Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 107 Eunuch?monk?You choose one!

Chapter 107 Eunuch?monk?You choose one!

This martial arts world is very sinister!
Some people think that they can ignore others because of their high martial arts skills. In fact, they often can't do anything except martial arts, um, not even martial arts.Take this Zhuanlun King as an example, Pishui swordsmanship did not comprehend the meaning of the sword, and only relied on burying nails in other swordsmanship to show his strength.The Sunflower Collection is also not very good at practicing. In terms of speed alone, it is not as fast as Liu Jin.

As for the eyesight, that's even worse. Sikong Zhaixing just helped Shuangsheng and the old man Zuo to dress up temporarily. The twins pretended to be Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei, while the old man Zuo pretended to be Zuo Zhou. It's hard to avoid acting with only the old man Zuo.If it were some cautious people, it would not take long to find out.However, Wang Zhuanlun was thinking about Rama's body, so his patience had long been thrown out of the blue.

"Maybe it's because your father's acting skills are so good!" Sikong Zhaixing said cheerfully, this was the most relaxing event he had ever done, and sure enough there is a person with a brain in the team who is refreshing.

Zuo Zhou snorted disdainfully, "Knowing Father Mo Ruozi, my father's way of acting has already been finalized. If he plays a scumbag and old hooligan, it will definitely be fine, but if he pretends to be a martial arts master, Hehe, I would rather believe that Zhang Junbao's acting skills are good."

"Zhang Junbao? Did you still order him?" Sikong Zhaixing looked over curiously, as if the two of them had completely ignored the Runner King.

Zuo Zhou said happily: "That's right, I gave them an idea. If they are afraid that they won't be able to deceive them, then they should pretend to learn martial arts and use flamboyant fists to attract the opponent's attention. In this way, the enemy will not focus too much on me. Dad is on him!"

The expression of the King of Wheels has merged into the night, black and colorful, "Are you so relieved? What if I attack them suddenly?"

Zuo Zhou was funny, and pointed at Sikong Zhaixing, "Did you forget that the 'mirror' was still by your side at that time! Of course, your skill is good, even if he succeeds in sneak attack, he may not be able to keep you. That’s why we have the plan we have now.”

"Now you will definitely be able to stop me?" King Zhuanlun tightened the water-piercing sword in his hand. He didn't know why he had to use the water-piercing sword, but even if he wanted to change it, it was too late.

Zuo Zhou tilted his head and smiled at him, not looking like he had any killing intent at all, "Do you think you have found a way out? Well, is it the woods on both sides?"

The Wheel-Turning King was stunned for a moment, his body froze when he was about to turn around, he...was seen through?
Zuo Zhou chuckled, "The killers under your command were killed by the two of them. Yes, although they are not talented enough, they seem easy to bully, but I still advise you not to act rashly."

The King of Wheels turned his neck slightly, watching Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei slowly walking out of the dark forest, he became more and more suspicious.

This little girl in red had once saved Young Master Ximen, but her strength was not strong, so there was no reason for her to become troublesome in such a short period of time.And that person named Xiaomei stayed by Li Yuanfang's side according to the information, which might be weird.

As the leader of a killer organization, King Zhuanlun naturally had a decisive character, so he picked up the Sunflower Book and shot directly at Zhan Shiqi.

"Hahaha, look, I told him he would go to Zhanqiqi!" Sikong Zhaixing rejoiced, but he didn't really follow closely.

Seeing this, the Wheel-Running King's heart skipped a beat. Is there a conspiracy?
However, Zhan Shiqi waved his hand and smashed it down, and a smoke bomb in his hand exploded directly, and the gray smoke rose instantly and stopped Zhan Shiqi's figure.

The Wheel-Turning King frowned, did he want to escape by this method?Oh, naive!

As a former minister of power, the King of the Wheel is very knowledgeable. Things like getting away with smoke bombs are usually done by the ninjas in Japan.Throwing a smoke bomb to cover the line of sight, and then hiding on the spot or running away quickly seems quite secretive, but if you change the perspective, you will find that those ninjas are often in a mess when they run away, and their short legs are tight.

So the Wheel-Running King almost didn't hesitate when he saw this scene, and stabbed in with his sword.


Pishuijian touched a hard object, which was obviously a weapon, and Zhuanlun Wang couldn't help but feel complacent, trying to fool me with this method is ridiculous!When I catch this girl, I'll let you cast a taboo... Ugh!

The Wheel-Turning King vomited up all his dinner!
Zhan Shiqi closed his umbrella and came to Zuo Zhou casually, then took a big breath, "Your poison is too terrifying, I almost suffocated to death!"

Zuo Zhou grinned from ear to ear, "I'm impulsive, don't tell you not to do anything, you just don't believe it, can't there be more trust between people?"

The runner king felt his whole body twitching, especially his stomach, as if a hedgehog was playing a death spiral in it.

Zuo Zhou had already come to the side of King Zhuanlun at this time, he tiptoed and held the Pishui sword in his hand.

Pishui sword, a first-grade magic weapon, is made of glacial cold sand mixed with cold iron on the seabed. In order to match the Pishui swordsmanship, Zhuanlun Wang invited 'master' craftsmen to forge it.However, the yin and yang in the material are out of balance, and the solitary yin does not grow long, and the solid sword loses room for improvement.

