Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 103 How Can You Be Called a Painter

Chapter 103 How Can You Be Called a Painter

"The King of the Wheel is very strong. If we fight head-on, we may not be his opponent."

Zhang Junbao used Liu Jin as an example to estimate the strength of the Wheel-Running King. Unfortunately, in their team, no one could really hold him back.

Although Zhang Junbao didn't know the reality of the Sunflower Canon, he could also see that it was an extremely fast exercise.It's not that you won't be able to defeat hard steel in the front, it's just that as an assassin with agility advantage, who will compare with you in strength?

Zuo Zhou acted like "I still need you to say it", "So, I used a Gu method to plot against him."

"Do you really trust those two people? If you change to the method of ten kills, you must use poison to control them before letting them go back." Zhan Shiqixiu frowned slightly, a little worried.

"Don't worry, they know who is the best choice to turn to now, and even if they betray me, I will know immediately!" Zuo Zhou's words seemed inscrutable, but in the eyes of everyone, he only felt that he was pretending inexplicable.


The barracks where the king of the wheel is located

"Hmph, Caijushi, that coward, left me alone and ran away with the fairy rope. If it wasn't for Li Yuanfang's bad lightness skills, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back today!"

Lei Bin was furious, and smashed the bowls and chopsticks on the ground in front of all the soldiers, while the colorist sitting not far from him was a little bit aggrieved in the corner.

In the eyes of many soldiers, this scene was an expression of guilt. From this point of view, this wretched old man was indeed a deserter.Originally they thought that Lei Bin's accusation against Sang and Huai was not done by a real man, but now it seems that they can't help but praise him.

Although their immediate boss is Dong Tianbao, it doesn't mean that they are not soldiers of Daqin, they also have their own ideas.It's a pity that, as an ordinary soldier, he doesn't know anything about the struggles of the superiors, and he doesn't have the ability to judge anything.

However, whether an army is 'just' can still be felt. When they fought under Chen Ying in the past, they could always feel an unspeakable fighting spirit and know why they were fighting.Now, under Dong Tianbao's command, they always feel bored, and eat as much as they can on military pay, highlighting a perfunctory point.Of course, it would be even better if there were gossip to watch.

Just like now, because of the 'selling teammates' incident promoted by Lei Bin, the two are now at the same level, and it has become a scene in the military camp to fight as soon as they meet.

"My lords, the general welcomes you!"

A messenger came in front of Lei Bin, Lei Bin snorted coldly and got up and left. The Cai opera master was like a pissed off daughter-in-law, and went out after a while.

The two entered the big tent one after the other, only to find that it was not the guarding general Dong Tianbao, but the wheel-turning king who was in the middle.

Seeing the King of the Wheel, Cai Xishi hurriedly took a step forward as if stealing credit, "Boss, I found the trace of Xiao Yu!"


The King of Wheels was distracted all of a sudden, he had intended to reprimand the two of them, and then asked about the ins and outs, but he forgot it in an instant, and his mind was full of Xiao Yu and Rama's body.

Lei Bin's eyes turned red in an instant, and he stared at the artist as he stretched out his hands towards the needle sac.

"Presumptuous! I don't care about the grievances between you, but everything will wait until Rama's body is taken back!"

The strangely shaped long sword of the King of the Wheels clangs and emits an ear-piercing sound, and the wheel on the sword grid starts to spin wildly, and the two people who are spinning faintly are upset for a while.

Lei Bin's heart jumped, his face was still aggrieved but he withdrew his hand, but suddenly he felt a little strange in his heart.

You must know that when Zuo Zhou and others stopped them before, Xiao Yu also made a move. At that time, Xiao Yu swung his sword and it felt like... It seemed to be stronger than the king of runners. This... Could it be that Xiaoyu's swordsmanship has surpassed that of runners? King?It shouldn't be!
Cai Xishi didn't have Lei Bin's messy thoughts, he just took a step forward and said flatteringly: "Actually, when we were being hunted down, I used the fairy cable to escape. I didn't really escape, but killed them when they let down their vigilance." With one carbine back, I've found Xiaoyu's hiding place!"


"Boss, according to my observation, Xiaoyu is in Ping'an County at this time. He just moved in a while ago. The reason why we didn't find her is because she asked Li Guishou to change her appearance, so she avoided us. Investigate. This Xiaoyu rented a house after entering the city to sell cloth to make a living. If it continues like this, we really can't find her, but this Xiaoyu is obviously not reconciled, and she even secretly helped Li Yuanfang and others. Own."

"Oh?" Zhuanlun Wang paused, but he was not in a hurry, nodded and said: "It seems that she is still unwilling to live incognito, but how do you know that she asked Li Guishou to change her face?"

"I overheard it." The colorist didn't panic at all, and continued to make up nonsense, "I wanted to eavesdrop to see if I could find the place where Rama's body was hidden, but what they were talking about was not, but it also made me feel ashamed." I heard about Li Guishou."

The Wheel-Running King rubbed his chin as if he was thinking, but the colorist over there had already persuaded him, "Boss, let's gather our men and lead our troops to capture them immediately. The large army will surely capture Xiao Yu easily."

"Don't worry, since you already know where they are, of course you can't act recklessly. Go back and prepare first, and I will find you when the time comes."

