Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Dong Tianbao's obsession is almost certain, but this kind of obsession looks a bit funny to Zuo Zhou.

It's like the performance of a beggar suddenly getting rich. He had no dignity before, so now he beats, scolds and bullies the inferiors frantically.I didn't have any money before, but now I am crazily amassing money.I didn't have girls to play with before, but now I catch a beautiful woman and fool around every day, yes, I'm talking about Ye Zhanqing.

Before the crossing, Zuo Zhou often heard friends around him sigh, saying that men and women born after 00 have strong desires, and he doesn’t know whether it’s because they have a good life and are over-nourished, or they are born with demons.

But generally we call this phenomenon of Dong Tianbao floating!
In the big camp of Jiannan Road, Sikong Zaixing was sitting in the big tent, holding Qijue Sword in one hand and Pishuijian in the other, Lei Bin beside him looked like he was a close friend of the Wheel-Running King.

The first time Ye Zhanqing entered the big tent, he saw the water-piercing sword in his hand, but when he looked up, he didn't see the Cai opera master.


Sikong Zhaixing squeezed his throat and sounded like a wheel-running king, and sighed: "The Immortal Suo has been lost!"

Ye Zhanqing also sighed, pretending, "What a pity! What about the drizzle?"

Sikong Zhaixing waved his hand and threw the Pishui Sword over, "Didn't you always want the Pishui Sword?"

Ye Zhanqing's eyes glowed, and the way she looked at the wheel-turning king instantly changed, did you treat me so well?Could it be that he likes me!

Her eyes became ambiguous in an instant, and it was a skill to say so, her cheeks were instantly flushed, and her eyes were full of spring light, Sikong Zhaixing was a little moved when she saw it.

"Is Dong Tianbao doing anything lately? After Liu Jin's death, Wei Jinzhong has been urging Jiannan Road more and more. Liu Jin has been searching for several months but has not been able to find Prince Xiao. What can Dong Tianbao do?"

Ye Chanqing heard the words and replied: "Liu Jin's large-scale search is useless, and Dong Tianbao naturally can't do what he did before. He intends to start with Prince Xiao's acquaintances, and then force him out."


"Yes, Concubine Xiao has many friends in Jiannan Road, and many of these friends are not in the army and have little to do with the Jiannan Army, but they can be targeted. Dong Tianbao plans to send these people They were all arrested, and then executed one by one by Ling Chi, forcing Concubine Xiao to come out!"

Sikong Zhaixing narrowed his eyes slightly, it is really poisonous, although this move is simple, it can cause huge amount of psychological damage to Concubine Xiao.

"Such words are unavoidable. Daqin's army shouldn't be like this. Isn't Dong Tianbao afraid of mutiny?" Lei Bin interrupted suddenly, he was afraid that Sikong Zaixing would show his flaws due to shock.

Ye Zhanqing smiled disdainfully and said: "It's just some civilians and soldiers making trouble, what's the point. Those who do big things can't always look forward and backward." After finishing speaking, he looked at the King of the Wheel again, and it became even hotter.

Sikong Zhaixing was a little confused, could it be that his seamless disguise technique was seen through?

Seeing this, Lei Bin became more and more nervous. He was trying to calm down when Ye Zhanqing said, "My subordinates have a secret report to tell you."

When Lei Bin heard this, he looked worriedly at Sikong Zhaixing, who waved him out.

Lei Bin walked out obediently, but his heart was relieved, with himself guarding outside, even if Ye Chanqing really discovered the secret of Sikong Zhaixing, with Sikong Zhaixing's martial arts, he could easily kill him .

However, the reality was a bit different from what they were worried about, Ye Chanqing twisted her graceful waist and leaned forward, a pair of slender and slender hands began to swim between Sikong Jiexing's chest and abdomen.

"If you killed Xiao Yu, then you must have obtained Rama's body. Has it... grown out of it?"

Sikong Zhaixing: "..."

To be honest, as a master of disguise, he has undergone various tests when disguising his identity, but...he has never had such an experience.

Hmph, today I, Sikong Zhaixing, will face the test head-on and go forward bravely (Broken sound)!


Zuo Zhou brought everyone back to Guanling County again. The previous assassination of Mr. Ximen and others did have an effect. Now there are really fewer officers and soldiers here.

However, Zuo Zhou did not bring everyone into Guanling County, but let Xiaomei go to the city and buy a map back.

Young Master Ximen leaned in front of Zuo Zhou, a little confused: "You mean to say that Concubine Xiao is not hiding in Guanling County?"

"When I asked Xiaomei to buy the map, I walked around the whole city by the way, and I didn't see the mark of Concubine Xiao again. He must know that you have made such a big commotion. If it is true as you said, he has already sneaked away. He will definitely leave another mark to notify you when you leave. If not, it means that he never thought of letting you go and make trouble!"

Mr. Ximen pursed his lips in embarrassment, "So, are we thinking wrong?"

"There is no difference. Although he is not in Guanling County, he must be within the jurisdiction of Guanling County. In other words, what you have done has indeed made it easier for him. But... it is not so easy for us to find him. It's easy." Zuo Zhou lowered his head and began to observe the map carefully, and asked at the same time, "Is the matter of the King of the Wheel settled?"

"It's already buried. I tortured him for two hours. He's such a tough guy! If there's anything down here..."

Zuo Zhou didn't have the consciousness to be flattering, and asked directly: "What do you gain?"

