Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 102 Li Yuanfang's Dignity

Chapter 102 Li Yuanfang's Dignity

The heavy rain still hasn't stopped, and the muddy dirt road is undoubtedly a burden for the horses.It was also extremely uncomfortable for Lei Bin and the colorist on horseback. The murderous intent locked behind them in real time was like a tarsal maggot, and they couldn't get rid of it at all.

Fortunately, it doesn't take much time to run from here to the camp, as long as you persevere...

Sing!A long halberd swept across the air, and the raindrops instantly gathered into a ball like a volleyball whistling against the face.

The two of them turned pale with shock, and they immediately came to an iron bridge to stack the arhat and abruptly let the water polo pass by.Lei Bin reined in his horse urgently, and Mr. Ximen, who had been waiting in front of him for an unknown amount of time, made a majestic show of his gun, looking rather intrusive... It would have been better if he hadn't been drenched by the heavy rain.

Immediately, the hearts of the two sank, they didn't believe that only Mr. Ximen was blocking them.

Sure enough, there was a sudden sword cry from behind, and the hairs were so frightened that they stood on end in the heavy rain. The two dared not sit on the horse anymore, and scattered to the ground and began to run away in a very tacit understanding.However, this is doomed to be a futile attempt.

On the left, Zhang Junbao held his umbrella and just stood quietly. He was so frightened that the theater master didn't dare to move. He knew that this monk was Zhang Junbao, whose strength was similar to that of Dong Tianbao. Dong Tianbao was so cruel, so this Junbao... …

On the right, the old man on the left is also holding an umbrella, but the one holding the umbrella is not himself, but a twin puppet. This scene is like a corpse man controlling two lifeless girls' corpses to pass through the market under the sun, scary!
Others didn't know, anyway, Lei Bin and Cai Xishi were really frightened.The former turned back to look at Zhang Junbao who was blocking the Caijushi on the other side. They were all such innate level masters, so he should be at least about the same. How can he fight?
"Lei Bin! Hold on for a while, I'll call for help, this place is very close to the camp!"

Caijushi yelled and seemed to be desperate, but just when Lei Bin really wanted to go all out, Caijushi stretched out his hand and shot out a rope.

The rope was so powerful that it hit a cloud in the sky directly, and then suddenly stretched as if hanging on it, and the colorist climbed up the rope in a straight line.

Lei Bin cursed in his heart when he saw it, what the hell are you trying to run away by yourself!

However, what is surprising is that everyone seemed to have already prepared for this, and no one was surprised by this trick.

Don't ask, it's just information, and I don't know where the information came from. You said that these two cowards want to take refuge, but they even know their special skills?Xiao Yu has worked with them for so many years and doesn't know it!
The Caiju master is now focusing on it, and he didn't find that something was wrong like Lei Bin did.Seeing the clouds in the sky getting closer and closer, he grinned and was about to laugh out loud, but suddenly there was a whistling in his ears.

An arrow hit the rope with a whistling sound. To the dismay of the colorist, the arrow hit the weakest point of the rope, which is also the key secret of the whole fairy rope trick. It can be said that the whole rope can be stretched straight. It all depends on this.


The rope suddenly softened and fell from the sky, and at the same time, the colorist also fell to the ground with his teeth and claws flailing.Before the Caijushi got up, he saw Young Master Ximen's halberd was already on his shoulder.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Lei Bin was very straightforward, threw out the two steel thorns and the flying needle bag in his hand, raised his hands and knelt on the ground, the whole set of movements was perfect and standard, as if he had been to a beautiful country.

Click, click, the carriage wobbled after him from the corner, Zuo Zhou approached slowly with his umbrella in hand, he didn't talk to the two of them first, but looked at Zhang Junbao and then at his father, "Okay, you guys, pretend enough Get in the car, it's cold in the rain."

Zhang Junbao smiled and entered the carriage, but the old man Zuo still had the air of a worldly expert with a half-smile, Ximen Ximen snatched an umbrella from the hands of the twins, "You are enough, I have been drenched for a long time and didn't say help Open an umbrella."

The old man Zuo broke his kung fu, put his hands behind his back and let out a cold snort, and stopped pretending to enter the carriage. At this moment, Zuo Zhou's eyes fell on the colorist, and there was a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

"Immortal cable? Which branch are you from?"

Cai Xishi and Lei Bin looked at each other unconsciously, huh?This is some origin?Then hurry up and get close, maybe there is still life.

The colorist has a hesitant expression on his face, which branch?Is there any secret to this trick?
Zuo Zhou looked disappointed, and reached out to pick up the rope from the ground, "Immortal rope! Get up!" The rope hit the ground with a bang bang bang, and it scared the colorist into a fool.

"Impossible, I clearly put him..."

Zuo Zhou came up and slapped him, "Damn it, no wonder the Immortal Suo is lost!" I dare say you killed the inheritor of the non-inheritance!

The colorist cried, this is really hit the muzzle, who can kill someone for money, can he be a good person?The selfish nature made the Caiju master immediately kill the old artist who knew tricks after he learned the Immortal Suo.But he didn't expect to run into another person who can ask for immortality now, needless to say, it must be the son and nephew of the old artist.

