Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 108 Find Consort Xiao, We Can Bully Less

Chapter 108 Find Consort Xiao, We Can Bully Less
The value of Rama's internal energy is that he created a direction different from ordinary internal energy.

Ordinary internal energy moves through the meridians, and the breath is transported and travels through the whole body, and finally stored in the dantian, and at the same time, it is scattered in the internal organs, or strengthens the muscles and tendons.Of course, the biggest feature of ordinary internal strength is the cultivation of true qi energy, which is often added to the strengthening of the body.

And those exercises that focus on strengthening the body are often inferior in the cultivation of true qi. For example, Zuo Zhou's Taoist health-preserving exercise, although it has the effect of automatic operation, but the amount of true qi obtained is very small, which makes Zuo Zhou The endurance of the boat became a big problem.

It's hard to say which of these exercises is better or worse, each has its own gains and losses, right?

However, the path of Rama's internal energy is not the meridian, but the junction of the blood vessel and the meridian. The principle is to use the true energy to stimulate the blood vessel, directly transform the blood, and then strengthen the whole body through the blood.

You must know that blood has a great effect on the body. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the source of life. If the quality of blood is improved, it is equivalent to the improvement of life level.Believe, this should be the secret of Rama's toothpick turning into a vajra!


"Sunflower Treasure...Change?"

Does being a eunuch have anything to do with the Sunflower Collection?By the way, Emperor Qin would not be protected by a group of sunflower eunuchs!
I heard that when Rama was preaching Buddhism in the palace, he practiced martial arts in the palace, but he didn't expect that he practiced the Sunflower Canon.

"What's wrong with you? Is there no answer?" Zhang Junbao noticed that Zuo Zhou's expression was different, and looked over curiously.

"No, it's nothing, it's just... I'm sighing, Rama deserves to be the once-in-a-hundred-year-old genius in Shaolin according to the rumors." Zuo Zhou put down the knife in his hand, and began to carefully check the system's explanation of Rama's internal strength.

The Sunflower Collection (revised), one of the most unique skills on the list, Rama created his own kung fu by drawing on the true meaning of the martial arts of Yin and Yang in the Sunflower Collection.Improve the life level by strengthening the blood, regenerate good fortune, and make up for the incomplete.

sharp!sharp!Really great!

Once this Rama martial art is practiced, it can't help but have the resilience of the regeneration level of severed limbs, and its physical strength and toughness will also reach an unimaginable level.What's more valuable is that he doesn't train his body to be as strong as an iron bull, burly and majestic like ordinary horizontal exercises, but his effect is not worse than horizontal exercises at all.If it is combined with hand-to-hand martial arts, it will be like a tiger with wings added.

However... still not really angry.

Zuo Zhou wanted to cry, this Rama already had strong internal strength before he entered the palace to teach Buddhism, so when he created the exercises, he didn't put the cultivation of true energy first, so there was such an effect that was outstanding but Unavoidably, some unorthodox exercises were born.

"Could it be...God wants me to follow the path of a meat shield?"

Zuo Zhou looked up at the starry sky, saying that the two cosmic wills are busy merging now, so they shouldn't have time to plot against me, right?

"What's wrong with you? During these few breaths, your expression is like a kaleidoscope, which is a bit exciting!" Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou blinked and said with a smile: "I have a method that can quickly recover from your injuries."

Zhang Junbao was refreshed when he heard the words, "How to do it?"

"Go to sleep first."

Zhang Junbao didn't shy away from it at all, holding hands with Zuo Zhou, he lay down next to Rama's body, looking quite strange.

"Hmph, we don't pick men, we sleep too! Don't sleep with him in the future, I'll just be your training partner."

Xiaomei saw the two big men lying together on the side, she didn't know if she was really angry or what, anyway, she walked around behind Zhan Shiqi, hugging Zhan Shiqi's shoulders like a female hooligan, almost Pick her chin and say, 'Beauty, let's be happy! '

Zhan Shiqi's cold expression seemed to change, as if he was holding back a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiaomei narrowed her eyes slightly, a little dangerously.

Zhan Shiqi stopped joking, "Women are fine, are you jealous of men too?"

"Who is jealous? Who?" Xiaomei shook her head from side to side, and looked around carefully, but she didn't find anyone who was jealous.

Zhan Shiqi laughed, "Are you not confident in yourself, or do you think he likes me?"

Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, a little annoyed, but looking at Zhan Shiqi's appearance and figure, he was actually similar to her, and the difference was nothing more than personality.

"You're not as pretty as me, why should I worry!"

Zhan Shiqi didn't care about the 'not as beautiful as me' nonsense, and continued: "I haven't been with him as long as you, and my relationship with him is not as good as yours. If I have to say something I like, probably...he knows me Feeling sorry for me! But pity is not love, and it’s almost too far away from liking. You don’t have to worry!”

Xiaomei smiled and put her arms around Zhan Shiqi, stretched her legs and bent them directly around her waist, "I pity you too!"

Zhan Shiqi rolled his eyes, took advantage of the situation and lay down on the ground with Xiaomei, and wanted to fall asleep together according to her wishes, but Xiaomei said again: "Are you very clear about love and liking?"

