Chapter 943 Legendary Jewelry Witch - Green Snake (Update!)

With a thought, Yi Xia took this legendary accessory out of the item backpack.

As a magical creation at the legendary level, it can correspond to a unique and extraordinary concept that is self-contained.

It is no longer like the extraordinary creation of the ordinary level, but still stops at the basic changes such as the increase and addition of the extraordinary attributes of the material.

In this regard, there is no concept of "basic drops" for legendary drops.

Every legendary drop is unique and valuable.

Of course, unlike the extraordinary realm, obviously not all legendary beings will have corresponding kill drops.

Judging from Yi Xia's current number of kills in the legendary field, this kind of drop should be quite rare at the legendary level.

After all, a man-made legendary item often corresponds to a legendary experience that is no less than an epic scene.

If it is in the hands of scholars who have enough in-depth research in this field, this legendary jewelry will probably be excavated to reveal its unique and strong charm.

However, Da Wu was not interested in this.

Yi Xia is a purer pragmatist when it comes to relevant fields with sufficient value.

And as an advanced legendary witch, Yi Xia no longer needs the relatively cumbersome sacrifice procedure as before.

Of course, strictly speaking, those steps that seem to be omitted are not really simplified.

It's not just a "ritual sense" function, as many existences think.

It is that the legendary witches have a more detached, cross-dimensional communication and intersection with the world.

Thus, those manifestations that were once in the physical realm are relegated to more restrained forms.

In the next moment, with the fluctuation of Yi Xia's consciousness.

Between the heaven and the earth, there are corresponding changes in an instant.

Sacrifice, the festival of sympathy between upper and lower.

In this way, the mind is out, and the world knows.

Invisibly, there is a divine light falling.

The whole Liucheng seems to be shrouded in some kind of majestic attention.

And that legendary accessory is in the focus of attention.

If it is carried out in the form of a conventional sacrifice, there should be an incomparably grand support for it to be spread out at this moment.

And under this kind of sacrifice, the legendary accessory didn't produce any other changes.

As if the trajectory of destiny had been appointed, it completely dissipated into the void at the established time node of this grand sacrifice.

Therefore, the sacrifice is completed.

In the next moment, a new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: The success of the legendary sacrifice, the world has feelings, you have gained some enlightenment from this legendary sacrifice..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained 8000 legendary career experience points (can be replaced with chaos experience at 1:1), and you have obtained a few legendary priest specialization points."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained relevant rewards from the legendary priest, and you have obtained the legendary professional accessory: Wu-Green Snake..."


Witch-Green Snake:

Type: Legendary Class-limited Jewelry/Legendary Advanced Riding Pet
Restrictions: Legendary shamans (shamans whose professional level is above 20) who have or have obtained qualifications related to the title of great shamans, super-giant size units (individuals that do not meet this restriction but meet other conditions can be used as summons, cavalry Pets, etc.), comprehensive network recommendation (non-hard conditions): It is recommended to have a physique of 20 points or more and at least a leader's life template to use
Item level: 20+ (Legendary units that meet the limited conditions can normally equip and use this item)
Soul binding: Yi Xia (this item is soul bound and cannot be traded, transferred, replaced, etc. through normal operations)

Durability: 300/300 (When the item is damaged or destroyed, it will draw the life force of the soul-bound person to restore it)

Item effects:

1. Legendary Snake Ring:

This item can be activated into two super-giant green snakes (the size changes with the size of the soul-bound person, but the activation operation cannot be performed if the size is lower than super-giant) through a standard action.

The Green Snake will inherit the life level of the soul-bound person, caster level and some attributes (more biased towards vitality), and has high-level witch spirits and legendary witch spirit-related spell-like abilities and spell-casting panels.

The green snake can assist the soul-bound person in combat, or complete tasks independently.

When the green snake is activated on the field as a legendary accessory, the soul-bound person and related faction units can gain the strengthening effect of the snake totem (when there is no totem stationed, it is regarded as the base range gain of the lv1 snake totem, and when there is a totem stationed, the totem level is additionally +1) , the soul-bound person gets the characteristic of the legendary totem: Snake (all judgments related to agility get a huge totem boost, and at the same time strengthen the relevant totem spells and effect levels, and change the skill form to a legendary totem).

Please note: When the Green Snake enters the arena as a summoned object, mounted pet, etc., the related totem gain effect cannot be provided, and the relevant effect is converted into an additional attribute increase to the Green Snake panel.

2. Limited-Great Witch Aspect-Snake Biting:

When the soulbound person enters the form of the great wizard, this item can cooperate to complete the transformation of the form.

In the state of Dharma-Snake Bite, all attacks and enemies close to the limited area of ​​the character will suffer the devastating blow of Snake Bite.

Aspect-Snake Bite will cause holy/chaotic damage based on the soul-bound person's maximum health value (based on the soul-bound person's blood), which cannot be saved or resisted, and will have a continuous annihilation effect on the attacked target (depending on It is a legendary voodoo, and can obtain the relevant professional characteristics and skill bonuses of the soul binder).




Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Then, he focused his gaze on the slightly small and exquisite emerald green snake ring.

As its name suggests, this is a green snake-shaped ornament.

In the relevant ancient legends of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy, snakes often have some special components and symbols in the related fields of witchcraft.

Yi Xia is not that familiar with this.

After all, he was not a witch who was born and bred in that chaotic barbaric era.

However, Yi Xia, who usually doesn't like to decorate too much, feels good about this professional accessory.

Generally speaking, at least Yi Xia won't feel disgusted by his simple yet agile painting style.

As for its effect, according to Yi Xia's rather simple and rough understanding, it can be regarded as a legendary version of the portable totem?

Yi Xia still needs such more legendary professional accessories for passive gain.

After all, considering the size of his current witch body form, most of the buff spells in the ordinary sense have lost their effect.

Spells that can act on humans and even the army do not necessarily mean that they can take effect on life on a planet level.

So, Yi Xia thought about it.

In the next instant, there were two touches of emerald green around his ears...

(End of this chapter)

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