Lei Bin turned his head and left without saying anything, but the Caixiist was stunned for a moment and followed, as if he was avoiding Lei Bin while walking.

The King of Wheels was speechless for a long time watching this scene, and he sneered after a while, "What do you think?"

"The Caijushi's fairy rope is indeed very mysterious. I thought it might be Lei Bin who was caught, but now it seems that the Caijushi was caught and betrayed you."

A playful voice floated in the big tent, Ye Zhanqing slowly walked in from the outside, looking at that undisguised languid demeanor, it was undoubtedly a mirror.

The Wheel-Running King was a little annoyed, "Why did you turn into Ye Zhanqing again?"

"Hey, your subordinate stays with Dong Tianbao every day. I'm not afraid that you will be unbalanced. Only I love you!" Mirror mirrored Ye Chanqing and laughed, and at the same time blushed.

The King of Wheels vomited in an instant, no wonder he vomited Dong Tianbao last time, this kind of stimulation was really unbearable.

"It's up to you! Now that you know that the colorist is a traitor, you can only rely on you for the investigation!"

The mirror sighed, "Forget it, because you let me watch so many good shows, I will help you this time, um, in fact, you might as well bring Dong Tianbao, the three of us go together, plus In the army, Li Yuanfang and Zhang Junbao are definitely not opponents!"

Zhuanlun Wang shook his head, "It is Dong Tianbao's task to let Li Yuanfang die. My purpose is to find the whereabouts of Xiaoyu's tortured Rama's body. If I can bypass Li Yuanfang and others and directly capture Xiaoyu, it will be better."

The mirror didn't force it when he heard the words, but continued: "Okay, let me see if there are any flaws. If it doesn't work, you can use Dong Tianbao to entangle Li Yuanfang and others, and then we will go to Xiaoyu. Or, take a look What the colorist wants to do, we will plan!"



In Ping'an County, in Xiaoyu's temporarily rented yard, Zuo Zhou slumped on a recliner, crossed his legs and stared at the sky in a daze.

"It's not fair. Why do I practice Taoist health-preserving exercises over and over again, but you just need to be in a daze?" Xiaomei puffed up her cheeks and protested with her big clear eyes.

Zhan Shiqi, who was also practicing the Quanzhen Fa, opened his eyes and looked at Xiaomei curiously, "Isn't internal energy all about luck? Is there any internal energy that only needs to be in a daze?"

Of course Xiaomei couldn't answer Zhan Shiqi, but just stared at Zuo Zhou.

There is no way, Zuo Zhou patiently explained: "Taoist health-preserving skills can be automatically operated after practicing to the innate level!"

"Hey! Is there such a good thing? Then when will I be able to practice congenital?" Xiaomei was startled. Is the Taoist health-preserving skill so strong?

Zuo Zhou nodded with a look of 'Yes, she's so strong that she's crazy', watching Zhan Shiqi who couldn't hold back anymore, and said with a smile: "How can there be such a good thing in the world? Seeing that Xiaomei has no internal strength now, I'm afraid this Taoist health-preserving exercise has a lot of disadvantages!"

Xiaomei just felt happy and then became depressed, looking at Zuo Zhou with a complaining expression on her face.

"There are no disadvantages. After all, this thing is actually a basic thing. You start practicing from birth, and then nourish your internal organs to the extreme, and you can naturally cross the innate bottleneck and reach the innate realm. Well, this process is about It’s been 16 years. Then Taoist health-preserving skills will transform into innate skills, and you will be able to automatically run your internal skills!”


Zhan Shiqi let out a long sigh and closed his eyes again, Xiaomei was even more weeping, really teasing us, which baby can practice exercises from birth?Still 16 years...

Zuo Zhou saw that Xiaomei was hit hard enough, and smiled again: "I said, this exercise is actually a foundation. You have nourished the internal organs, and when you change to other exercises, it will also have a multiplier effect. Similarly , if you have practiced Xiantian Kung Fu, and then practice other kung fu, the bonus will be even greater. So, I am also looking for other kung fu now!"


Xiaomei regained her spirit, "So I'm just laying the foundation now? If I have a good technique in the future, won't I be able to soar into the sky?"

"Yes, you can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!" Zuo Zhou teased, but Zhan Shiqi, who was watching from the side, looked over hesitantly.

"Then I have already practiced the Quanzhen method, can I still practice the Taoist health-preserving exercises? Can I get a bonus effect?"

Zuo Zhou was happy, and sat up from the recliner, "Coincidentally, if you ask about other exercises, I really can't answer you, but if it's the whole-hearted practice, then I can tell you clearly, yes!"

"Can that teach me?"

"Okay, it's not a secret book, I'll teach you." Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand as he said, he would learn it quickly in his dream.

Snapped!Xiaomei said with a hand knife, "Taoist health-preserving skills are not the secrets of some schools. You can find them in bookstores outside, and you don't need to sleep?"

Zuo Zhou shrugged and lay down again indifferently, only to see a carrier pigeon flying over.Xiaomei next to her happened to have the knife in her hand before she took it back, so she grabbed it with her hands.

Zuo Zhou didn't stop me either, I, Li Yuanfang, am upright, and I have nothing to say to others.

Xiaomei glanced at him, found that there was nothing to stop her, she opened the note with a smile, then her face changed, she looked at Zuo Zhou, "Look, at the beginning I said not to let the actor go back, now there is something wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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