The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 954 Witness the True Power of the Veteran Legendary Squad

In the dark underground world, the fluorescence emitted by the unknown lens is as brilliant as a star in the dark world.

In the complex underground space where the descriptions of the mountains and mountains are a bit thin, these distant stars are refracted by the cold rocks, rendering a more different and unique brilliance.

And the moss magic plants with faint light looming in the darkness add a more detailed embellishment to the charming dream in the darkness.

For the creatures who set foot in this realm for the first time, they may fall into this illusion that seems to exude tranquility and beauty.

And only when they got really close to some "stars" and saw the huge body with bumps like rocks behind them, could they really feel the "enthusiasm" from the underground world.

Just like in the material world shrouded in light, a small amount of darkness will lurk uncontrollable dangers.

And in this underground world dominated by darkness, scarce light sources will cover up those truly deadly murderous intentions.
Elena Su and her teammates moved forward cautiously in such an environment.

The subterranean layers of the ordinary material world, Elena Su had explored countless times before she achieved her own legendary path.

Sometimes it is for some rare magic materials with limited origin, and sometimes it may be for the exploration of some ancient dark magic knowledge.

It might be arrogant to say that exploring the subterranean world is as easy as walking on the ground, but it is really hard to say how hopelessly deadly the threat is.

However, that corresponds to the underground world with the suffix "ordinary". Here, it is obviously not the case.

The ruins of the ancient signs of the evil seeker's activities, the dangerous legend of the legendary ancient red dragon
All of this shows the hidden and unknown deep darkness here.

This was originally a derivative subspecies plane of a magnificent extraordinary world, which provided the function of separating darkness and corruption for the huge material world.

But now, when the concept of Chaos and Void is stirred in, the corresponding level of danger has instantly risen to a terrifying level.

Fortunately, Elena Su is not an academic mage, she has always performed well in battles and other aspects.

Therefore, even in such a dangerous area, she still maintains a sufficiently stable performance.

In fact, being able to have an intersection with Yi Xia also proved this point in itself.

Academic mages usually don't pay attention to the extraordinary battlefield
"He said yes."

During the process of the team advancing, Elena Su suddenly said.

Because they were attacked by the void-derived life and the remnants of the evil Taoists before, they are now shrouded in a miniature magic barrier.

Spell barriers can be extremely effective in concealing their whereabouts and signs of activity.

Therefore, the communication within the team does not need more secretive and safe means. "That doesn't sound like great news—I'd rather hear an answer that he's not interested in."

At the front of the line, a generous figure stopped, and then said in a rather solemn tone.

Elena Su looked at the other party.

That was another old acquaintance of Yi Xia - the legendary weapon master - Dolly Wells.After hearing the weapon master's words, Elena Su also quite approved of it.

Although she has been busy during this time, she has also heard some "shocking" deeds of Yi Xia.

Therefore, although he did not pay close attention to the trend after Yi Xia's legend.

However, judging from the fragmentary facts combined by those scattered rumors, it is enough for Elena Su to carry out a major update of Yi Xia's inherent image.

And at this moment, Elena Su suddenly thought of something.

So she looked at Dolly-Wells:

"Do you want to try the legendary version of Yi Xia? It must be the rare "big one" after you become a legend.
surprise". "

"There will be a chance - but not now"

Dolly-Wells didn't pay attention to the slight ridicule in the female mage's words.

They have known each other for a long time, and they have gone through multiple tests of life and death.

Therefore, Dolly-Wells obviously didn't care about the occasional narrowness of his old friend.


Although that is not a common encounter, it is always inevitable.

It can be subdued, but it does not belong to the qualities that a legendary weapon master should have.

Strip away the immersion of those complicated weapon skills, what a weapon master really pursues is the difference between victory and defeat.

It is a kind of pure will to face difficult challenges resolutely.

"I will find a way to defeat life on the planet."

Dolly-Wells said firmly.

It's not blindness or arrogance, it's the path he chose and never tires of
"If nothing else, I think I found it"

At this moment, the void scholar who had been silent in the team suddenly spoke.

He can be regarded as a more "survival" existence in this legendary team.

But obviously, if you want to track and find the dark lair that exists in the chaotic void, you can't easily find it by relying on the traces left by some evil path seekers.

There are specializations in the art industry, especially in the legendary field.

"It's left traces in the rift of dark matter. Is this an invitation or... a warning?"

Scholars of the Void trace traces that cross physical boundaries.

In his eyes, there is a surge of chaotic power that indicates the void.

Unlike the evil seekers, they regard the Chaos Void as their eternal destination.

Void scholars, on the other hand, faced this final chaos with a more "utilitarian" attitude.Borrow, dominate and even devour
From this point of view, every void scholar is a dangerous taboo walking on the edge of destruction.

Although in many cases, their original intention is indeed to use this magnificent power far beyond the material world to accomplish some lofty goals.
"Is this a provocation?"

Elena Su said in a rather delicate tone.

"Obviously, they've made their nests and are waiting for us to take the bait."

This discovery by the void scholar undoubtedly changed the atmosphere of the entire team to a different painting style.

After a brief silence, Dolly-Wells was the first to express his opinion:
"It may not have been aimed at us specifically, but now, here we are."

"Let these monsters nesting in the void of chaos, see what is called the power of an 'veteran legendary team'."

In this way, Elena Su made a succinct final summary:

"Old rules, shake people."

And when Yi Xia came to this strange foreign world across distant time and space according to the space coordinates given by Elena-Su.

The big witch's eyes were filled with infinite fire, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he looked at the scene in front of him.

Is this a party of legendary characters?

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