Zhan Shiqi hesitated for a moment, and said calmly: "When I was a killer before, I broke up too many couples. The more I watched, the more I learned. It's easy for two people to be together, but if you want to have a status to live together , it is much more difficult.”

Xiaomei blinked in confusion, "I don't understand, what does it mean to be together easy? Living life is difficult?"

Zhan Shiqi looked at her, hugged Xiaomei's waist with both hands, and whispered in her ear: "Zuo Zhou has already defeated Zhuanlun Wang, if he tries to kill Dong Tianbao, the game of Jiannan Road will be broken. If Consort Xiao is rescued, it is equivalent to Princess Xiping also owes him a favor, and then both Li Yuanfang and Zuo Zhou will be reused. At least he will be a general!"

"That's a good thing!"

"It is for him, but not for you! You are born as a beggar, and your status is low. Unless you can make great achievements and let the emperor give you a title, well, the county head may not be able to, but the township king still has hope. Only in this way will the imperial court allow you to be his official wife, and this must be the case when he will no longer make meritorious service in the future, if his meritorious service is getting bigger and bigger, you will not be worthy of him."

Xiaomei's whole body was not feeling well, so she asked for a while, "This country should I get it?"

"……I have no idea."

Zhan Shiqi's words obviously made Xiaomei a little angry, I don't know what you said!

Zhan Shiqi smiled, but closed his eyes and didn't want to say anything more, beggar?At least it's still a clean identity!
But as for me, a foreign assassin, if I really want to be worthy of him...I'm afraid I have to save Qin Huang's life.


At this time, Zuo Zhou didn't know that someone outside was greedy for his body, even if he knew, it would be fine, maybe he would be quite happy.

"The healing method you mentioned is Rama's internal strength?" Zhang Junbao knelt down and looked suspiciously at the lonely corpse that had materialized on the ground.

However, Zhang Junbao was not surprised. The last time Zuo Zhou sorted out his memory, he was quite surprised. Now this kind of thing is considered pediatrics.Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and violently separated Rama's body, and picked up a zhenqi diagram that had been frozen dozens of times. The zhenqi direction of each acupuncture point on it looked very clear and realistic.

"This thing works very well, whoever uses it will know!"

Zuo Zhou said with a beaming smile, after all, it is a technique that can grow even a vajra. It is not easy to treat some internal injuries. Combined with Taoist health-preserving exercises, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, I'll practice, but I want to know what you're going to do next?"

Of course Zuo Zhou understood what he meant, "Are you talking about Dong Tianbao? Well, I'm actually quite hesitant."

Zhang Junbao waited quietly for him to speak without saying a word, Zuo Zhou rubbed his cheeks, with an awkward expression on his face, "Liu Jin is dead, although Jiannan Dao's vengeance is not fully avenged, it is actually not on Dong Tianbao's head. It can be said that if Dong Tianbao didn't come to find fault, I wouldn't even bother to find him."

Zhang Junbao sighed, this is actually where he struggled, if Dong Tianbao didn't kill them all, Zuo Zhou and others could find a way to go back to the imperial capital through the blockade.But personally, he still wants to clean up the house, but he can't put his friends in danger because of this.

"You should have seen Dong Tianbao's burden, and you should have understood the Arhat Fist. Then you should have guessed how troublesome those muddy Arhats in your burden are. Why Dong Tianbao was able to kill Liu Jin so easily is that Do you know how tricky it is because he's already practiced kung fu?"

Zuo Zhou stared with displeasure on his face, Zhang Junbao was very embarrassed, from a certain point of view, he was not only blind but also an enemy.

"So, I'm going to find Consort Xiao first, and then get that exercise back!"

"...Didn't you say that you don't have to fight?" Zhang Junbao hesitated to turn this corner.

"It's okay not to fight, but I want that kind of kung fu, so I have to kill him. However, if I want to deal with Dong Tianbao, I need more preparations. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me and Sikong Zhaixing to take him down, let alone The army is at your side."

Zuo Zhou was not so naive. In the last movie, the hero and heroine carried Liu Jin into the barracks, which seemed quite passionate, but if he dared to do that now, he could guarantee that Dong Tianbao would let the army strangle him with a wave of his hand.

So he had to find someone who could limit the army, and this person could only be Consort Xiao!
It may be unbelievable to say it, but Concubine Xiao never used his status to seek any preferential treatment when he joined the army, and after that, he gained the recognition of the entire Jiannan Army step by step by relying on his military achievements.What's more, because of his status as a consort, Xiao's concubine is not a wanted criminal at this time.

At that time, as long as Concubine Xiao stands outside, the entire Jiannan army will turn against him in an instant. If Dong Tianbao is smart enough, he will take the opportunity to break away from Wei Jinzhong's influence. The others had no reason to target him.

If he wasn't smart enough, he would be the one who was strangled by the Jiannan army!
However, Zuo Zhou felt that it was most likely to be the latter, because according to Sikong Zhaixing's information, this Dong Tianbao seemed to be possessed!

(End of this chapter)

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