Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 110 Let you buy books, but not let you dig treasures!

Chapter 110 Let you buy books, but not let you dig treasures!
Sometimes things are just so weird, living life and discovering that it all boils down to one another.

"After thinking about it, the mark left by Concubine Xiao is too simple. There is only one thing he can express, and that is to tell us that it is not convenient for him to come out now!" Zuo Zhou took out a brush and began to write in Guanling County. Within the jurisdiction, the villages were marked off, and the mountains and forests were randomly marked off.

Young Master Ximen looked at the familiar movement and asked in puzzlement, "Inconvenient? What do you mean!"

"It may be because of something, or it may be literally inconvenient." Zuo Zhou stopped suddenly on the map, pointing to the remaining three small towns, "These three small towns Although the town is not remote, it is the farthest from the county seat. Generally, the townspeople only come here for more than half a month or when there are special events. I thought about it. If I were Prince Xiao, I would not easily take the risk of painting in the county seat Marking, the safer way is to let someone else replace it, such as a homeless child. But even children are still in danger of being caught and interrogated. The safest way is to leave the county seat of Guanling County after drawing the mark .”

Mr. Ximen was stunned, and just pointed to one of the small towns on the map, "I know those two are far away, but this one is very close, why did you draw it in?"

Zuo Zhou glanced at it, "Pingle Town, although this town is very close, the whole town is built surrounded by mountains, and the access between the town and the outside is only a iron cable. If it’s convenient, then Pingle Town is the most likely place. And it’s near Guanling County, so it’s probably dark under the lights.”

"Physically...inconvenient..." Mr. Ximen's face gradually darkened.

In fact, everyone is unwilling to admit a fact.Concubine Xiao was originally a scholar, and he practiced martial arts after entering the army, and the characteristics of martial arts in the army are simple and direct, with brave words first.If you really encounter a small-scale fight, it is difficult to escape.What's more, as an important figure in the Jiannan Army, Liu Jin took care of him at the beginning.Concubine Xiao was lucky to be able to escape, and it was unrealistic to think that there would be no injuries at all.

"So... where do we start? Pingle Town?"

"Yes." Zuo Zhou nodded and explained: "This is the closest to Guanling County. Dong Tianbao's search will be temporarily lax because of you, but this laxity is also limited, and they will come again after a long time. .Now that Sikong Zhaixing is helping us to hold Dong Tianbao, we happened to check the nearest place first, um, I hope he is not here."

Young Master Ximen let out a long sigh, and turned back to sleep a little lonely, while Zuo Zhou pulled Zhang Junbao and Zhan Shiqi Xiaomei to sleep together again.

dream space
Zuo Zhou and others sat together, Zhang Junbao first said excitedly: "The effect of Rama's martial arts is unbelievable. Now I feel that my bones are ringing every day, and my muscles are full of strength."

Xiaomei looked at him strangely, "It's only been a few days and the effect is so great, can I practice?"

Zhang Junbao choked his head in embarrassment, Zuo Zhou smiled and said, "Rama's martial art is modified from the Sunflower Book, and the Sunflower Book is a martial arts practiced by eunuchs. If a woman wants to practice, she must first grow something, and then cut it." If you drop it, you can practice it. Of course, this Rama martial art is simpler, you just need to grow it, you don’t need to cut it.”

Hearing this, Xiaomei flung her teeth and claws at Zuo Zhou, Zuo Zhou laughed and stretched out his hand to press her face, "This is serious business, be serious."

"Are you worthy of being serious with me?" Xiaomei continued to show her teeth and claws, but her nails were only a little bit away from Zuo Zhou's face.

Zuo Zhou Yingclaw turned his wrist and pulled Xiaomei over, then tripped and fell down, and then pressed a thigh to prevent her from turning over.

"Hmph, are you convinced?"

Xiaomei's expression instantly became secretive, Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and a voice with a smell made Zuo Zhou feel bad, "I'll go, you fart!"

"I learned this from you, don't you accept it!" Xiaomei got up and put her hands on her hips.

Zuo Zhou waved his hand like a smoke bomb, and Xiaomei showed no sign of weakness, using smoke bombs with both hands...

"You guys are enough, let's return the dream space to a piece of pure land!" Zhang Junbao yelled dumbfounded, and Zhan Shiqi directly tore off a piece of cloth from his skirt and wrapped it around his face.


"Although I want to surround and kill Dong Tianbao with a large army, I'm not sure whether I can find Consort Xiao smoothly. Therefore, it's time to practice some kung fu on him." Zuo Zhou said that he had two more books in his hand.

"This is the cheat book of the Four Elephant Palm and the Front and Back Yangyi Sword Formation. Since they all come from the Book of Changes, we can create a joint attack method of the Four Elephant Sword Formation based on the two martial arts, and then besiege Dong Tianbao."

Zhang Junbao frowned, with a hint of helplessness on his face, "Sixiang Palm is Sixiang Palm, Liangyi Sword Formation is Liangyi Sword Formation, and the latter is a unique skill. The former's realm is much worse than the latter. I want to combine them. Get up and create another set of sword arrays, it's a bit whimsical."

"No, the key thing we need to learn is the Liangyi Sword Formation. We perform it in groups of two, and then turn us into two human palms, and use the four-elephant palm to fight together, because both martial arts are derived from Yi. Therefore, there will be no damage to the power of the Liangyi Sword Formation, and it can even increase a little."

