Migrating diaspora civilization?
Across a rather long cosmic distance, Yi Xia glanced at the transport fleet intertwined with strong emotions of intelligent life.

It is slowly sailing towards the deeper region of the star sea, with a cabin full of confusion and fear.

And with Yi Xia and the others intersecting with this transport fleet.

They are also getting closer to the position of the giant starry sky beast...
Not long after, in the dangerous realm filled with the remains of many planets.

Yi Xia saw the starry sky behemoth that was sleeping soundly.

If it's just the group of war machines, it may not necessarily wake it up from its short and pleasant rest.

But apparently, it's not just a bunch of war machines looming now...

Without any warning, the giant void beast that was nestling in space suddenly opened its eyes!

And with its sudden awakening, a powerful magnetic field of alien life roared away in an instant!
It's like a heterogeneous energy hedge.

The war machines within the range of this life magnetic field produced violent energy reactions one after another.

"Comprehensive network reminder: warning! Your arrival has aroused the vigilance and attention of the star disaster beast: Alpha Lata, and it has broken away from the recovery cycle..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Warning! Due to your relevant destructive characteristics, the star beast: Alpha Rata decided to attack you, and you have been locked: Calamity's gaze."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Please pay attention! You have stepped into the realm of the starry sky beast, and you will be regarded as being in an extremely harsh and extraordinary environment (strength: weak divinity), and you need to bear the relevant negative checks and damage effects from this realm. "

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

He didn't have any obvious feelings about this.

At this moment, the flame shield lingering around his body has already absorbed this insignificant domain damage.

The war machines have already launched an attack on the star beast: Alpha La Tower.

No need for orders and scheduling from a legendary mechanic.

These war machines, already loaded with enough intelligent related attack modules, began to pour firepower towards the magnificent body of the Star Scourge Beast without reservation after entering a sufficient distance.

For a moment, the other party's magnificent body seemed to bloom with countless bright "flowers".

To be honest, this is Yi Xia's first time fighting like this.

After all, when he came and went, he belonged to the one who was concentratedly bombed...

In the next instant, Yi Xia's figure suddenly disappeared in place!
The Star Calamity Beast, which had attracted some attention from the intensive bombing, still kept most of its attention on Yi Xia.

The moment Yi Xia disappeared, the Star Calamity Beast suddenly shrank its defenses.

In the realm of extraordinary energy, the obscure energy that symbolizes the realm of the starry sky disaster beast suddenly traced back to the edge of it.

However, it is obvious that Yi Xia's relevant combat experience is much richer than it in such a level of combat.

In the next gap of time, Yi Xia's magnificent figure suddenly appeared in the void behind the starry sky beast!
Then, there was a sudden tearing scarlet storm!

In a trance, if someone is standing in a rather distant realm, and can just peep here.

With a high probability, he could see the magnificent red light suddenly drawn from Yi Xia's hand.

It was the witch banner wrapped in witch fire, showing the brilliance and charm under the curtain of the deep starry sky.

Although it is difficult for the starry sky disaster beast who is directly impacted by this dreamlike scene to feel and agree with it.

It was like a solar storm released from the dark star behind Yi Xia.In an instant, the shock wave intertwined with the frightening power of the legendary body of chaos unscrupulously destroyed everything that dared to appear in front of it!

In the macro energy field, the field power of the starry sky disaster beast and its violent impact once made the space
There is a slight distortion in the space!

That is one of the most powerful forces of the star beast.

It is capable of greatly reducing and distorting other alien forces.

However, this confrontation is ultimately futile.

In the end, the impact that still stirred up the witch fire hit the huge body of the starry sky disaster beast without any reservations!
Under the impact of the sudden explosion, the huge body of the Starry Sky Calamity Beast trembled violently!

And in this short time gap, Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames showed a little clarity.

The first time he saw the starry sky disaster beast, he noticed the domain power possessed by the opponent.

In a sense, it gave Yi Xia a disorganized vision of "walking through the Kingdom of God in miniature".

Of course, this starry sky disaster beast is far from reaching that exaggerated level.Therefore, Yi Xia did not rush forward to launch an offensive directly.

Not because of how difficult it is, but because of the basic consideration of the original purpose.To put it simply, dealing with a swarm of wild bees is not very complicated.

But if you want to keep the pupae and honey as much as possible, you need more consideration...

For this legendary planet-level life, Yi Xia is undoubtedly very interested...

Or should it be a regularized skin in a certain sense?
Under Yi Xia's gaze of infinite flames, he discovered some clues in the field of starry sky behemoths.

After the seemingly invisible and intangible domain was driven to the extreme by the heavy pressure of the violent chaotic power, it gradually showed some striking and different characteristics.

From this point of view, at least there is no need to worry about causing serious damage to the opponent's body due to excessive damage to the domain...
Although Yi Xia has never fought against that kind of divine life with a large domain.

However, he still knew something about it.

In many cases, this kind of domain is not just an independent invisible stand that is separated from divine life as mortal things think.

In a sense, it corresponds to the agglomeration of these concepts of divine life.

Yi Xia is not interested in this kind of life.

After all, in this way, the edible part that can be serious is reduced a lot.

As for the concept...
Yi Xia, who has the relevant means of intake, never lacks in this.

In the next moment, after gaining insight into the relevant characteristics of the field of starry sky behemoths, Yi Xia no longer kept it.

Under the bright light bombarded by war machines all over the sky, Yi Xia's majestic figure suddenly appeared near the starry sky behemoth!
too close!
Although for mortal things, the distance between the two is still a continuous distance that can only be crossed by driving a spaceship.

But for these two magnificent giants, this distance can almost be ignored.

The starry sky behemoth suddenly backed away from Yi Xia!

It tries to find a more secure and safe space.

Under Yi Xia's berserk attack with almost no pause, the starry sky behemoth full of destruction and disaster seems to no longer have the tyrannical animal nature it once had.

In fact, no matter what kind of life it is, it would be very difficult to maintain the former violence or tranquility if it was smashed by the legendary Chaos Witch first.

However, the starry sky behemoth obviously couldn't get rid of Yi Xia.

In the short period of time understood by all things, the starry sky behemoth was hit hard by the Wu Banner again and again!
To attack or resist, it was a pale and powerless struggle for Yi Xia at this time.

Finally, after being violently hit by the Wu Banner again.

The starry sky behemoth let out a mournful cry that was hard to describe in words.

It turned around abruptly, ignoring the Wu Banner that hit it again, and tried to escape towards the depths of space...

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