"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have entered the legendary adventure - the Animok area from the bottomless sea..."

"Comprehensive Network Tips: Please note: Based on the nature of your prestige in the multiverse, your free walking area in this world is limited."

"Comprehensive network reminder: In non-human form, you can only move freely in the remnants of civilization-Animok activity area."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have gained the attention from the cornerstone will of this world, and your related non-technical power will no longer be interfered and restricted by the laws of this world..."



Yi Xia looked at the dense reminder information that appeared on the retina.

Possibly due to the personalities of this world, it is indeed limited in some way.

As soon as Yi Xia entered, he could feel a certain cramped and narrow feeling.

It was as if when he exerted force, everything around him would be completely shattered like fragile glass products.

The tyrannical life force corresponding to its huge body has no meaning in the face of the berserk that engulfs the power of chaos.

The big witch squeezed slightly harder, accompanied by not very beautiful blood and flesh splashing.

These deep-water creatures from exotic worlds seem to be irritated.

In the grand dimension of the multiverse, this world is gradually becoming temporarily free from interference from other dimensions.

For the Chinese New Year, I still have to eat some fish.

Suddenly, Yi Xia could feel the weakness and malice of countless new students.

But in terms of quantity alone, it is not bad.


It is a concept that can be classified as a "fish" without its rather strange shape.

From this point of view, it is not incomprehensible to be directly pierced through the material world by another world...

That is the blazing light, that is the flame of destruction...

But obviously, that kind of struggle is meaningless.

And in the realm where mortal things cannot hear, a secret discussion is gradually unfolding.

Yi Xia still doesn't know what it is.

Occasionally, there are huge eyes that don't know the shape, appearing in the darkness.

With his current state, it is not easy to flex his muscles in this land.

Just judging from the current situation, this is obviously quite an ideal state.

Wide shadows swam over the ruins of many cities.

The next moment, a pair of giant hands that held up to the sky fell from the sky!

And meanwhile, in a realm ruled by deep water:

After all, it was only the movement of catching fish just now, and Yi Xia found that the whole sea area has become less calm...

Because even after Yi Xia came to this world, he could feel the impact from outside the light curtain.

Although this year is not as lucky as last year, and then get good things like the young Kun.

But in general, this saves Yi Xia a lot of trouble.

It seems that there is no big problem with Zongwang's description of this.

Of course, the grotesque and distorted image of the void life among them set the Dawu's threshold high enough for this aspect to a certain extent.

At this moment, all other elements are set aside.

But judging from the current situation, the original consciousness of this world thinks that there is probably some rescue value.

Yi Xia could feel the source of power belonging to this world.

Yu Yixia doesn't have a patient attitude towards aquatic food, and "fish" is the most simple and crude division.

The "big fish" that was still alive and kicking completely lost its movement...

Even for these creatures that were originally active in the deep water, they didn't have such a strong perception ability outside the water.

Sensing the surrounding situation, Yi Xia thought so.

If it is necessary to use human words as the carrier, it can probably be understood as the following interpretation:

They swim freely in the icy sea water.

Or, Yi Xia in human form is not enough for them to pay too much attention.

Not far away, Yi Xia could see the product of the collision of the two worlds:

And through the overlapping clouds, Yi Xia can see the world on the other side.

And the shadows below did not seem to notice Yi Xia.

If there is no interference from other external forces, this "scar of the world" in the physical sense will be repaired in the long years to come.

The "bridge" that originally communicated with the outside world gradually disappeared.

On the surface of the suddenly bursting water, a ferocious monster was forcibly grabbed out of the deep water.

Judging from the turbulent and raging energy sparks, it is probably resisting.

In the realm that is difficult for all things to gaze at, the aura of killing and destruction that is as substantial as it is roars to dominate all these things.

That's the real "torn sky":
Overlapping clouds and mist linger on the edge of the tear.

But before waiting for the shadow in the waters, emotions such as panic and fear were born.

The area where he appeared was just above a raging sea.

Accompanied by the death of the same race, the next moment, some invisible message spread.

At this moment, a layer of faint blue light curtain is firmly blocking there.

Ancient syllables with special power, from the depths of dark waters.

It is the deep realm of the deep and the dark.

But after all, I came here with the promise of others, so I should help the other party solve some minor troubles.

Monsters in deep water also know how to unite?
The big witch tore off the head part of the "fish" in his hand in amazement, but he didn't see a clear internal structure.

Clearly, something is still trying to come into this world.

And the next instant:

As far as the vision of the great witch is concerned at this moment, he has long since broken away from the attachment to material appearance.

However, the great witch stared at some deep shadows in the sea below with eyes filled with infinite fire.

Like a child fishing in a dry ditch, there is not even much room for maneuver.

The side that should have been dominated by darkness was suddenly shrouded in blazing light.

In fact, compared to here, Yi Xia expected the battlefield to be on the other side.

It's as if suddenly, the rotation of the planet deviates from its original orbit.

All gazes involuntarily converge on the only "star" in the night.

And with Yi Xia's attack.

Therefore, these seemingly disordered and chaotic lives in the deep water are also rare in Da Wu's eyes.

And with the release of this syllable, some kind of magnificent touch also slowly responded.

It doesn't matter if the original civilization of this world has completely perished.

"Great Prophet, why do you want to close the passage of the world?"

"The tribe needs to hunt, there are so many fresh, intelligent life souls..."

"Greed is the headlamp of the hunter..."

"You don't understand, but I know what is coming..."

"With me here this time, he doesn't have any chance..."

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