

Yi Xia held the witch banner and waved it the most violently in the chaos.

It is different from the many restrictions that the physical world is full of.

In this boundless chaotic void, these beings born from distortion will not be subject to too many restrictions.

Therefore, they often appear huge and grotesque beyond the comprehension of mortal things.At this moment, what is fighting fiercely with Yi Xia is a void monster that is almost comparable in size to Yi Xia.

It is not a monster that has been active in this area before.

Instead, he was attracted from a deeper void amid Yi Xia's wanton slaughter and destruction.

It has no substantive name and taboo, and even the mark given by Zongwang is just a simple mark of the hostile leader.

This is exactly where Chaos Void has deeper dangers besides its own dangerous characteristics:
It does not have a relatively stable activity boundary like the material world.

To put it bluntly, in the physical world, you are unlikely to find a whale in a stinking ditch.

But in Chaos and Void, such things are really not uncommon.

Of course, in this respect, it is theoretically possible for a mortal to survive for a long time if he steps into the void of chaos...

And just like the foreword, this is also the reason why Yi Xia already has the ability to enter the chaotic void to hunt, and has no intention of going in to track and hunt.

In terms of Chaos and Void, Yi Xia felt that he knew quite well.


This is a huge, void life that looks like a huge, irregular rice cake as a whole, and it keeps emitting some kind of weird humming with chaotic erosion.

This tweet seems to be one of the opponent's main means of attack.

It can corrupt and distort the surrounding matter at a speed visible to the naked eye, causing it to evolve into a chaotic flocculent matter.

This kind of dark chaotic power is extremely domineering, and even some weaker chaotic beings cannot resist it.

Of course, this is also the reason why the other party attracted Yi Xia's attention as soon as he appeared.

Regardless of its form, contamination of other foods is always a priority.

And the eye-popping ones are:
This nameless void monster is unexpectedly resistant to beating...

Under the attack of Yi Xia's berserk Wu Banner, this Void Monster, who didn't know how to block or other skills, and relied entirely on his physical body, showed unexpected solidity and durability.

Of course Yi Xia quickly discovered:

As a strange life derived from chaos, it seems to be able to constantly absorb the power of chaos to repair itself.

At this time, the chaotic realm that originally had a large area of ​​complete and orderly matter has now completely turned into a chaotic space scattered with fragments of matter.

The miracle of chaos that was once derived here is now collapsing towards chaos in an irreversible manner.

This is undoubtedly a time of heartbreak and rage for beings such as the evil Pathfinder.

Just as the existence that once owned this place.

In this final battle concerning the survival of this chaotic land, they failed to appear...

Time passed by little by little, and in this chaotic land, the unexpected battle of the protagonist has lasted for a long time.

Yi Xia looked in front of him, and it didn't seem like there was a Void Monster that was too seriously injured.

Probably with the extra points of the venue, this sudden Void Monster appeared extraordinarily tough.

The big witch raged with infinite fire eyes, staring at the tenacious void monster in front of him.

In the constant contact with such weird beings, the big witch has already developed enough immunity to the painting style of such monsters.

Of course, so far, Yi Xia has dealt with void life in the way of its remnant void core.

But now, the other party obviously does not intend to cooperate with Yi Xia's "pollution-free disposal".

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, Yi Xia decided to take the

Some kind of attempt that hasn't been made.

That's a maybe a little soft way...

And in the next moment, Yi Xia's thoughts moved.

With such a flow of mana, the huge Wu Ding came out in response!

Afterwards, Yi Xia picked up the Wu Ding, as if picking up a huge fishing net, ignoring the fierce attack of the void monster, and forcibly framed it into it!

Needless to say, this naturally caused the Void Monster to struggle violently.

Although, there is a high probability that it will not know about Wu Ding's related characteristics.

But the powerful characteristics that started from the primordial chaos made it aware of the unspeakable horror and danger.

The buzzing sound that seemed low at first suddenly became agitated at this moment!
And the matter that was still floating in the surrounding chaos suddenly began to decay rapidly!

They didn't even transform into the original flocculent chaotic matter, but seemed to be annihilated, completely eliminated in the chaos!
It's just obvious that for this ancient inheritance object of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree held by the great witch.

Such dark and chaotic power is not enough to pose a substantial threat.

It is an existence that is tolerant enough to complete the legendary energy fission, so how can it be afraid of the interference of this dark force.

The battle has changed from the original "turn-based" bloody fighting to another, more primitive form:

In the chaos, Yi Xia Qingtian's big hand was firmly holding down the huge void monster.

Just like the ancient wrestling, two equally huge existences are fighting for strength in the most basic and direct form!
It's just that as the main battlefield of wrestling, it is undoubtedly not friendly to void monsters:
Because after forcibly framing it into Wu Ding, Yi Xia directly ignited Wu...



In the Wuding, all tangible and intangible things can be smelted.

As a vessel corresponding to one of the oldest original paths of Wu Ji, Wu Ding has a very high upper limit of performance.

Of course, up to now, Yi Xia has never carried out this kind of "living refining".

One is that it is not necessary, and the other is that it does not meet Yi Xia's dietary requirements.But if it is a void life, it doesn't matter.

For void life, Yi Xia has never regarded it as a delicious food.

At most, as a unique flavor ingredient.

As with everything, there are some extremely nutritious meal-like considerations.

As we all know, under the premise of having relevant affixes such as beneficial, healthy, and rich in nutrition, it is difficult to have too many associations with delicious things.

Yi Xia didn't extravagantly expect that these chaotic and strange beings could give them an overly soft and pleasant taste.

In this way, under the roasting of the witch fire, the void monster in the witch cauldron began to tremble violently!
Its body gradually showed a dry and cracked posture, and countless tentacles-like substances protruded from it.

They firmly grasped Yi Xia's palm, trying to pull him into Wu Ding as well!However, in the confrontation of this kind of power, this void monster obviously failed to gain an advantage.

And it naturally wouldn't know, as one of Yi Xia's witch weapons, how could Wu Ding hurt him?

This is destined to be a chaotic void, the most bizarre scene so far:
In the raging sea of ​​flames, the nameless void monster kept tearing, repairing, and reorganizing...

After the previous battle, Yi Xia judged that the void monster did not have any feedback such as pain.

And under this scorching struggle, as time passed, Yi Xia only felt his arms loosen suddenly.

When I looked again, I saw a faint light from Wu Ding soaring into the sky...

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