The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 948: The Beginning of Earth Information Protection

Yi Xia naturally didn't know everything that was happening in Adrusu's god system.

After tasting the voodoo soup made with giant starry sky beasts, Yi Xia returned to Earth from the world of Entredo Spiritbloods.

The time required to refine legends has undoubtedly increased compared to before.

When Yi Xia returned to Earth, the sky was already dark.

Full of nostalgia and warmth, the orange street lamps enveloped the entire Liucheng in a soft mist.

When he was still a mortal thing, Yi Xia had an indescribable affection for the orange lights in the evening.

But now, at the moment when the essence of his life has gradually drifted away from the past concepts.

Dawu stood by the railing of the balcony, looking at the sky full of thoughts.

As far as Yi Xia's ideology is like a pure flame world at the moment, naturally he will not fall into some kind of lonely or lonely thoughts because of this.

What was promised should be some kind of faint nostalgia.

These lingering and intertwined elements finally converge into the unique concept of this land—the so-called "year taste" feeling...
Calculating the time, it is less than half a month away from the Lunar New Year this year.

Yi Xia suddenly thought that this seemed to be Yuren's first New Year here.

Yi Xia is not quite sure what the other party thinks about this heroic spirit who has already been immersed in the relevant culture of this land.

Of course, as an existence that in a certain sense can be judged as weak by stubbornness, Yuren has his own persistence in this regard.

So, Yi Xia thought about it.

The next moment, his figure disappeared on the balcony.

When he condensed his figure from the material world, he had already arrived at the study room where Yuren was.

Now, it has a more permanent and normalized job—sorting and sorting out the piled-up study rooms.

Due to the variety of content and the different interests of these gifts, this is undoubtedly a rather huge project.

Of course, this corresponds to Yuren's refined management requirements.

If it's just Yi Xia - if it's safely stored in the study, it's already quite safe...

"Great witch."

Seeing Yi Xia's sudden appearance, Yuren and the Doubing stopped what they were doing.

Yi Xia nodded towards them, then looked at Yuren and said:
"It's almost Chinese New Year. According to our customs, we always have to go home and have a look at the Chinese New Year."

After hearing the words, Yuren probably understood what Yi Xia meant.

It was about to say something, but was interrupted by Yi Xia waving:
"Although you run errands for me, I have never been unreasonable."

"Allow you for a few days, it's up to you if you want to go back, do some private business or stay here."

Yi Xia looked at Yuren and said directly.

How Yuren chooses is its own choice.But at least, he wants to give the other party a chance to choose.

For this heroic spirit who devoted himself to the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy, Yi Xia did not regard it as a different kind, but as a compatriot in a certain sense.

After hearing Yi Xia's words, Yuren was silent for a while, then nodded.Then, it paused, looked at Yi Xia and said something else:
"A few days ago on New Year's Day, Yi Jiao gave you a pot of dumplings."

"When you went out at that time, I took it for you first and put it in the refrigerator."

Yi Xia nodded when he heard the words, but felt a sense of déjà vu as if yesterday.

At that time, he was still weak and weak, staying at the stage of entanglement and killing with murlocs, goblins and the like.

That year, it was also Yi Jiao who came to see him in that dark basement with a pot of dumplings.

Speaking of which, it may be her family's practice to carry dumplings with a pot.

In Liucheng, there is no special custom in this regard.

Speaking of which, if there is no misremembering, the other party will take the college entrance examination in a few months.

Yi Xia naturally remembered the promise he had made with him.

The current Yi Xia is naturally no better than before.

Before that, some additional considerations are required.

Now, Yi Xia's attitude towards this is quite casual.

If she succeeds, she can follow her whatever she wants to learn and what she likes to learn.

Even if it is witchcraft, the current earth lacks the environment, and it is nothing more than practicing in another land.

Honestly speaking, it's not that difficult.

In a sense, Yi Xia is not so sure whether Yi Jiao is also one of the wavers born in the torrent of the earth's extraordinary awakening early stage.

Theoretically speaking, if the other party is, at this time, she should have obtained the extraordinary inheritance.

If it is not, it is somewhat puzzling.

After all, as the foreword, this kind of innate talent like spiritual eyes.

Even in the extraordinary world corresponding to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree, it is by no means a rare and common thing.

The spiritual vision derived from the acquired extraordinary perception, and the innate possession.

Although in terms of the actual scope of ability, it seems that there is not too much gap.

However, judging from the essence of life involved, they are two completely different concepts.

Therefore, the other party should have the qualifications to obtain inheritance.

Or in other words...
Yi Xia suddenly had some understanding of this.

The other party's chance is yourself?
Yi Xia is thoughtful...

He still has enough awareness of his current size.

Of course, as to whether this was the case, Yi Xia didn't pay more attention.

When it comes to the concept of the long river of fate, Yi Xia is still lacking in this aspect.

His most important investment in this field is the accumulation of related resistance...
At the very least, Yi Xia doesn't think that he can make outstanding achievements in this deep field with a long history of oriental pedigree and extraordinary civilization just by giving him a little bit of resources.

In contrast, honestly stacking related defenses is enough for Yi Xia.

And at this moment, Yi Xia suddenly had a thought.

At a certain moment, he felt the breath of some kind of alien god on the earth.

The big witch's eyes filled with infinite fire suddenly became ablaze.

Now there is such a bold Ability God?
And the next moment, after Yi Xia's mind was absorbed in an instant and he perceived some truths.

The raging fire in the big witch's eyes seemed to have calmed down a lot.

Afterwards, Yi Xia looked at Yuren on the other side:

"Some accidents happened to the worshiper before, and his dying will attracted the attention of a good god."

"Go and deal with it..."

Yuren nodded, and then left straight away.

As a heroic spirit who has been immersed in the way of admiration for a long time, Yuren's power cannot be underestimated.

At least in the extraordinary field, it belongs to at least the upper-middle batch of existence besides the supermodel level.

It seems that the information protection of the earth in this area needs to be strengthened...
Yi Xia thought silently.

He would not go to trouble with that good god because of this.

But this also reflects some problems to some extent.

That is the lack of information protection on the earth.

This is also what it should mean. After all, the earth is still in the stage of extraordinary recovery, so naturally it cannot be truly comprehensive.

Regarding this, Yi Xia has no good ideas for the time being.

At the same time, a certain corner of the earth

Arrize's breath of life gradually became sluggish...

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