After all, Zhang Junbao came from Shaolin, and his martial arts theoretical foundation is stronger than that of the two women. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "Your idea is quite feasible, but if you want to maximize the attack effect, you still have to deal with Yi This is not to say that you can learn it in a short time, even if you have the Dream Heart Sutra."

"You don't need to understand too much, as long as you meet the requirements of Liangyi Sword Formation and Sixiang Palm, of course, we can also use the Book of Changes as an aid. Fortunately, the Book of Changes is a popular book, and it's not difficult for everyone to have a copy." Zuo Zhou Waving his hand, he had already stood up first, with a sword in his hand and asked with a smile: "Who will be my partner?"

Xiaomei jumped up instantly, "Liangyi swordsmanship, pay attention to one yin and one yang, the best match between men and women!"

"Hiss!" Zuo Zhou was shocked, "You actually know the Yin and Yang of Liangyi swordsmanship? You are so knowledgeable, let you pretend! Then explain to me, why can't I partner with Zhan Shiqi?"

Xiaomei was angry, "I have practiced water-piercing sword, neither of them has practiced swordsmanship, joining us will only lower our attack power, and we will waste our time in order to accommodate them. It is better to let the two of them team up A team is like two hands of a person, there must always be a dominant hand, the two of us are the main attackers, and they are the auxiliary hands!"

Zuo Zhou covered his face, "I can't believe it, I actually think it makes sense! Is it only at this time that your understanding is bursting?"

Zhang Junbao's face was already wrinkled from a smile, he smoothed things over and said, "Xiaomei is right, I'm really not good at swordsmanship. It's good to be an assistant."

Zhan Shiqi raised the umbrella in his hand, "I still like to use an umbrella. Don't waste too much energy on the sword, let's help."

Xiaomei was satisfied, Zuo Zhou didn't say anything, and started to study the sword array with everyone, and the night passed happily.

The next day, Xiaomei dragged Zuo Zhou into Guanling County. Hmph, this girl was very active in other things, except that she was too lazy to run around with maggots when she was buying books.

When the Great Qin was rising, it was really a scene of contention among a hundred schools of thought, and there were various schools of thought everywhere. Unfortunately, when the Emperor Qin began to sweep the world, these theories were divided into three categories, one was helpful to Great Qin, One type is harmful to Daqin, and the other type has nothing to do with Daqin.

Books like the Book of Changes are counted among the Taoist books, and Taoism pays attention to adapting to the weather and being quiet and inaction, which means that it does not hinder the rule of the Great Qin, so it was not targeted by the Great Qin Iron Cavalry. kind of theory.Even Master Jueyuan used a copy of the Tao Te Ching to hope that Dong Tianbao would be kind when he said goodbye to Dong Tianbao.

It's a pity that Dong Tianbao didn't even read a single word...

The four Book of Changes was quickly brought out by Xiaomei, which was a book only one finger thick.When he saw this book, Zuo Zhou sighed. Such a broad and profound book is actually only so thin. In other words, this girl didn't buy it for the sake of cheapness!
"Oh? Your I Ching is so thick!" Zhang Junbao sighed.

Left boat (⊙_⊙)?
Zhang Junbao noticed Zuo Zhou's expression, and was a little surprised, "You don't know?"

"What should I know?"

"The Book of Changes actually consists of three volumes, "Gui Zang", "Lianshan" and "Zhou Yi", the first two of which have been lost, so now the Yi Jing generally refers to "Zhou Yi", but the Although the things in the Book of Changes are broad and profound, they are too obscure and difficult to understand. Therefore, the original content of the Book of Changes is usually copied out, which causes the content to be extremely compressed, so compressed that it is impossible to understand without deep knowledge. Like this The thickness of this book is probably the annotated edition of a well-learned person!"

"Educated people?" Zuo Zhou laughed, "If they are really famous and educated people, I'm afraid they would have been snatched up already!"

Zhang Junbao froze for a moment, then nodded amusedly, "That's true."

Zuo Zhou looked at Xiaomei, "What about the rest of the money? Did you pick the cheapest one again?"

Xiaomei clutched her purse tightly, "Which one of us is with whom, I will keep the money for you first. Well, this one is the cheapest and the thickest, so it must be the one that talks the most. We don't have time to guess the content of the Book of Changes, of course. Pick the one that is easiest to understand and has the most explanations.”

Mr. Ximen laughed, "I usually look very smart, how can I be stupid at a critical moment? The Book of Changes is too profound, and it is generally recognized that there is no way to describe the profundity in ordinary vernacular. So those famous commentators Most of them are annotated with the essence of various genres. As for those explained in vernacular, they are considered to be of low value. The value of books does not depend on whether the paper is thick or not, but whether the knowledge in it is rich .”

Xiaomei blinked, and looked down at the cover of the Book of Changes, "This annotator is a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, so he shouldn't be bad... right?"

The old man on the left covered his face, "Silly girl, three academicians in the Imperial Academy can be smashed to death with a single brick, just like throwing water into the water. What's so precious about their annotations?"

Xiaomei pouted with a bitter face, saying that she was innocent and must be the fault of the bookstore owner.

Zuo Zhou happily admired Xiaomei's embarrassing expression, and had no intention of helping out, hehe, just for fun!

Then I glanced at the annotator's name on the cover, "Hiss! So the clown is me?"

Huang Shang, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy!

(End of this chapter)

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