"13.1.8: Warning! Ztxβ*&*** data (observer note: time-space dimension T1 data list) is abnormal!"

"13.1.9: Warning! Time-space fluctuation level: Ω, energy particles are seriously disordered, an abnormal space-time storm has been detected, and relevant data is being lost..."

"13.1.10: Simulated imaging delay increased, trying to re-call back the simulation, current progress: 1%..."

"13.1.14: Warning! Restricted taboo unit: Whispering Soul - Nick Sacaron (number: α-z173) is lost, current out-of-control level: 1..."

"13.1.15: Determining whether to start the number: α-z173 message recapture program..."

"13.1.199: Judgment completed, suspension number: Number: α-z173-related resources are deflected, α-z173's danger level is lowered to the danger observer range, and the relevant important level is lowered..."

"System core code: newly added unnamed taboo data (danger level: Ω), which has been included in the original code of the base recycling code..."



Manolan stared dumbfounded at the dense data stream that was being refreshed on the screen in front of him at a frequency far exceeding the visual observation frequency of ordinary people.


Those complicated data are for those who don't understand the meaning.

This point has been verified time and time again in the long years that have passed.

It seemed to be woven with some strong emotion of the dark beast, but it could not be known.

Yago, who was warm and emotional when he had no flesh and blood, expressed his views in a voice full of cold reason.


"……You are right."

The huge pain made even this ignorant dark beast couldn't help curling up.

"If we are about to usher in the fate of overthrow, then we should also warn other civilizations."


It tried to wave its sharp claws like blades and attack the big witch.

But in order to maintain the order of the holy machine soul.

It's like here, it's just a cold, dead place...

In this shattered time and space, the body of this dark behemoth suddenly showed signs of disintegration!
Countless fragments of limbs splashed out from Nick Saccaron's wounded parts!

He turned around suddenly, and the witch banner intertwined with the power of chaos fell down again!
again and again!
The violent time and space turbulence made this nameless material universe seem to be a little restless.

And the surrounding planets that were stirred into it exploded like detonating fireworks!
Amidst the endless dust of destruction, the big witch suddenly stretched out his hand into the mass of distorted matter that was no longer in shape!
In the next moment, the still intact head of the raving soul - Nick Saccaron was suddenly grabbed by the big witch!
As if sensing a strong enough fear of destruction, Nick Sacaron's body instantly returned from the formless mass of twisted matter to its original giant beast appearance.


The dual interaction between flesh and blood life and cold machinery is the essence of order and stability.

"I propose an attempt to restore contact with civilization."

Not the fear of death and destruction, but above that, there are more heavy things to bear...

But when all this appeared in such an abrupt and dramatic form, Manolan was a little at a loss.

"17.6.8142, the macroscopic count of stars in the monitoring area, the total monitoring data of space-time mass and energy have dropped by more than 20% points..."

Without the interference of those taboo forces, of course, the calculation of these data does not need to be revealed.

"Being devoured or contained, there is no case of α-z173 escaping..."

Since joining this job, Manolan has thought about the many extreme situations he might encounter.


Manolan gritted his teeth when he heard the words, he couldn't make a decision for a while.

And in that chaotic realm, Yi Xia held a witch banner, and swung a berserk blow towards the ferocious giant beast in front of him!
The reverberation of chaotic power is the roar of Wu Banner in the material universe!
The interweaving of fire and light was torn apart by this brutal blow!

In the space intertwined with tyrannical flames, a planet with little luck was suddenly torn into a blazing flame under the impact of violent energy!

However, Yi Xia didn't care, he grabbed Nick Sakaron roughly!

And in the more magnificent area, there is some kind of indescribable terrifying scream echoing.

Like fireworks blooming suddenly in the dark universe, it provided a fleeting light for this vast dark area.

But the big witch didn't stop there.

However, no eyes dared to cast here.


The fuzzy picture of the light blue planet is still emerging in his mind at this moment.

It is a symbol of the pain and destruction of this giant beast, and it is the harvest of the great witch's inexhaustible anger and power!

"An Ω-level taboo unit, this is not something we can solve by choosing self-sacrifice..."

The terrifying neighing once passed through the endless material realm and arrived at the civilization of this time and space.

The appearance of this kind of data is also the strengthening of this rule.

The huge resistance and dark corrosion turned the space around Yi Xia's palm into chaos!

Because of the sub-high in his body, he needs to use his gaze to analyze these data.

But Manolan did not take his gaze away.


When Manolan was preparing for the arrangement, Yagao's cold voice suddenly came from the headset next to him.

And under the scorching and deep light, in the flames of the destruction of countless planets, the great witch raised Nixarcaron high, and then grabbed its remaining body with the other hand!

The soul of the officer named Yagao in Yagao's body finally made a sound at this time:

Maybe just staring at it for a while will make you feel dizzy.

Looking at the screen that was still refreshing the data stream rapidly, Manolan said in a hoarse voice.


"α-z173 has probably been defeated..."

Without any pity and sympathy, the witch's banner wrapped in the anger of the great witch smashed fiercely on the twisted body of the raving soul-Niksa Caron!
In an instant, the indescribable violent force violently tore apart the body of this huge monster in an incomparably brutal and savage manner!
The shattering of flesh and bones is the trembling whine of the material universe!
The wailing of soul and consciousness is the horrifying pain of the boundless time and space!

In this way, the raging fire in the eyes of the great witch suddenly became blazing!

The indescribable violent chaotic power condensed along the body of the great Wu Qingtian towards his arms!

Nick Sakaron's counterattack left one after another ferocious but fleeting injuries on the body of the great witch.

And the next moment:
There is no more substantive ferocious sound.

Under the berserk tearing of the forces of chaos, the head of Nick Saccaron was torn off from the body by the great witch!

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