The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 997 Garritalia - The Icy Primordial Oviparous Species

Chapter 997 Garritalia - The Icy Primordial Egg Species (Part 1)

The unexpected encounter did not make Yi Xia pay too much attention to it.

In the many colorful adventures that have passed, he has become accustomed to such unexpected encounters.

Some may meet again suddenly one day in the endless time behind.

And more, it is just a single-threaded contact in the endless time and space of the multiverse.

Of course, those fresh memories are still stored in the sea of ​​consciousness of the great witch surrounded by endless flames.

For Yi Xia at this moment, this level of memory reserve is not something worth mentioning.

At this time, Yi Xia had already returned to Liucheng from the edge of chaos on the periphery of the earth.

It is noon in Liucheng now.

The sky, already in the beginning of spring, seemed a little cloudy and uncertain.

Without much detailed research, Yi Xia just glanced at it, and knew the time when the rain was about to fall and more detailed information.

Da Wu, who finally finished his busy work, was ready to make a pot of fish soup.

At this time, Yi Xia suddenly remembered that there was a newly obtained treasure chest that had not been opened.

Because in this regard, Yi Xia has never had a strong demand.

Therefore, sometimes compared to the brewing materials he obtained, he doesn't pay as much attention to this aspect as many comprehensive online players do.

In this way, Yi Xia took out the treasure chest exuding a cold and deep atmosphere from a corner of the item backpack.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia touched the surface of this deep treasure chest, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to open the treasure chest of remains in Garitalia's deep nest?"

Yi Xia had a thought, because this treasure chest didn't fit his aesthetic style and shape so well, he didn't intend to open it through physical contact.

In this way, under the fluctuation of Yi Xia's consciousness, the deep treasure chest was opened by the will of the great witch.

In the next moment, a icy radiance flowed out from the gap where the treasure chest was slowly opened...

A new reminder message appeared on Yi Xia's retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: The treasure chest of the remains of Garitalia's deep nest has been successfully opened, and you have obtained Garitalia-the cold primordial egg-bearing species (scarlet)!"


Garitalia - Icy Primordial Egg (Crimson):

Type: Forbidden Life/Legendary Advanced Magical Activation Material
Quality: Scarlet (this individual/item has a certain level of uncontrolled scarlet danger, please use or dispose of it carefully according to your actual situation)

Rating: 20
Uses: War Slave Legion Construction/Legendary High Alchemy or related derivative uses

Status: Banned (this status needs to consume at least 1 legendary unblocking scroll, 37 sacred ritual crystals and related auxiliary materials to perform the unblocking ceremony)

Item/Instance Description:

The original oviparous species of Garritalia is a top hunter born in the deep sea and extremely dangerous time and space.

The bite of the primordial oviparous species of Garitalia, each individual tooth hit, will be regarded as a superimposed magic break/shield break effect.

A fully mature Garritalian primordial oviparous species will have a challenge level of at least 21+, and it can ignore most mental spells and all low-level spells.

The Garritalian primordial oviparous species can converge the life state and enter the reproduction mode, so as to produce hundreds of millions of Garritalian servant lives within at most one natural year (production requires a sufficient amount of energy and material resources).

The created servant life will be regarded as a naturally born life independent of the maker, and it also has a certain degree of reproductive ability related to the original egg-laying species of Garitalia.

Scarlet Warning:

The three generations of the primordial oviparous species of Garitalia and their descendants after three generations will not be summoned by the primordial oviparous species of Garritalia and its superior ruler.

ps: If these offspring can have some general edible value or alchemical use, would it be an excellent economic product? ——Street Lamp Collector - Ladilou

ps: I would like to call it the natural enemy of fishermen!A real fisherman will not accept such a thing that can be pulled up by throwing a rope! ——False Sea Angler-Tower

ps: Another lost group?Sad su... wait, how did this thing become extinct? ——Fruelwiss, member of Lost Life Protection Organization




Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina.

Afterwards, the big witch's eyes filled with endless fire focused on a certain...fry fry in the item backpack that was in a sealed state?
To be honest, this is the first time Yi Xia has opened such a creation in a treasure chest.

After all, let an existence that exterminated a race open its last bloodline from its extinct treasure chest?
To be honest, this is somewhat dramatic...

Yi Xia looked at this taboo life in a sealed state with a sufficiently professional eye in the relevant field.

For Yi Xia at this moment, this kind of life is far from dangerous.

But in this regard, Yi Xia has always been cautious enough.

He pays enough attention to all things, so that he has never dealt with things that seem trivial to him so casually.

Precisely because he has witnessed too many destructions and overthrows, Yi Xia feels that he has always been quite satisfactory in this respect.

In which dark world do you throw it as a fish pond?
After roughly understanding all its characteristics, this was the first relevant idea that surfaced in the great witch's sea of ​​consciousness.

But soon, it was rejected by Yi Xia.

Just like how he dealt with this kind of things before, it is always difficult to put it in a realm out of his sight.

What's more, the multiverse is boundless in time and space, and the Dawu is not short of this ration.

Furthermore, even if it can give birth to hundreds of millions of offspring in a short period of time.

However, the time cost for these offspring to mature also needs to be considered.

In contrast, go directly to a dark world or chaotic void without "rich products" to hunt a wave and you will be rewarded.

Therefore, for Yi Xia, it is not very attractive.

As for how to deal with it...

Maybe when I cook Wu Tang later, I will serve it as a meatball?

Yi Xia thought so.

Then, he suddenly had a new idea:
I don't know what kind of concept that sacrificing dangerous living creatures in a certain sense can restore the earth...

Yi Xia was suddenly curious about this.

Gods, lands and the like are excluded first.

From the rest of the related concepts, Yi Xia thinks that the biggest possibility is some "old friends" he is familiar with...

Speaking of which, didn't Wu Kui and the others find a Thunder Beast before that?

At this thought, Yi Xia's heart moved.

In the next moment, there are no other redundant steps.

The original egg-bearing species of Garitalia, which was sealed in a certain constant concept, was suddenly surrounded by a ball of flames...

(End of this chapter)

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