Lei Bin understood it from the side, well, it turns out that there is such a layer of hatred, I said how could it find the two of us!
Turning his eyes, he shouted: "This matter is a grievance between you, and it has nothing to do with me, but I understand the rules of the world. If you draw your own way, I will follow suit and buy my life."

Zuo Zhou turned his head and glanced at Lei Bin, "Alright, then you should get up first, settle the dispute with this old guy first, and then talk about our business!"

As soon as the word 'business' was uttered, Lei Bin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that his life was saved, so he stood up and walked to the side.

Seeing this, the theater artist was anxious, "We can actually talk about business. I'll give you whatever you want. The old... Mr. has been dead for so many years, why are you holding on to your hatred?"

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was really hesitating. The heavy rain was still pouring down, pouring on the head of the theater artist as if it was going to freeze him completely.I am afraid that the next sentence will sentence me to death.

"You want to live?"

"miss you!"

"Write down all your immortal cables, and you will not be allowed to use them again from now on. In addition, the two of you have to do one thing for me."

The Caiju master was stunned for a moment, "Don't you already know how to search for immortals?"

Zuo Zhou's expression turned bright instantly, and he asked cruelly: "Then do you want to use other methods to claim the immortal back to me?"

The colorist shuddered, other methods?Broken hands, stomping feet, and dying, these words immediately began to float in my mind, "I... write to you!"

Lei Bin glanced at the theater artist. He was almost scared to death just now. He wrote it as soon as he asked you to. Why are there so many nonsense! "What do you want me to do?"

Zuo Zhou sneered, it was colder than the downpour, "I hope you will add some ingredients to the water of King Zhuanlun after you go back!"

Lei Bin frowned, feeling a bit embarrassed, "I don't mind helping you, but... the wheel-turning king is very experienced in the world, and it may be very difficult to poison. Unless you have that kind of colorless and odorless precious poison in your hand."

"Poison?" Zuo Zhou disdainfully said, "This general is upright and upright, why would he do such dirty things as poisoning people?"

As Zuo Zhou said, he stretched out his hand backwards, and Zhan Shiqi behind him rolled his eyes in embarrassment, took the water bag and spat out with a 'pooh' sound.

Both the Caixiist and Lei Bin were dumbfounded. They saw Zuo Zhou handing over the water bag to the two of them, so... this is the... poison you are going to put into the Zhuanlun King's water?How dare you say that you are upright when you spit in other people's bowls!
Zuo Zhou couldn't explain that the mouthful of fragrant phlegm just now contained a lot of Wangyou Gu insect eggs. Well, the specific ratio can be referred to a certain kind of Milk Deluxe.

Lei Bin took the water bag with a strange expression, but Zuo Zhou waved his hand, "You go back, if the Wheel-Turning King asks, you can say that the colorist used the Immortal Cable to escape. Wait until he finishes writing the secret of the Immortal Cable." After that, I will also let him go back. The two of you cooperate carefully, and I will find you again later."

Lei Bin took one more look at the pitiful theater artist, turned around, got on his horse and left.

Zuo Zhou carried the theater artist by the neck and entered the carriage. The pen and paper were ready, "I'll watch you write, but if you hide anything, you can use other methods to get the fairy back to me!"

Maybe it's because he didn't get caught in the rain when he got into the carriage, and his IQ has taken the high ground. He said with a sneer, "My lord is righteous, and you are willing to give me a chance to reform. I am grateful."

The old god Zuo Zhou leaned against the wall, "You are sensible."

"Actually, we two brothers have long been displeased with that dead eunuch, and have long wanted to leave. Now that the Lord has given us a chance, it's too late for us to be happy!"

"Oh? Unexpectedly, you are still a good person with a bright heart in the dark?"

"Hey, sir, you're joking." The colorist said with a shy smile while writing, "Naturally, he is not a good person with a humble job, at most he is a selfish villain who values ​​profit."

Zuo Zhou was happy, "The villain is good, what the villain values ​​is profit, and I know better than the wheel-turning king what is profit."

Caijushi's eyes brightened, "It's no wonder he is an expert who can cultivate to the innate level, this awareness is high!"

No matter how stupid the theater master is, he understands that now is the time to show his loyalty, "Compared to you, the mere wheel-turning king is like the light of a firefly. As long as you say a word, the lowly job will make a way for you. "

"If you can even cross the mountains of swords and seas of fire, then I don't think there is any need to go." Zuo Zhou's eyes were still disdainful, but the murderous aura was indeed reduced.

The colorist was not embarrassed, and held up the whole piece of paper respectfully in front of Zuo Zhou, "My lord, this is the secret book of Shenxiansuo, please read it!"

Zuo Zhou glanced at it, and saw that the Immortal Cable was divided into three sections. The Qianqiu Cable's lightness skill part in the front remained unchanged, while the latter used the way of using floating clouds to block the view, and then relying on fireworks to divert the view.It is much worse than the real illusion, but the prescription that can create a thick cloud is quite interesting.

"Tch, I thought you had taken the path of illusion, but it turned out that it was just a simple blindfold."

The theater master smiled respectfully, "Small tricks, how could they catch the eyes of adults!"

(End of this chapter)

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