Zuo Zhou almost burst out laughing, the system is very skinny, the quotation marks are good, it seems that Wei Jinzhong's camp lacks a good blacksmith.Otherwise, there would be no such weapons as Pishui Sword, Youlan Sword and Baby Needle.

boom!Zuo Zhou raised his foot and stepped on the back of the King of the Wheel, directly stomping him to the ground, the vomit in his mouth immediately choked his face.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame Caijushi. This kind of cloud that does not disperse is the Caifushi's formula. I just added some poisonous poison into it." Zuo Zhou said calmly. Then, he grabbed the wheel-turning king by the neck and sent him forward, causing the wheel-turning king's head to stick into the cloud again.

Dizzy, fainted alive.

"Your torture is unheard of!" Sikong Zhaixing stayed away from the smoke.

"Don't worry, this poison can only be taken orally or when it comes into contact with a wound. Normally, it has an unbearable stench. Other than a bad smell, it has no fatal effect."

Sikong Zhaixing glanced at the filth spit out by the King of Wheels, "Isn't this fatal?"

Zuo Zhou smiled and didn't explain. The old doctor who invented this poison thought well. Although the poison is very strong, but the stench cannot be removed, there is no fear that someone will swallow it by mistake. Moreover, the poison cannot be quenched into weapons, so it can only be sprinkled like that. On a weapon, it might disappear after a few movements.

And can you imagine holding a stinking weapon?It's like holding a mop stained with shit, saying that you are invincible, but you are also disgusting!
"Let's go, take him back and hand him over to Uncle Ximen for interrogation, he is good at this."

"What do you want from him?" Sikong Zhaoxing was a little curious.

Zuo Zhou looked up to the northwest, "I found that within their organization, there are some people who are at the same level as Wei Jinzhong or even surpass them. These guys obviously don't obey Wei Jinzhong, which is very interesting."

Sikong Zhaixing was taken aback, "You mean, if there are still people on the same level as Wei Jinzhong, then there are still people behind Wei Jinzhong!"

"Not necessarily, it may be a loose alliance, hehe, it depends on what Uncle Ximen can torture."

As Zuo Zhou said, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the sword of Zhuanlun Wang. From the special shape of the sword, he knew that there must be something wrong with this sword.

The third of the Seven Absolute Swords, a first-grade divine weapon.There is a magnetic meteorite hidden in the sword grid, which can be controlled by attracting each other with the other six swords. Using the Qijue Whirlwind Sword has the effect of leapfrogging and killing people.However, too much attention is paid to the effect, and the quality of the sword itself is restricted. Unless a higher-level meteorite is found, there is no possibility of advancement.

"Huh? A weapon prepared for a certain kind of special martial arts?"

Zuo Zhou didn't think of this, he looked at the King of Wheels who was still spitting on the ground, and then he was relieved.

The King of the Wheels is not an exile, there is no systematic explanation, and it is estimated that he does not know the real name of this sword, let alone the sword technique of the Qijue Whirlwind Sword.

"You can ask Uncle Ximen to ask where this guy got this sword."

Zuo Zhou muttered and stretched out his hand to carry the Wheel-Running King on his shoulder. Sikong Zhaixing took the sword from his hand, "I'll leave it to you later, Lei Bin will assist you."

Sikong Zhaixing wiped his face, and Lei Bin's handsome face suddenly turned into that of a wheel runner, "I'm most annoyed by holding my throat when talking."

Lei Bin watched the whole process, but he was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. This... is it over?The dignified wheel-running king was smoked to death?
"Let's go! There's wind, and the smoke is about to blow over." Xiaomei ran a few steps in disgust.

Zuo Zhou didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, it was really too stinky, even when he prepared it himself, he felt extremely painful.

"By the way, don't rush to make trouble after you go back, and bring me the other half of Rama's body."

Sikong Zhaixing was discouraged, "What's the point of not making trouble? Why don't you give me a few smoke bombs, and I'll kill Dong Tianbao and Ye Chanqing right away."

"Don't mess around, Dong Tianbao's exercises are not trivial, even if he really took this poison, he might not die."

Zuo Zhou said very seriously, Sikong Zaixing stopped messing around when he saw this, turned around and took Lei Bin away.

"What about you, don't you want to go?" Zuo Zhou walked a few steps but found that Xiao Yu didn't keep up.

Looking back, I saw Xiao Yu looking up at the sky, the stars seem to be extraordinarily shining tonight, "I haven't looked up at the starry sky for a long time."

"...the future will be indefinite!"

Zuo Zhou sincerely blessed him, turned around and left, the Wheel-Turning King was gone, and Xiao Yu was free.As for where she will go in the future, no one knows is the best result.


Half an hour later, Zuo Zhou handed the unconscious Wheel-Running King to Young Master Ximen. The originally kind-faced Young Master Ximen carried the Wheel-Running King into a certain cave, and then a series of screams came from it.

Before dawn, Sikong Zhaixing had sent the other half of Rama's body to Zuo Zhou.

Not to mention, autopsy learning martial arts, if Rama's martial arts level is strong enough, Zuo Zhou will make up for his last shortcoming, excited!
Zuo Zhou actually still had some impressions of the original movie, so after using the knife, he easily found the secret on Rama's body.After observing the running route, the system immediately sounded a prompt.

Sunflower Book (Modified)...

(End of this chapter)

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