"The harvest is not small!" Mr. Ximen's tone became low, "As you said, Wei Jinzhong is indeed not the biggest leader, there is an organization behind it, called the Azure Dragon Society!"


Zuo Zhou raised his head abruptly, what the hell!This name is much hotter than Prince Consort Xiao.If you want to say which organization is the most mysterious in the books of Gu Daxia, it should be the Qinglong Society. It has been going on for hundreds of years, and its tentacles involve various industries. It is almost omnipotent if you want people, people, money, and power. .

Moreover, in the original work involving the Azure Dragon Society, it has never been clearly pointed out who the leader is, and the few leaders that have only been exposed are also well-known figures.

But Zuo Zhou knew that Gu Daxia used to be a gangster in his early years, so many characters in his books have been substituted into his own prodigal character, respecting friends and showing loyalty.The Qinglong Society is also a portrayal of the gangsters in the environment at that time. The most important thing is that there is often no imperial court in the books of Gu Daxia, and the age labels are vague.Therefore, the deeds of a powerful organization like the Blue Dragon Society can also explain a truth to us.

That is to say, after a powerful organization is established and stable, it is basically impossible to eradicate it through individual actions.Rebellion does not mean liberation, and enslavement does not mean loss of self. Only when a stronger power center is formed can it be possible to complete the replacement of the power center.

This is worth our reflection!
Well, this reading comprehension should be a perfect score, Lu Xun must think it is very good!
However, it is inevitable that the organization in the novel will be a little uncomfortable when it appears in reality. Just talking about it in Daqin, how could the Emperor of Qin allow such an awesome organization to exist and secretly control Daqin's arena?

But according to Zhuanlun Wang, the Azure Dragon Society does exist, so there is only one explanation, the imperial court itself is equated with the Azure Dragon Society, so, does it mean that the leader of the Azure Dragon Society is someone from the court? ?
Mr. Ximen was completely unaware of the shock in Zuo Zhou's heart at this time, and continued: "According to King Zhuanlun, besides the big dragon head, this Azure Dragon Association is known to have seven dragon heads, and Wei Jinzhong is one of the dragon heads, and the other It is Yang Wenguang, the leader of the new generation in the Yang Family Army!"

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou's eyes widened. He had thought that Yang Wenguang and Wei Jinzhong were on the same level before, but he didn't think that they were also dragon heads.However, shouldn't the identity of the dragon head be a secret?How come even the King of the Wheel knows, is it because the King of the Wheel has a special identity or... No, the people under Wei Jinzhong also knew the identity of Yang Wenguang before, hey, can the surname Yang be so publicized?

"What about the other dragon heads?"

Mr. Ximen shook his head, "I don't know. According to Zhuanlun Wang, the dragon heads don't know each other's identities. Wei Jinzhong also knew about Yang Wenguang because of his connection with the army."

"Unfortunately, what then?"

"As one of the dragon heads, Wei Jinzhong has eight masters under his command, namely the shadow who is good at assassination, the viper, the mirror who is good at disguise and sneaking in, the quick sword Liu Jin, the wheel king, and the baby."

Zuo Zhou didn't even need to break his fingers, "This is only a few, what about the others?"

Mr. Ximen said with a smile: "The so-called eight masters are basically bragging. According to Zhuanlun Wang, several people died before coming to Jiannan Road. Wei Jinzhong is looking for new people, and Wei Jinzhong seems to be not very good at his subordinates. Not very caring. You see, now that Liu Jin is dead, isn’t Dong Tianbao being promoted again.”

Zuo Zhou suddenly said, "The viper, the mirror, Liu Jin, the king of the wheel, and the baby, five of them are already dead. Including Dong Tianbao, there are four more, and I don't know how many of these four are dead. , Hehe, this Wei Jinzhong is difficult enough."

Mr. Ximen nodded in agreement, "According to the Zhuanlun King, usually the dragon heads have nothing to do with each other, and each has their own affairs, but this time it was the big dragon head who gave the order to let the dragon heads cooperate."

Zuo Zhou's movements paused, Big Dragon Head?As the head of the dragon, Yang Wenguang can be said to represent a wave of great military power. If Liu Jin is allowed to fully control the army of Jiannan Road, there will be two military forces on the southwestern sides of Great Qin. Although it is not enough to overthrow, it is already There are many things that can be done.

As for what the other dragon heads did, I don't know, Zuo Zhou hasn't come into contact with them yet.But referring to the scale of Wei Jinzhong's troubles, I'm afraid it's not easy!

"are these all?"

"That's all the information about the Azure Dragon Society, but according to what he said, when he escaped from the palace after being castrated, people from the six doors secretly helped him, so there is likely to be someone from Wei Jinzhong among the six doors."

"Tch! If Wei Jinzhong intends to develop power, his tentacles will definitely reach out to the judiciary. It's no surprise. Did he say anything about that sword?"

"That sword has something to do with Jiannan Dao. When Concubine Xiao pretended to enter the Ming Kingdom to buy treacherous ministers, he encountered Qing soldiers and horses. You know that the Ming Dynasty has always had some conflicts with the Qing Dynasty. This sword It was taken from a young prince of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the battlefield was chaotic, and Concubine Xiao didn’t know the secret of the sword. After the victory, it was just transported back to the imperial capital as a trophy. If you really want to ask, you have to go to Concubine Xiao.”

(End of this chapter)

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