Just like Yi Xia's performance when he came into contact with Dragon Palace:
They can always cross the barriers of planes and time and space, and learn about Yi Xia's related movements quite instantly.

In this regard, Yi Xiaxu is recognized.

Of course, the uninvited congratulations from these strange and extraordinary forces are more like the classics handed down from the Eastern pedigree of the extraordinary civilization:
Make a good relationship?

Yi Xia restrained his thoughts and concentrated his consciousness on the complicated objects in the item backpack.

Not long after, Yi Xia's attention was suddenly attracted by one of the things.

It was a fiery red armor...

(End of this chapter)

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